A Mother's Love

Chapter 66

As soon as Ragog passed through the portal Amora released him from her mind control. The change in reality startled him and he tumbled a few times and came to a stop right in front of the tree that Amora sat in.

He quickly got himself to a standing position and looked around. The first thing he saw was Amora smiling at him from the hollow in the tree. “Why have you summoned me, and where are we?” he asked. Amora exited from the hollow in the tree and stood in front of Ragog. She stood taller than him and he had to look up at her as she spoke. “I summoned you here to spare your life for actions I took that put it in danger. This place is called Neverland. It is the home of a boy named Peter and his brothers the Lost Boys. It is a safe sanctuary against the likes of people like James and the others in the compound.” Ragog was still confused on what was actually going on and replied “What did you do that would put my life in danger? Why did you do it and how was it accomplished in the first place?”

Amora reached out with her mind and made contact with her source of the blue race and asked if she could tell Ragog the truth. The response was an immediate approval. Amora sat down in the soft grass and asked Ragog to join her. He did as she requested and she began to tell him the truth. She ran her fingers through his long clump of hair that sat on the top of his head and said “You are a special being my little friend.

Do you remember when you first came to the compound?” “Yes.” Ragog replied “Back then there were Just Lous and I. We were both children then.” “Do you know the reason the blue race sent you there?” Amora asked. “I have no recollection of any memories before my coming to the compound. As far as I know it has always been my home and Lous my companion.” Ragog replied. “Have you ever wondered if there are others of your species existing somewhere in the universe or if you are a single unique creation of life.” Amora asked. Ragog thought hard on this question and you could see that he was searching deep into his persona to answer the question truthfully. “I can truthfully say the thought has never crossed my mind of my origin or classification of species.” Ragog answered truthfully.

Amora put her hands on side of Ragog face and looked him straight in the eyes and said “You are a biomechanical being created by the Soavas for the sole purpose of being Lous’s companion and their doorway to his development. Your physical outer appearance and your mind is that of a carbon based life form, but your skeletal and nervous systems are not. They were constructed to house and communicate with the brain that they built the body around. Your brain is the last reminisce of a race of beings that were destroyed in a cosmic catastrophe. The Soava saw the catastrophe coming but could do nothing to stop it so they took a sample of the genetic code of the race. The brain you possess was grown from the DNA sample and placed inside the body they constructed for you. You do not need food or water because your body takes its nourishment from gravitational fields. Within you there is what appears to be a heart but in reality it is a battery that is powered by gravitational forces that exist around you. Your body will never age but your mind will and in an unknown amount of time you will die like all living things.”

Ragog looked bewildered as he tried to process all the information Amora had given him. He tried to grasp the whole picture of what she had said but couldn’t bring himself to believe it. What could the Soavas gain from his creation? What could they learn about Lous from the companionship he had with him? No matter how he approached the idea of his creation and purpose he could not find any answers to these questions. Amora heard his thoughts and felt his concern. She was instructed on what she must do if this situation arose. She reached into Ragog’s mind and released the hidden knowledge that the Soava had placed there. In an instant Ragog knew and understood his purpose in the scheme of things. He now knew the reason for his existence and accepted it. He embraced his uniqueness in the universe and the sorrow of knowing he was the last of a race that met its end at the hands of fate.

Amora removed her hands from Ragog’s Face and said “We have much to do and prepare for. James and his army are going to invade this world and bring havoc and destruction on its people. We must plan a defense for the attack. With the help of Peter, the Lost Boys, and Lous and his people we will save this world and send James and his army back.” Amora stood and walked out of the forest into the clearing were the other were meeting, Ragog followed close behind.

The clearing was alive with conversation between Peter and the lost boys and Lous and his kinsmen.

Amora sent out a mental message to all of them of the approaching threat of James and his army and a sudden silence fell over the clearing. Peter broke the silence and asked verbally “When and where will the attack occur?” Amora responded that she did not know that information but that they should prepare for the attack at any moment. Lous responded to Peter’s question verbally “James often spoke of a place called the Gardens in a city whose name I can’t recall. He said that his father would take him there and that he found it pleasurable. He often said that that would be the ruling site of his kingdom. Are any of you familiar with that term the Gardens?” “The Gardens is a place in downtown Boston. It’s a beautiful park where people go to ride the Swan Boats.” replied Peter. “Boston. Yes that the city that James spoke about.” Lous responded. “Then we shall prepare for the attack to occur there. Peter, how well do you know this place called the Gardens?” Amora asked. Peter responded by mentally sending his memories of the Gardens to Amora, Lous and his kinsmen. He also showed them that it was a well visited place by both tourist and native Bostonians and that the safety of these people should be considered in the plan. They all gather together in the clearing and brainstormed the best way to defend the populous and defeat the attack of James and his army.

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