A Mother's Love

Chapter 62

The boys had once again gathered in a circle in the meadow as the sun set. They proceeded to create the plasma ball as before. It rose into the air and below it appeared the image of Mister Blue. Peter’s Parent, Angie and Amora stood outside the circle directly behind Peter. “Tonight I lay a burden on you of decision.

Peter’s parents have discovered something in the journal of Doctor Scull that can have a lasting effect on your lives. It seems that not only had he developed a way to clone my genetic material to the human genome, but he also developed a way to counteract it.” said Mister Blue as he addressed the Lost Boys. Peter and Amora walked into the circle and Peter introduced Amora to the Lost Boys.

Amora wasted no time and introduced herself and began telling them of the knowledge that she found in the Journal. “I am Amora Scull, the daughter of Doctor Caleb Scull. Not the Doctor Scull you knew in this reality, but a good man and scientist from an alternate reality. The Doctor Scull of your reality left behind a journal of all his experiments and findings. In this journal Peter’s mother, May Parker, found a memory card hidden in the inside lining of the journal cover. The memory card contained information that could reverse the process of your genetic enhancement. It has to do with a virus that affects the DNA that was passed on to you by Mister Blue’s genetic structure. The virus would cause a biochemical process of enzymes that would alter the long chain of molecules that link together to form your individual DNA structure. In his notes he states that once this process is administered that it cannot be reverse. I found this last statement to be untrue. With my working knowledge of my father’s experience I found an error in your Doctor Scull’s deduction. In fact I discovered that the virus itself is not needed to turn off your enhanced abilities.”

The Lost Boy named Smee spoke up and asked Amora if what she was saying is that they could lead a life of normalcy. He turned and faced Mister Blue and asked, “Is it possible that we could be reunited with our birth mothers?” Mister Blue’s image turned as he addressed all the Lost Boys “That question can only be answered by yourselves and your birth mothers. Remember that time has passed and they have made a life for themselves. Most of them have married and have families. They might not want or need the burden of the relationship that you request. Also think about the burden you would be placing on yourselves. You have lived with and become comfortable with your abilities. You will have to learn how to exits in the normal world without them. It will be a great sacrifice on your part to do so and a great challenge to accustom yourself to this new way of living. Think long and hard about what I have just said before you decide what path in life to choose.”

Smee then asked Amora to explain what she meant by the error she found in the doctor’s notes. Amora replied without hesitation and said “The doctor’s approached to the reversal of the DNA was totally biochemical in structure and his research notes never questioned the possibility of a mental solution. He also overlooked the possibility of a virus that would reverse the effects caused by the first virus. The difference between the two is that the biochemical approach strips the individual of all his abilities while the mental approach only denies the individual of accessing these abilities. With help from Mister Blue and Peter we can adjust the neurological impulses of your brain so the part used to operate your abilities will be temporarily unavailable for use. The use of a trigger word or phrase could be used to turn off or on your abilities at a moment’s notice. A sphere shape neuron shield would encompass the neurons that control your abilities.

This shield would have a gate that would check the trigger phrase or word to activate your abilities. If it is the correct trigger the sphere would dissipate and your abilities reinstated.”

“What if someone says the trigger phrase or word accidentally, or even worse if someone stumbles onto it and wants to use our abilities for their own gain?” asked Smee. Peter turned to Smee and replied “That question was brought up when we were trying to decide which method of nullifying your abilities should be presented to you. There would be a failsafe method built into the neuron shield. As soon as the trigger phrase or word is used and the neuron shield dissipates you will quantum tunnel to Neverland. This could also be used to get yourself or another out of danger and to a safe place.”

Mister Blue raised his hand and said “You have been given the information you need to make your decision. Tomorrow you may contact your birth mothers and discuss with them the situation. From that point on it will be your choice to make.” With that said his image faded away and a long silence past till May spoke “Boys no matter what choice you make you will always be a part of the Garrison family. Brother to Peter and sons to Parker, I and Papa Angie. Now I ask you to accept one more into the family with me. Amora Scull as a new found sister and daughter.” Each of the Lost Boys one by one nodded their in agreement. May turned to Amora and asked “Amora we all agree to accept you into our family, but the decision is yours to accept or deny.”

Tears filled the eyes of Amora. She could feel the love of the family fill her very spirit with warmth that seemed overwhelming. “It would make me very happy to become a part of the family and I feel honored to be asked. To long have I gone without the feeling I now share with you all. I would be a fool to deny myself the companionship you offer. I accept with gratitude your kindness and generosity and I swear never to falter when needed by any of you. No more will my heart feel the loneness it has known. Now it will be filled with love that we will all share, no matter where life brings us.” Peter took Amora’s hands in his and said “Welcome to the family, Sis”

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