A Mother's Love

Chapter 60

Lous was on his knees in a grassy field that overlooked a small brook of sparkling water. Less than a second ago he was in the building that was his lifelong prison which he thought had no exits to escape through. He looked around in amazement and took in the serenity and beauty of his surroundings. Amora stood in front of him an arm’s length away. Her eyes where full of tears but there was a smile on her face.

Lous thought to himself how could she be smiling and crying at the same time. He rose to a standing position slowly. Turning as he rose to see everything around him. “Where is this place you have taken me to? “ Lous asked. “This is where I reside. It is a place on my home planet.” Amora replied. “You live out here in the open? These surroundings are amazing to behold, but even with all its beauty it does not provide shelter for one who looks as fragile as you.” Lous stated. Amora shook her head and replied “Beyond the tree line behind you is an open field with a l cottage. That is where I reside. In fact there is someone waiting there I wish for you to meet.” Lous stared at her with a piercing gaze and said “If it’s one of your blue skinned friends don’t waste my time. There is nothing that they can say that I want to hear.” Amora looked straight into Lous’s eyes and replied “First it is not who you suggested and second your hatred for them is unfounded. Before we meet with the individual waiting in the cottage, I will prove to you that your hate is unjustified.” In an instant Amora entered Lous’s thoughts and took control. He no longer saw the lush green forest or the sparkling brook. It had been replaced by a landscape battered and torn by the violence of a war. In front of him he observed many of his kind locked in a battle to the death. Large armored vehicles of war with emblems of the house they fought for charged across the bleak landscape on a path of destruction. He watched as these vehicles wiped out hundreds of foot soldiers, with a single blast ray of energy that turned them into a pile of smoking ash. From out of the sky there came green orbs of translucent light that surrounded the armored vehicles. Slowly, as he watched, the armored vehicles seemed to dissolve within the orbs. As the orbs moved on to other armored vehicles it left behind a liquid residue, metallic in color, that seemed to glow an eerie shade of green. Again from the sky there came bright beams of red light that seemed to target the orbs and on contact with them caused them to explode in a brilliant flash of light.

Lous watched the battle until nothing was left of the battle field except for a pile of ashes that were once brave warriors of his race, and puddles of the green glowing metallic liquid. The following silence was profoundly disturbing. Not a sound could be heard not even the sound of the wind blowing. It was the dreadfully quite sound of death itself and it filled him with a fear he had never felt before. He had been a witness to a self inflicted genocide of his own race. The fear inside him was replaced by the feeling of sorrow and tears came to his eyes. Lous had never cried before and never felt the emotion of sorrow and he sensed a weakness building up inside of him that was overwhelming. He fell to his knees and held his face in his hands and submitted to this weakness without totally understanding it. His sobbing and weeping was the only sound that could be heard on the desolate battlefield landscape.

In his mind Lous heard the voice of Amora say “Forgiveness is the cure to this weakness you feel. It will wash away the pain and give you renewed strength to go forward with your life.” “Who is left to forgive? There are only the ashes of my race scattered across the battlefield.” screamed Lous in a raging voice of anger.

“There is more to this story that you have not yet seen. You will find the answer there.” replied Amora.

The scene of the battlefield faded from the sight of Lous and was replaced by a brightly lit room with stone walls. The room was adorned with the coat of arms from the houses of the red race. Below each coat of arms was an infant child of the red race lying in a small bed like structure. They looked like they were sleeping but with closer examination Lous realized they were drugged into a comatose state. Thin medical tubes where attached to either side of the infant’s head that were feeding from clear cylinders attached to the walls. The cylinder on the right had an orange fluid inside it and it seemed to be feeding into the child thru the medical tubing on the right side of the child’s head. The cylinder on the left contained a yellow fluid. The medical tubing attached to the child’s left side of the head led to this cylinder. This fluid was not feeding down the tube to the child. “What has this image you are showing me have to do with this forgiveness you are preaching to me?” asked Lous. “Keep watching and you shall see.” replied Amora.

Lous walked over to the child under the coat of arms of his family’s house. The infant that lied there Lous recognized as himself as a child. He reached out and touched the child’s face to see if he could arouse it from its drugged sleep, but the child did not respond to his touch. Just as he pulled his hand away from the child’s face a small buzzing sound filled the room. Lous then notice that the yellow fluid started to feed down the tubing to the child. “What is happening?”, asked Lous. “The buzzing you hear is the signal that the House of Fer has lost the battle of the houses that you saw. The yellow fluid is a poison that will end the existence of the last living member of the House of Fer, which was you. As each House of the red race fell in the battle the last surviving heir to that house was supposed to be eliminated. That was the way of your ancestor. Your race was a race of warriors and they lived by a code of valor. Since as infants you could not defend the honor of your house in battle you had to be put to death.” Amora told Lous. “But I did not die. I survived.” Lous stated.

“Keep watching and you will see why you and the other infants were spared the death sentence placed on you.” Amora told Lous.

Lous watched as the yellow poisonous fluid flowed down the tube slowly advancing closer to its victims.

He wanted to reach out and grab the tubing and somehow stop the flow but knew these were only shadows of moments that have already happened and knew he could not change them. Just as the fluid was about to reach its victim an older male of the blue race appeared out of nowhere and removed the tubing. The old male circled the room and removed the tubing from all the infants and as he did a female of the blue race would pop in existence and take up the child and pop out of existence. Once all the infants were gone the older blue male raised his arms and also popped out of existence and with him went the coat of arms of all the houses of the red race. All that was left in the room was the bed like structures where the infants had laid and the orange and yellow liquid that now had mixed and puddle on the floor around the room.

The image of the empty infant room faded out of existence and was now replaced by a large open area filled with members of the blue race. In the middle of the open area was a raised stone platform, circular in shape. The platform consisted of seven levels each circular in shape but smaller in size as the ascended upward. On the top level Lous saw the eight blue race females standing in a circular formation, each holding a child of the red race. In the center of the circle stood the older blue male and laying at the foot of each female was the coat of arms for the houses of the red race. Eight small rectangular stone columns rose out of the floor of the top level of the platform. The top of each had a hollowed out area with a cushion that had the coat of arms of the houses of the red race on it. The blue race females place each infant in one of the hollows in the columns then descended down the level of the platform to the bottom tier.

The older blue male raised his hands high into the air and said “The Balance remains whole. These eight children are the last of their race. It is our responsibility to train them so that their kind will not reach the apocalypse that ancestors achieved. Seven of these children will be raised to understand how their race was nearly wiped out of existence and how it came to happen. The other child shall be denied this information and confined in seclusion till the time is ready for him to understand. This is being done to keep the true heritage of the red race as a warrior breed. The seven that would stay among us may lose their inborn instincts to be warriors and that would upset the great Balance. The single child that will be banished to seclusion will thrive on his warrior instincts and know the true nature of his race. When the time comes they will be brought together to learn from one another on how to balance their warrior instinct with that of compassion and the oneness of the Balance. Since the greatest house of the red race was the House of Fer, I suggest that the infant from that house should be the one to be sent into exile. It shall be him who will lead his race back from the threshold of oblivion to ensure the order of the Balance. He must never know what has happened here today until the time is right for him lead his race back to the greatness it once knew. If there be any objection to this decision please voice your concern now.” No voice from the surrounding mass of the blue race was heard and the cold silence conferred the agreement of all on the decision.

A single tear appeared in the corner of Lous’s right eye and slowly flowed down across his face. It was not a tear of sadness or woe, but more a tear of rejoicing. There was an emotion building inside of him that he could not identify. He had never felt it before but it was like a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders and a new found freedom was to begin. More tears followed and ran down his face and as they flowed his vision blurred the scene he was observing. As he wiped away the tears to clear his vision he found himself once more in the grassy field overlooking the small brook. Amora was standing in front of him with both arms reaching out to him and said “The emotion you are feeling is that of forgiveness. Do you now understand the concept of it? The hatred you felt for your lifetime has been lifted from your existence and your life force is once again in balance. You have left the dark path of hatred behind you and now a new journey begins filled with hope and purpose. Let us go now and meet the others that survived that day. They are waiting in my cottage to meet their new leader.”

The limbs of the trees in back of where they stood parted like a leafy curtain and revealed a small picturesque cottage a short distance away. In front of the cottage stood the other seven of red race waving to Lous and Amora. Together they walked hand in hand down to meet them. A warm feeling of joy and happiness filled Lous’s soul and a broad smile appeared across his face. He was no longer alone in the universe. There were others like him and he could finally see a grand future lying before him. The road he traveled through life may have been hard and strenuous but it had lead to a place that was a just reward for his sorrow and woe. He would lead the remains of the red race to a new future. One that would not end in a self inflicted genocide as his ancestors had chosen. Their future would be one in harmony to the Balance and the blue race. Lous released his grip on Amora’s hand and spread his mighty wing and took to the air. He flew the rest of the way to the cottage and settled down in front of the other seven of his kind and introduced himself to them. “I am Lous of the House of Fer and together we are the future of our race. The journey begins today to correct the wrongs our ancestors committed. This journey will lead us down paths in life that are sometimes filled with obstacles that we must overcome, but if we worked together and learn from one another there will be no obstacle that we cannot overcome.”

Amora watched as they gathered together and spoke of how they thought their future should unfold.

The tones of their voice were filled with agreement and optimism and Amora knew that the plan of the blue race had worked as they foretold. A thought popped into her head and it was the question “Did the blue race know that she would be a pivotal part of this? Could they see into the future threads of time and have known?

This was something she would have to discuss further with them. As she pondered these thoughts the Voice of Peter filled her mind and it said “We are in need of your knowledge and assistance. I will explain more when we meet.” Amora replied saying as soon as her tasks here were finished she would meet him on Neverland at his thinking place.

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