A Mother's Love

Chapter 61

Peter sat on the rock overlooking the Mermaid Lagoon waiting to rendezvous with Amora. There was something that bothered him about her but he couldn’t identify what it was. It wasn’t anything sinister or evil just a feeling that made him uncomfortable when she was in his presents. He felt a flow of energy between them that was indescribable in nature. The closest he could come to describe it in his mind was like two magnets being attracted to each other. He didn’t think it was love, not like the love he has for his parents, or Papa Angie, or even his brothers the Lost Boys. It was something more. Something that felt exhilarating, and that could last eternally. He knew he was smitten by her beauty and her mind but what he was feeling even went beyond that. The only conclusion he could bring his mind to accept is that they were one in the same somehow. He pondered this thought deeply to try and understand how this could be.

Lost in his thoughts Peter did not realize that Amora had arrived. He didn’t even hear the pop of air that accompanied the quantum tunneling. Amora gazed at him in wonderment. What was it about Peter that made her feel like she had known him for as long as they both existed? She knew that this feeling was wrong for she had just days ago become aware that he even existed. Peter turned away from facing the lagoon and when he did he saw Amora but what he saw was not the Amora he had met before. He saw a child about his own age staring back at him not the woman of beauty he had met just days before. “Hello Peter.” Amora said in a shy almost childlike voice. Peter hesitantly replied “Amora. What has happened to you? Why do you appear so young?” Amora smiled and told Peter he is seeing her as she really is that the person he saw before was nothing more than a mentally projected image. She explained to him that she used the image to protect her true identity from people like James and the others that she was overseeing for the Soavas. “Why have you asked me to meet you? What is it that you need of me?” asked Amora.

Peter did not answer right away he was still lost in the fact that she was not what she had appeared to be when they first met. Her outward appearance had changed but what he felt for about her still seemed the same. These feelings only added more mystery to energy that he felt flow between them. He placed these thoughts in the back of his mind for later analysis and answered her questions. “There is a book that contains the notes of the Doctor Scull of my reality. My mother found a memory card sewn into the jacket of the book and was able to get pass the password protection and the encryption code he had written the notes in.

Together with my father and Papa Angie they were able to understand the basics of what he was stating in his notes. In one particular section he seems to state that the abilities of my brothers, the Lost Boys, could be reverse and change them back into normal human children. What we need you to do is look over the notes and see if you can understand his formulas to reverse the process. Would you be willing to help?” Amora stood silent for a long moment and Peter could see and feel her thoughts on the matter. A smile came to her face and she replied “I possess all the knowledge that my father gave me on the genetic codes and sequencing use to create the formula that gave me my abilities. I have no knowledge that my father ever thought of finding a way to reverse the process, but I will be willing to try to understand and aid in any way I can.” Peter told her that the Doctor Scull of his reality in his notes had made two genetic formulas. The one he used on James and him was not reversible, but the one used to create the Lost Boys was. He also told her about the decision Mister Blue, he and his mother had made to give the Lost Boys the choice to decide what they wanted to do. He explained to Amora that they were meeting tonight to tell the Lost Boys this information, but did not want to build false hopes for the Lost Boys. He asked Amora if she would overlook the notes and see if the process to revere the genetic code was feasible so that they could address the Lost Boys with hard facts on the matter not just theories. Amora simply nodded her head and said “I see no harm in giving it a try and besides I may learn something from it. I can go right now with you if you like.” Peter nodded his head and the both popped out of existence from the Neverland and popped into existence in the living room of Peter’s parent home.

May, Parker and Papa Angie were gathered around the kitchen table drinking coffee and discussing what they had found in Doctor Scull’s journal. They all turned quickly as they heard the pop of air that accompanied the teleportation using quantum tunneling. A warm smile came to May’s face as she saw Peter standing there. Peter smiled back and introduced Amora to his parents and Papa Angie. “I know Mister Blue wanted us to wait until we address the Lost Boys with the possibilities of being normal humans, but I thought that maybe if we know more about what Doctor Scull’s journal states, we could answer their concerns better.

This is Amora the girl I told you about.” May got up from the table and walked over to Amora and gave her a warm loving hug. “I welcome you to our home Amora and I hope that you can help us. Peter has told us about you and that you are the daughter of Doctor Scull and know his work well. I understand that your father was not the same man as he was in our reality, but we hope you can help us understand his journal.” With that said he held out the journal with the notes they had compiled from the hidden memory card. Amora took them and smiled at May and replied “I feel very welcomed here and I can feel that love that you all have for Peter. I will do my best in helping you.”

May took Amora gently by the arm and led her over to the kitchen table. She pulled out a chair and offered Amora to sit. “Would you like something to eat or drink? Angie and Parker brought some delicious treats back from the bakery. They were for the meeting tonight, but I think we could spare a few for you and Peter.” said May. “They’re the best you’ll ever taste Amora. I guarantee it.” Peter added. Amora laid the journal and the notes on the table and replied, “From what I have perceived from Peter’s memories of Papa Angie’s treats it would be a sin to deny myself a taste. Could I have some tea with that please?” May put a white pastry box in front of Amora and opened it and said, “Select what you like, but I suggest the cream puffs. They are to die for.” May walked over to the stove and put on a kettle of water for Amora tea.

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