A Mother's Love

Chapter 68

Peter opened his eyes and tried to focus on a blurry image that came into view. It was a mixed image of shadow and light that slowly came into focus. His eyes gazed upon the image of Amora with tears running down her face and Ragog was standing beside her. He spoke to her and said vocally “I’m okay I think. What happened and where is James?” Amora’s face brightened with a smile as she wiped away the tears then hugged Peter tightly. “It’s over and James is gone.” Amora replied. “Gone where?” ask Peter. She did not reply because she did not know how to answer his question. She released him from the hug and Peter sat up and looked around. There were the sounds of sirens approaching from the distance and he knew that they would have to leave quickly. Peter sent out the call for all to retreat back to Neverland and one by one they popped out of existence in the Public Gardens and popped into existence in Neverland.

By the time the police had arrived all that was left was a few eye witnesses who had either pictures or video of the battle. There was nothing that remained in the Public Gardens to prove that a battle had occurred but a small area of charred concrete at the west end of the bridge. The Boston Police collected statements and had witnesses forward all pictures and videos taken to Police Headquarters via email. These images would be all they had to go on for evidence but they would raise more question than answer them.

Upon arrival to Neverland they all gathered together in the clearing where May, Parker and Papa Angie were waiting. May ran over to Peter and hugged him tightly and asked if he was alright. Peter told her that other than a little pain in his throat he was fine. Peter had a lingering question in his mind and needed answers to why James had not killed him. He turned to Amora and said “I need to know what happened to James? Why didn’t he kill me when he had the chance?” Amora didn’t answer his questions but instead ask him what happened when James grabbed him by the throat. Peter told her that he made mental contact with James and fed him all his memories of his mothers and their love. He told her of the image he saw of James’s mother and told her the sorrow and pain she felt in the neglect of the child in her womb.

Amora thought for a while on what Peter had told her before she decided to tell Peter what had happened. “James released the hold he had on you and you fell limply to the ground. We all thought that he had killed you. A white glowing mass formed around him and it gradually brightened in intensity until you could no longer make out James’s form within it. Then with a sound like a clap of thunder the white light shot straight up into sky and all that remained was a charred area of concrete where James had stood. I had reached out to his mind before he released his grip on you and what I found there was not the same James that I had scanned before. He had a dark evil signature to his life essence the first time I scanned his, but now all I could feel coming from him was hope and forgiveness and peace of mind. The last thought I read from him was “Thank you for caring mother. You have freed me from the bonds that hold me” Then I felt his life essence cease to exist as he passed to the spirit world.”

“We have a lot on our hands right now to handle. Those government people will probably come around and try to interrogate May, Parker and I on whatever knowledge we had on the battle. There are probably images floating around the internet right now showing the battle taking place and those government agents will probably identify Peter and the lost boys in those images. Old Mister Blue will have to do that memory blockage that he did to us the last time.” Papa Angie said to change the subject and focus on matters at hand.

May spoke up and said “There is a time for everything and right now I think that you all should rest and recuperate from you battle. We will contact Mister Blue and arrange for the memory blockage and discuss other pending matters while your resting. Now all of you do as mother says and get to your sleeping quarters.” Without question they all headed to their quarters as May had suggested, but few would rest for they had a lot on their minds.

Amora went with Peter to his quarters in a hollowed out tree. Both of them knew that sleeping was out of the question but maybe a little down time together might revitalize them. Peter sat on a little wooden stool while Amora sat on the edge of his bunk. They quietly sat there, both of them, and thought about the events of the battle. Neither wanted to talk about it but the day’s events lingered in their minds. Especially what had happen to James and what happen to his life essence. Without any notice Mister Blue appeared and started to speak. “You both share a concern of what has happened to James. I cannot tell you where his life essence has gone, for only death can answer that question, but I can tell you this. He ascended into the light of the Balance and not the darkness.” “How can that be?” asked Peter “His whole existence was that of darkness and hatred.” Mister Blue replied “The Balance does not judge. It only perceives the life essence to be that of light or that of darkness. Because of you Peter, and the sharing of the love your mothers gave, saved James from the darkness. Life essence is the purest light in spirit form, but when it is in its darkest form the light does not shine outward but inward feeding the darkness and allowing it to exist. Your act of sharing released the light of James’s life essence to shine outward, and the release of such trapped energy cannot be handled by the human form. So James’s life essence destroyed its material container and joined with the Balance as pure light energy. The last moments of his life were changed by you Peter for the good of his soul. Now put your thoughts to rest and sleep.” Amora and Peter both fell into a restful sleep as well as all the others that battle that day.

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