A Mother's Love

Chapter 63

For three days James tried to mentally contact Lous to no avail. No one in the compound knew of Lous’s whereabouts when questioned by James. He could not even feel his life essence anywhere on the planet. This led James to two logical conclusions. Either Lous had mastered the ability to open a portal or he had been whisked away by Amora. Of the two choices James preferred the first alternative. The second choice was the one he dreaded. If Amora had him and they had made an alliance with each other it would be his down fall. James knew in his heart that Amora was more capable of opening a portal than he was and that would end any allegiance that Lous had with him. Lous was no fool and he understood how to choose a winning scenario.

James also knew he needed to gather a following that he could build into an army. There were plenty of candidates here in the compound but he had to convince them into volunteering their services. The absence of Lous had turned the compound into a wasteland of partying and fighting among the population. James kept a safe distance from all that was going on and just observed the happenings. He was waiting for the right opportunity to occur to take command that Lous had seem to abandon. He would let the populous fight among themselves until the moment when one group was about to take command, then he would challenge the leader for command. There were three groups of warring factions and each had a leader. Servalus was the leader of the largest group. He was a yellow skinned winged humanoid with hands like the talons of a predator bird and ice blue glowing eyes. Decarto was the leader of the second biggest group. He was a purpled skinned lizard like humanoid with three fingered hands and a scaly texture to his skin. He was known to be a carnivore and feed on the weaker members of the compound. Becardas was the leader of the smallest group. He was an insect like humanoid with a blackish exoskeleton like an insect. His facial features other than his eyes looked human, but his eyes were large multifaceted bulging orbs that were positioned close to the top of his head. James felt competent that he could destroy his opponent no matter who it was. Lous had shown him some strategically offensive and defensive tactics that none of the others were using in their battles. This could give him the element of surprise and an edge in the battle. But all that had to wait until he opened the correct portal back to his own world.

James retreated back to his chambers to practice on his methods of opening a portal. He sat crosslegged on the floor in the center of the room and focused his mind to creating a portal. Slowly a tear in reality appeared floating right in front of him. It appeared as a small blue swirling energy orb whose diameter increased with each passing second. He watched it grow in size until a small window into another reality started to appear. At that very moment an intense image of Lous passed through his mind with great clarity and detail and in an instant it was gone. The window of the portal started to come into focus and there he saw Lous with seven others of his kind in front of a small cottage. The others were sitting in a circle with Lous in the center of it. He could see that they were conversing about something that seemed important but could not hear it clearly because of the electrical buzz that emanated from the portal. He tried to reach out with his mind to make connection with Lous’s mind when the portal seemed to explode with a bright white light. The explosion threw James across his chamber toward the back wall. Using his mind he manipulated the molecules of the air behind him to condense into a cushion of air to stop him from being slammed against the back wall. It did stop him from hitting the wall but he landed roughly as he slide to the floor.

The door to James’s chambers opened and in stepped Servalus, Decarto and Becardas the leaders of the warring groups of the compound. They were having a war conference about 20 feet from James’s chamber and heard the loud explosion caused by the collapse of the portal. James got to his feet and brushed himself off and addressed the trio mentally saying, “How can I help you, my comrades. “We heard the loud blast and decided to see if it was one of our troops attacking you.” replied Becardas. James saw a chance to take control of the situation and replied, “Well it was I who caused the commotion. I was trying to locate Lous and did so. He is with seven others of his kind having a meeting of some sort.” “That’s impossible. He’s the last of his kind.” replied Servalus. “. “I was under the same impression myself, but I know what I saw.” James cunningly replied. “And how exactly did you come to see him with this group?” quickly asked Servalus. “I tore a hole in the veil of reality in this world to another. Lous and I have been working together to find a way off this desolate planet. I have been trying to find my way back to my own world and reality, but I lack the knowledge on how to focus the portal to open on my world.” James answered to the question. “We all know that Lous wanted off this hellhole and that he thought you were the answer to his quest, but I don’t believe you have the ability to open a portal as you say.” Decarto answered challengingly. “I would be more than happy to show you that I can open a portal, but I can’t guarantee it will be to the one I saw Lous chatting with his kin.” confidently answered James.

James sat on the floor again in a cross-legged position and started to focus his mind on the task. Once again the tear in reality appeared in front of him emanating its blue swirling energy. It slowly grew in size till it was a small opening and an image came into focus. The image was of a place that had sloping hills of golden brown grass and flowing streams of iridescent liquid. Trees of various colors dotted the landscape and an abundance of exotic wild life could be seen.

Servalus walked across the room and stood in front of the portal and observe the scene for a few moments. He then raised his right arm and plunged his hand into the image. His hand met with no resistance and passed through the portal to the other side. He could feel a cool breeze flowing around his hand and the warmth of the day. A small fluttering insect came into view and lightly landed on his outstretched hand. He withdrew his hand from the window and the insect, still on his hand, past through the portal with no ill effects.

On a closer examination Servalus realized it wasn’t an insect al all but a small winged lizard. It body consisted of a pinkish scaly skin that felt oily to the touch. Its head was large and half the body length. Mounted on top of the head were two large yellow colored eyes that contained no pupil and they appeared to be able to rotate completely around in a full circle. It wings, which attached to the body just behind the head, were translucent with a slight reddish hue. As Servalus looked closely at the lizard it opened it mouth to reveal a needle like tongue. The tongue shot out of it mouth and penetrated through the skin of Servalus talon like hands deep into his flesh. With his other hand he reached and grabbed the creature and tried to tear it from its hold on him but could not. He could feel a numbness start to build up in his hand and it seemed to be spreading up his wrist to his arm. James quickly stood up and released his hold on the portal and focused his thoughts on the creature. In an instant the small creature was vaporized out of existence and it atoms dispersed randomly though out the compound. A large popping sound echoed through the room as the portal, no longer under the mental control of James, closed in on itself.

A small drop of greenish blood built up at the opening of where the creature had bitten Servalus. “Let it bleed out. It may have injected you with some type of toxin that could be harmful.” stated James. He continued by saying, “That was both brave and foolish of you. It shows you have courage and are not afraid to face the unknown.” Decarto step forward and addressed James saying, “You have proven that you have the ability to open a portal, but it is far too small for anyone of normal stature to pass through. As far as locating Lous you have shown us nothing to prove that to be the truth. Can’t you repeat what you did when the portal opened and you saw Lous?” James thought for a moment and replied “The only thing that was different when I open that portal was an image of Lous flashed through my mind. I wasn’t trying to think of him at all. In fact I was trying to block in my mind any aspect of him at the time.” Decarto replied quickly and said “The three of us were trying to make mental contact with him just before we heard the loud explosion coming from your chamber. Could it be you picked up on our mental signal and it somehow helped you home in on Lous?” James pondered his suggestion and flashed back to the day he was sent to this god forsaken planet.

He remembered how Peter was the one who entrapped him in the impenetrable bubble and open the portal, but the Lost Boys were there also. Could it be that Peter was channeling the Lost Boys combined power to open the portal? He then turned toward the three leaders and said, “Gentlemen, I think I understand how I located Lous. With your help I think we can do it again. Are you willing to assist in another attempt to do it again?” The three leaders conversed with each other mentally blocking their thoughts from James. They turned back to him and Servalus said “We want to know before we aid you in this little experiment. What’s in it for us?” James answered quickly and to the point “What we all want. To leave this prison and seek revenge on those who put us here. The combined power we hold among us is enough to bring down the Blue race who calls themselves the Soavas and the ones of our own kind that chose to send us here.”

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