A Mother's Love

Chapter 58

Peter found himself back on the island of Neverland sitting on the rock where he comes to sort out his thoughts. Amora was still there. The setting sun was behind her causing her to appear as a silhouette surrounded by a halo of yellow and orange hues. The beauty of the moment was not overlooked by Peter.

There was something about her that moved him in a way he had never experienced before. Her presence seemed to reach down and comfort the trials and tribulations that trouble his very soul. There was something more than her beauty that attracted him like a magnet to her. He could not identify what it was but he could perceive of its existence without denial. There was a kinship they shared that was yet unknown to either of them.

The voice of Mister Blue filled both their minds and they heard it say “The balance of existence has been equalized by your meeting. What you both had taken from you has now been regained. The paths you choose from this moment on shall only lead to salvation.” The last words he spoke echoed in their minds till it faded away to nothing but the sound of the ocean breeze blowing in from the bay. They both wondered what he meant and why he said it to them. Amora was the first to break the silence and asked Peter “Who was that that spoke to us?” Peter did not reply right away he just stared at her for he was still trying to understand the attraction between them. He finally spoke and said “We call him Mister Blue. He is a Soavas and the biological father of my brothers and I. He is our mentor and educates us in the proper use of our abilities.” Amora smiled and changed the subject quickly and said, “You now know me for what I am through my memories. Now may I see your memories and know you better.” Peter pondered the request for a short span of time and replied “You called yourself a guardian but I saw nothing in your memories that justified that statement. Why?” Amora answered quickly and said “The information you request can only be revealed to you if I have permission from the Soavas to do so. Just you knowing I am a guardian could put your welfare in jeopardy. Have I answered your question sufficiently enough? May I read your memories now?” Peter thought about what she said and responded by saying “If you promise to ask the Soavas for permission to tell me what you are guarding. I will agree to let you read my memories.” “If I agree to your terms and the Soavas to not permit what you ask, what then?” Amora asked. “I’ll accept their decision without question. But I think they wouldn’t deny me the knowledge if I ask.” Peter said with sureness in his tone.

Peter closed his eyes and eased his mental state for Amora. In his mind he felt her mind and his become one. There was something unique about her mental signature that was different than any other he experienced. It seemed to mesh with his mental signature so easily and without any effort on either of their parts. It was like two pieces of a puzzle that were meant to fit together. The melding of their minds was a pleasure beyond compare and he bathed in its warmth and enjoyment. Then without warning it was gone and Peter felt an empty void in his mind. He opened his eyes and Amora was no longer there with him. In his mind he heard her say “I now know what Mister Blue meant by the statement of the balance of existence being corrected by our meeting. Our paths in life are forever linked together and cannot be separated by any outside force. I left in your memory my mental signature so that any time you can contact me. The Soavas know of your request and will contact you.” Peter wondered what she meant when she stated she understood what Mister Blue had said.

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