A Mother's Love

Chapter 59

Lous sat high atop the spiral tower and was in deep thought. He was analyzing over and over again what he had read in James’s mind. It made him very angry to know that James would try to eliminate him as soon as he had the ability to open a dimensional doorway. Lous was ashamed of himself for allowing James to trick him into thinking they were allies. He was also mad at himself for letting his guard down and thinking that a friendship was developing between him and James. Never in his lifetime had Lous shared a friendship with another living being. The closest he every came to a friendship was with Ragog and that was more of a symbiotic relationship. Lous depended on Ragog to do his bidding for menial tasks that Lous thought below his stature.

“Friendship is a gift we give to ourselves.” spoke a soft voice from behind Lous. He turned to look and saw Amora standing there smiling. Lous stood up and faced her and said “You finally chose to speak to me.

Will you rob my memories of this encounter like you did to Ragog and James? For if that is the case do not waste your words or time.” Without hesitation Amora replied “I am here because the Soavas are concern with what you are attempting to do with the aid of James. He is a danger to you as well as his own people. He like all the others that are here must remain here.” “Including me.” replied Lous in a loud and viscous tone. “No.

That is not the true. You have the ability to leave whenever you want, just like I do. You just lack the knowledge to use it.” Amora responded. “Then why is it that you possess the knowledge and I do not?” angrily asked Lous. “I am here to give you that knowledge at the request of the Soavas, but first you must understand the reason why you are here and the heritage you carry.” Amora replied while looking straight into the eyes of Lous.

Lous looked away from her stare. There was a truth present in her eyes that he felt and it scared him to confront it. He reached out with his mind to see if he could read her mental emotional state and found no resistance to his probe. Her thoughts were free flowing and showed no signs of hiding any hidden truths. In fact he found a peacefulness there that he had never experienced before. He felt no anger or hate in her mental signature, just understanding and a warm glow of the love and respect for all living things. Then he felt an emotion emanating from her that he had never experienced before. From her mind he identified it as something she called forgiveness. It overwhelmed him mentally because he could not grasp the basic fundamental of this emotion. It somehow extinguished the fires of anger and hate that existed in her memories. Lous saw the killing of her parents flash by in her memories and felt the rage that fed the fires of anger and hate in her. Then this state of mind called forgiveness simply washed away all the pain and sorrow cleansing her mind of all the bad emotions. This was incomprehensible to Lous he could not wrap his mind around this concept of forgiveness. How could she forgive those who had taken her loved ones from her?

Why did she not revenge their deaths? He had harbored anger and hate for so many years for the blue Soavas for wiping out his people and it made him strive for merciless revenge. What did she comprehend about the emotions of anger and hate that he did not?

Amora sensed his thoughts and confusion and said “It is in the Balance where you will find the answer.” “My understanding of the Balance is to do unto others as they do to you. When a life is taken, you balance it by taken a life. Seek revenge.” Lous replied. Amora shook her head in denial to his statement and replied “One evil cannot be justified by another evil. Darkness cannot be expelled with more darkness. Only the opposite of evil act can maintain the balance. Only light can dispel the darkness. Forgiveness is the light that that balances the wrong committed. Without good there can be no evil. Without light there can be no darkness. They are depended on one another. Each cannot exist without the other.” Lous laughed and said “Your words twist the truth about the Balance. If I turn off all the lights within a chamber with no windows, and never turn the lights on again, the darkness will be eternal within that chamber and exist without the light.” “Your judgment is flawed by the fact that outside of the walls of the chamber light still exists. The enclosed room of darkness does not stop the existence of light.” Lous shook his head in denial of her statement and said “If you’re so smart young lady answer me this. I am the last of my kind. The blue Soavas committed a genocide on my kind and placed me here as an infant to live out my existence. Tell me why this keeps the Balance?” Amora without the slightest hesitation responded “Again you are wrong in your understanding. You are not the last of your kind. There are seven others of your race that still exist. It was not a genocide committed by the blue race as you think. The truth is they save your race by collecting the eight of your kind.” Lous could not believe what he was hearing her say. His whole existence was built on the hate he had for the blue race.”You speak lies. That is not the truth. There can be no others of my kind still in existence. I would be able to feel their life force.” Amora reached out and touched Lous hand and in an instant he felt what he denied existed; the seven life forces that still existed of his race. He pulled his hand free of Amora’s grip and back away from her reach. He fell to his knees and let out a scream of terror that echoed through every hall and chamber of the building. Everyone heard the scream and came running into the central open area of the building to find the source. The only thing they found was a strong gust of wind and a loud popping sound.

Chapter 66:

May sat at the kitchen table drinking her morning coffee. Her thoughts were focused on the information Parker, Angie and her had obtain from the hidden memory card from Doctor Scull’s journal. She had just put her coffee mug to her lips when Peter mentally contacted her. “Good morning mother. Is everything all right back home?” May’s spirit lifted in hearing his voice again, even if it was just a mental concoction of his voice and not the real thing. “Glad to hear your voice once again. You don’t know how you’ve brightened by day.

Why do you ask if everything is okay here?” she responded. “While I was sleeping last night I received a strong mental emotional concern from Angie, Dad and you. What I read was that all of you had some concern about the Lost Boys and me. Was I just imagining it in my dreams or is there some kind of concern?” Peter asked. “Well to tell you the truth, we do have something that has come up. It concerns the Lost Boys and you. We found some hidden notes in Doctor Scull’s journal.” May responded.

May could feel Peter’s concern in his reply, “Mom, what did you find?” May explained to him that she didn’t quite understand everything, but that it seemed to state that the condition of the Lost Boys could be reversed. There seems to be a way to turn them back to normal, but they would need someone who could understand and decipher the doctor’s notes and formulas. Trying to contact anyone who would have the knowledge and experience to do so could jeopardize the safety of everyone. Peter responded quickly to her statement and said, “I think I know a person that can help. Her mane is Amora and she is the daughter of Doctor Scull. “I didn’t know that he had a daughter or was even married. How do you know her?” May asked.

“She is the daughter of Doctor Scull, but not the one that existed in this dimension of reality. She comes from another planet Earth that exists in another dimension of time and space. An Earth that the Soavas thought had the potential to graduate to the next level of evolution, but they were wrong. Her parents were killed in front of her by ignorant men who were afraid of what they couldn’t understand. She worked closely with father and knows of all his work. Maybe she can understand these hidden notes of our Doctor Scull that you’ve found.” replied Peter. “I guess there’s no harm in asking and besides it wouldn’t jeopardize any of our safety. Maybe it would be best if we run this idea past Mister Blue and get his opinion on it.” May responded.

The voice of Mister Blue filled May’s mind, and Peter could hear what he said. “The meeting between Peter and Amora has set equilibrium to the Balance. The paths they have chosen have led all of us to this moment of decision. The scenario you have chosen is a wise choice but there is more involved to it. May you assume that the Lost Boys would give up their abilities to become normal humans, but that is a choice that they must make. Before you ask for Amora’s help the Lost Boys must be advised of the information you have uncovered. Then they may make an informed decision of their destiny. They will probably have many questions that would need to be addressed. Peter and I will tell them of your discovery tonight at our daily meeting. I think it would be best if Parker, Angie and you were present for this discussion to totally understand the outcome of the Lost Boys decision. Peter will dispatch three of the Lost Boys to quantum tunnel you to the island of Neverland tonight.” The last words he spoke echoed off into nothingness and Mister Blues mental contact with May and Peter was broken.

“I’ll notify Parker and Angie about the arrangement and meeting tonight.” May replied mentally to Peter.

“It will be good to see you, Dad and Papa Angie tonight. I looking forward to hugs from all of you.” replied Peter. “And some well deserved kisses too. We’ll bring some of Papa Angie’s Pastry for a treat.” May replied.

“Even better. See you tonight.” said Peter as he broke mental contact.

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