A New Era

Chapter Chapter Fifteen

Sam's POV

"I've dug into your family. There's no record of your grandparents, nothing." President Martin spat out as we all stood around him.

"I guess you're not as good as you thought were." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"They're alive huh? So where are they? Hm? Where?"

Kyle let out a laugh and shook his head at the questions.

"You honestly think we're gonna tell you? You KILLED OUR PARENTS!" He shouted now getting in his face. President Martin sunk back in his seat as he and Kyle stared each other down.

"Your parents got themselves killed. They were a part of a rebellion, they were against the government and they got what they deserved." He growled out. I could see the fumes erupting in Kyles face and in one swift movement, knuckle punched him in the face.

"It's over Prez, we won and you lost." Ben spoke up this time.

President Martin spat out blood and slowly turned to look at us, a sinister smirk forming on his lips.

"You kids don't know what you've gotten yourselves into." He said letting out another chuckle.

"The world is a lot bigger than you think. I have more connections then you ever will."

We all exchanged confused looks when Noah's walkie talkie went off.

"Kids! Get out of there! It's a trap!-" Joes voice shouted through for a second and then static.

A second passed, suddenly the glass window behind us shattered. I dropped down on the floor along with the others. My eyes flickered up to the door and it busted open revealing heavily uniformed guards.

"Crap.." I heard Ben mutter under his breath. President Martin stood up from the chair, wiping his mouth with a napkin. He motioned to the guards and they all gathered around us. Guns were pointed at us but neither of us got up.

"This isn't over.." Noah hissed as he glared up at the President. He just smirked and snapped his fingers. The guards lowered their weapons and picked up each of us off the ground, searching and removing every weapon we had on us.

"Now, I'd kill you all but...that'd be sending a message to everyone. Killing you would make you martyrs." He said placing his hands behind his back.

"So instead...you kids are going to rot in prison. For the rest of your lives.."

We were escorted out the building and right outside was a prison transport vehicle. One of the guards opened the door for us, leading each of us inside one by one. As we sat down on the benches, they shackled our arms and legs before stepping out and slamming the door shut.

"We were so fucking close." Krista spoke through the dead silence that consumed us. We were all pretty much shocked at what just happened. All of us thought we were a step ahead, meanwhile President Martin was two steps ahead.

"Now what?" Kyle asked as I glanced up at him and then at the others.

"We survive prison.." Noah spoke up. The truck started moving and we were on our way to possibly the worst thing that could happen to all of us. My thoughts started to consume me, now realizing that we lost. My head leaned back against the wall as I closed my eyes, dreading this long ride.


Hours have passed, and the truck finally came to a stop. The doors opened and one of the guards stepped in, unlocking the cuffs.

"Move it." He instructed as we all stepped out of the truck. My eyes squinted from the sunlight and he lead us to the side of the truck, the five of us standing side by side. I glanced over at the others, hopeless expressions mixed with anger written all over their faces.

A second later one of the guards grabbed my arm, forcefully turning me around and shoving me against the truck.

"Ow!" I groaned out in pain but he didn't say anything. I soon felt something cold on my wrists. My eyes shifted to the others who were in the same position as me. Finally turning me back around he grabbed my arm and shoved me forward.

"Move it, let's go."

I glanced behind me seeing Noah, Krista, Kyle and Ben. Noah and I made eye contact for a split second when I was shoved once again.

"I said move it!" The guard shouted.

"Alright dickhead." I muttered under my breath as I continued walking. My eyes flickered in front of me to see a large building, surrounded by metal fences and grass all around. There was really no one around except for officers surrounding the building. From the corner of my eye one of them gripped onto the gun on his belt.

The metal door in front of us opened revealing two more guards. The guard behind me shoved me along and I quickly walked in and down the long narrow hallway, cemented floors with red brick walls. There was a door on our left and a door on our right and a door at the end of the hall.

"Girls on the left, boys on the right." One of the guards said. My eyes flickered to Noah, Ben and Kyle. Noah gave me a nod and a reassuring smile before he and the others disappeared behind the door.

The door in front of me opened and it revealed to be a medical examining room. I raised an eyebrow, exchanging a look with Krista who shrugged her shoulders. The door slammed behind us making me jump slightly.

"Alright, let's go. Strip." The guard spoke and our eyes widened.

"Excuse me what??" Krista exclaimed with confusion.

"Clothes off. Now." The guard repeated in annoyance. Krista and I glanced at one another once more before stripping out of our uniforms.


After our naked inspection, we were finally clothed. In prison uniforms to be exact. The guard handed Krista and I a pillow and blanket as they lead us to the end of the corridor. My eyes flickered to the other door and it soon opened, Noah, Ben and Kyle walking out of their room.

The door in front of us opened revealing a large circular room. Right in front of us seemed to be some sort of lounge area, but prison style. There were a few metal tables set up in the middle of concrete floor. How quaint.

Along the walls there were several barred doors. One for each of us. The guard in front of me lead us to each of our rooms. He slammed the door behind me and I heard it lock instantly.

I tossed my blanket on the bed in front of me and glanced around this little room I was going to be stuck in for God knows how long. There was a metal toilet on the other side and a sink. At least we weren't living as barbarians.

"This isn't over fuckers!! You can't stop us! You're not going to win!!" Ben yelled out and a second later the lights were turned off, everything going pitch black.

President Martin. You're dead. I thought to myself.

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