A Mother's Love

Chapter 69

In the days that followed, May, Parker, Papa Angie, and Gaetano where questioned about their knowledge of the massacre that occurred in the Public Gardens. Mister Blue’s memory block work just as it had in the first interrogation. Only this time it took two years for the government to give up the surveillance on them. So for the two years Peter had no contact with his family. He and the Lost boys stayed on the island to keep out of sight of the Public eye. Occasionally the Lost Boys would visit their birth mothers and present them with the choice of accepting them into their families. At first there were some doubts on both sides if this was a plausible scenario, but Gaetano worked his magic with the paperwork and greased some palms along the way to make it happen. The greasing depleted the funds left from Doctor Scull’s money stash but at lease it was going to a worthy cause.

Lous and his kinsmen went back to their home planet. A pact of peace and cooperation was set between the blue and red races. They blue race agreed to let the red race flourish to bring back the Balance and the red race agreed to control its war like manner. The red race house agreed that the rule of the populous will be transferred from house to house so that no one house shall possess domain rule over all the houses. The House of Fer and Zal was given authority to rule over the populous. The two Houses combined with the wedding of Lous of the House of Fer to Dai of the House of Zal and became to be known as the House of Lousdai. The remaining red races also joined houses to form the Houses of Meisov, Arbtoi, and Giakul. Each house would rule for a period of seven of their planets years at which time the ruling factor would pass authority to another House chosen by the blue race. Soon there were many more of the red race and the rule of the House of Lousdai governed with wisdom and diplomacy.

Back on the island of Neverland Peter, Amora, Ragog, and the Lost Boys waited patiently for the surveillance by the government of their existence to end. Peter became a mentor to Ragog and taught him the way of family and the ways of the world. Ragog was taught to hide his appearance by projecting a mental image of a normal human being so he may go into the world and interact with the populous. His selection of appearance was that of a tall handsome elderly English gentleman who went by the name of Phineus Brewster. Under this identity he worked as a bar keep and waiter in a small British pub named the Empty Flagon located in the heart of London town for a year. There he learned a lot about the interaction of the human species and how they exist in a world that is ruled by chaos. Most simply accept the chaos and made the most of it by looking for the joy and happiness that hide within it, while others fed upon the bitterness and hatred that it held. He often discussed his findings with Peter and the Lost Boys to better understand why the human species has this irrational approach to life. He was always answered with the same response which was “We are what we are as a species; it’s our way of maintaining the Balance. There is good and bad in all of us it all in the choice you wish to perceive.” Ragog eventually came to the conclusion that as a species we still had a lot to learn about ourselves and the planet we inhabit.

Peter and Amora got to know each other better and realized that they were both very much alike. They also found out that they were born on the same day at the same time in their different realities. Their only difference was they were born of different mothers. Peter let Amora read his memories and he read hers.

They realized that both their lives were affected by the lost of family and that gave them a strength and understanding of what it meant to overcome the darkness and see the light in the Balance. They also grew closer and affection for each other seeded between them.

Before Lous and his kinsmen departed they had taught Peter and Amora the ability to create the invincible crystal like swords they had used in the battle. Lous explained to them how to take certain molecular structures from the air itself to create a weapon that could slice or pierce any substance that existed in the universe. Its strength and durability was comprised of the molecular structure and fused energy of their mind and life essence. The swords only weakness lied in the power of the mind and the life essence of the holder. The more the life essence was part of the light of the Balance and a stronger will power of the mind of the holder the stronger and more invincible was the sword. Peter and Amora always challenged each other to see who sword was better in strength and it always came to a draw. The two of them were equal in every aspect of their existence.

After the two years had passed and it was determined that it was safe to remove the mind blocks from Peter’s family and Gaetano a celebration was organized. May planned the celebration and invited all the families that were going to adopt the Lost Boys. Each Lost Boy quantum tunneled their future families to Neverland Island. Papa Angie supplied the food. There were all sorts of Italian cuisine with wine for the adults and an assortment of beverages for the children. For dessert he served his finest magical pastries that had become a favorite of the Lost Boys. Especially the undeniably heavenly tasting Cream Puffs that were as light in substance as the clouds in the sky.

Towards the end of the celebration that lasted well into the night Gaetano handed out the papers for the adoption of each Lost Boy. Gaetano advised each family that the paperwork they were reaching was very legal and binding. He also told them that not even the greatest detective or researcher could find fault with their legitimacy no matter how hard they tried. He also went over the back story with each of the families of where and how the adoption was made and processed. The paperwork included all communication that made with orphanages or adoption agencies and birth certificates. The birth certificates all listed their first name as Angelo or Parker in memory of their first adopted father figures. As each family was presented with their paperwork they were also given the password that turned off or on the mind block that Amanda created in each Lost Boy. The password was the different for all the Lost Boys and it was to be presented by mental communication not verbal by only a group of selected individuals. As each selected member or members of the adopting family were given the password the Lost Boy would then quantum tunnel them off Neverland to their home. Upon reaching their destination the member of the family that had authority to use the password did so and initiated the mind block. One by one the Lost Boys left with their new families until all that was left on the island was Peter, Amora, May, Parker, Angie, Gaetano, and Ragog. After cleaning up the remains and clutter of the celebration Peter and Amora quantum tunneled Peter’s Family Back to the Garrison house in Boston.

May reached over and brought Amora and Peter into her Arms for a final hug and kiss. She looked at them both and said “I will see you both soon. I expect a visit every day from you for at least a home cooked meal made with the magic of a mother’s love. Peter you take good care of Amora and Amora you keep him out of trouble. If either of you slack off from your responsibilities to each other, you will have me to answer to.” With that said and done Parker joined in on the family hug. Both Papa Angie and Gaetano stood there watching with a smile of delight and a tear in their eye. Peter and Amora both gave loving hugs to Angie and Gaetano before popping out of existence and back to Neverland.

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