A Mother's Love

Chapter 67

James stood atop the tower that once was Lous seat of power. Below surrounding the tower was the army that was ready to storm his world and give him the revenge that he sought. He raised his hands and addressed the army below. “Today my brothers in arms we will take our rightful place in the universe as leaders of our kind. Together our army will cross the universe and lay waste to those who have imprisoned us here without just cause. The sweet taste of revenge is just moments away. As I open the portal to my world we will enter and destroy all that stands in our way. Show no mercy to anyone for they all see us as monsters and we shall show them the real monster that lies within us all.” The three leaders of the armies started to chant “James, James, James.” And more voice joined into the chant until all the voices of the armyies where chanting his name. James raised his arms above his head and the light reflected off his metal hand as he said “I thank you all for following me in to the victorious future that fate holds for us. Now is the time to act on the war against our jail keepers so let us not wait any longer. Servalus, Decarto, and Becardas are you ready to aid in opening the portal and leading your troops to victory?” They all held up their right arm and shouted back to James “We are ready to lead our troops to victory and a better world for us all. There is no turning back it is either freedom or death we will find.” James had given them these words to reply when asked. It was all part of the plan the he and the three leaders would profit from but the rest were seen as nothing but dispensable pawns and used shall be used as such.

The three leaders of the armies did as James instructed them to and created an image in their minds of the place that James had shown them from his memories. They focused their minds power on James who was already opening the portal back to his world. As the portal opened and started to enlarge itself, James directed it right in front of the army so that they may march through. Once it reached the size adequate for a column of soldiers to march through he gave a hand signal with his metal hand to the leaders to send their troops through. James could see the bridge the crosses the pond where the swan boats take tourist and the like for a casual trip around the pond. He could hear the screaming of the people in the Public Gardens as they encountered his army marching through a hole that appeared to create a tear in their reality. James and the three leaders were the last to past through the portal and once they did it closed behind them instantly.

The war was on and there was no turning back now that the portal was closed.

James observed how his plan was coming together. His army’s weapon was their minds. They reached into their victims mind and found their greatest fear and weakness, death. They manipulated their victim’s senses into believing that were dying of a flesh eating disease. They could see their flesh erode and fall away from their bodies revealing the skeletal frame beneath. They screamed in terror and fell to the ground feeling great pain and anguish. James whole existence was feeding off the terror that his army was inflicting on these unlucky souls that visited the Public Gardens this day. He knew that this terror would soon be broadcasted on the news and the ones he wanted the most would see it. They could not let these innocent people suffer for their sins and they would try to defend them no matter the cost. James had calculated the cost already and it would be their lives and he would be the one to collect the cost from them. With the mental power of his army channeled through him he would blast them into subatomic particles that would forever float meaningless through the universe.

James and Servalus, Decarto, and Becardas stood at the highest point on the bridge that cross the pond and watched the scene of terror unfold. Then a reddish glowing mist seemed to appear around the bridge and within it random points of yellow lights sparkled entrapping James and the three leaders. James knew what was happening for he had seen this phenomenon before. It was the field that Peter had trapped him in before. He looked around to locate the source of the containment field and saw Peter with five of the Lost Boys on the eastern side of the bridge. He quickly turned and looked to the western edge of the bridge and saw Amora with the remaining Lost Boys. Something large caught his eye moving above him quickly crossing the sky. He recognized one of the winged creatures as Lous who was accompanied by his seven kinsmen. Each had a swords made of a clear substance in each hand. James and the leaders watched as Lous and his kinsmen swooped down from above and attacked the army. Flying by at great speeds they extended their arms holding the swords out at full extension and severing the heads their army. Even if the soldier had time to respond with a protective field the swords of Lous and his kinsmen sliced through them as if they did not exist. James had never seen these weapons before and wondered what substance could cut through a mentally projected protective field.

James calmly walked to the eastern end of the bridge and stood in front of Peter. He looked Peter straight in the eye with a stare of hatred and discourse. He spoke aloud and said “We meet again my brother called Peter and it appears that you have the upper hand in this battle but all is not yet lost.” James removed his metal hand and held it out towards Peter and spoke again “This metal hand and the love of a mother is the only thing that separates us. We are alike my brother more than you can see. We share the same DNA that made us who we are and yet we are different. You are the light and I am the darkness of our kind. We both exist because of the obsession of the insane doctor that created us. His goal was to take the human race to the next step in evolution but lack the foresight to see that it was not ready to take the step. There is an evil in the world that cannot be denied. It hides behind the faces of those that are prejudice, greedy, and hateful of his fellow man. I know this because I embrace these traits with full acceptance. There shall always be a war between the light and the darkness for control over mankind and the darkness will have the upper hand because it does not care about the outcome. It only seeks to battle its opposing force. The battle is its life blood and the whole meaning for its existence.”

James replaced his metal hand and turned and walked back up to the center of the bridge and joined the three leaders of the armies. Together they stood and watched their army cut down by Lous and his kinsmen. Among the fallen soldiers they watched Ragog going from body to body atomizing the remains to sub atomic particles to leave no trace of the battle. The people that were being terrorized by James’s army now came back to their senses and quickly fled the Gardens via the nearest exit. This mass exit slowed down the slaughter of the army for Lous and his kinsmen could not swoop down without injuring the innocent fleeing humans. James observed one soldier who saw Ragog atomizing the remains and tackle Ragog. James watched as the soldier tried to wrestle Ragog into submission and beat him to death with his bare hands.

Before he could strike Ragog a second time James saw the solider collapse heavily to the ground and watched his body condensed down to a small black particle which Ragog picked up and ate. James had never seen Ragog eat anything before. Ragog always sat quietly in the shadows while the others had feasted at the compound. James thought about what he had just saw and realized that Ragog had condensed the matter that made up the soldier body into a small heavy gravitational mass. Gravity itself is what nourished Ragog that why he never ate.

James realized that this battle was lost, but the war was not over. He was back in his own world and there still was a chance that he could reap his revenge. The last members of his army had fallen and all that remained was Servalus, Decarto, Becardas and himself. The three leaders watched as Ragog dispatched the remains of the last bodies into subatomic particle. While they were watching Ragog James walked behind them and raised his arm with the metal hand. Three of the fingers of the metal hand instantly extended outward forming a spear shaped object that pierced the heads of the three leaders killing them instantly. As quickly as the fingers extended outward the retracted back to the mechanical fingers they normally were. The three bodies of the leaders slumped heavily to the ground and their blood mixed together as it ran down the incline of the bridge.

Amora and Peter mentally felt the satisfaction that James felt from killing his allies and were applauded by his action and the mental images they receiving. They lost their concentration on the containment field and it dissipated in nothingness. James plan had worked. He knew that his action would cause Peter and Amora to lose concentration on the field and he immediately sent out a mental energy pulse that knocked them and the Lost Boys off their feet into unconsciousness. It also caused Lous and his kinsmen to be knocked out of the sky and fall to the ground rendering them unconscious. He quickly ran to the side of the bridge where Peter was trying to get up and grabbed him with his metal hand by the throat. James raise Peter into the air and looked him straight into his eyes and said “You may have won the battle but I will win the war. Your weakness of compassion was your downfall. I knew by killing Servalus, Decarto, and Becardas that you would be morally applauded the action and the field would disperse. The finest point of war is to know your enemy and their weakness my brother. Too bad for you that you learned this to late in the battle, for now you will die by my hand and my vengeance will be full filled.” The grip of the metal hand that grasped Peter throat stated to tighten around Peters neck slowly crushing it.

Peter felt his conscious fade away into blackness as the hand tightened. His mind was lost in a kaleidoscope of images that past before his mind’s eye. A familiar sound started to echo through his mind but he could not identify it. The sound became louder and clearer as the time pasted and it became clear what it was. The voice of his birth mother Fawn Moore and it was saying something but the echoing made it hard to understand. Peter focused his mind on the voice of his mother and the echoing started to clear away and it became more clear on what is was saying. “Love will conquer all, my son. With its power, light shall banish the darkness. Nothing is greater than a mother’s love for her child” The voice repeated these words over and over again and another voiced joined in and it was that of May. The voices in harmony kept repeating the message over and over till it built to a crescendo and exploded in a burst of white light.

Peter reached out mentally and found James’s mind and made a mental connection. He then started to fill James’s mind with his memories of his two mothers. James mind filled with the memories of Fawn Moore’s love for her child. He felt the love that Peter knew in her womb while she read the story of Peter Pan. He also felt the love and the loss Fawn had when she left Peter in the doorway of the Home for Little Wanderer that rainy morning. James mind reeled as the memories filled him. Then emotions of love that Peter shared with his mother May exploded into James’s mind. He felt the love that Peter brought to her to fill the longing for a child of her own. His mind exploded with the feeling of love and he felt like his brain was on fire fueled by this emotion of love. He tried to block it out mentally but could not its power over his mind was too great. He reached down into his own memories to fuel his hate with the memories of his own mother. He tried to find the bitter resentment she felt towards him while he was in her womb but instead found a memory there that he had been subconsciously hiding.

The memory he found was profound. The image that filled him was an image seen through his birth mother’s eyes. She was sitting in a fetal position in a corner of a bathroom and her arms wrapped around her legs. He felt her deep sadness and depression and a hunger for the drug of heroin. He felt the warmth of the tears that flowed from her eyes down her face. He heard the sobbing of her voice and the anguish that it bore.

Then he heard her crying voice say “I’m sorry my child that you must bear my addiction. I know in my heart that I have done you wrong by the continual feeding of my addiction, but I also know that in my heart there burns a love that is only meant for you. That love is the love of a mother for her child and I hope that someday I can truly share it with you.” James sensed the true sorrow she felt for herself and him as she spoke those words and it touched his very soul to its deepest feelings. He tried with all his mental powers to suppress the feelings he was feeling but could not. The feelings enveloped him in a warm glowing light of multi colors that burst forth to form a brilliant white light that was blinding. He felt the anger and the hate that he had fed on for his complete lifetime fade away into nothingness and in its place he felt a oneness with everything that existed. That was the last though James ever had before his consciousness and soul passed over into the realm of the spirit world.

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