A Mother's Love

Chapter 57

James and Lous were sitting in James’s quarters drinking themselves into a pleasant inebriated state of mind with a bottle of a rose scented liqueur. They had earlier feasted on a meal fit for a king that consisted of delicacies that had never been experienced by the taste buds of an earthly human. The feast and the drinking were a celebration of what they had achieved that day; opening a dimensional doorway out of this hellish world. It had lasted only an instant; too short a time to pass through it but long enough to acknowledge its existence. Their freedom now had become a reality within their reach and it was a time of celebration.

Lous drank down the last of the liqueur from his cup and refilled it with more. As he did so he spoke to James and said “My friend we are at a turning point in our lives. Soon we will be able to break the shackles that bind us to this hideous world and venture to places beyond our comprehension. But first we seek our revenge on our jailers. We shall make them pay for the injustice they have bestowed on us, and they will pay dearly. Our revenge shall have the sweet taste of victory and ultimate satisfaction.” James face simply formed a drunken smile and nodded his head. James’s tolerance to the liqueur was not as strong as Lous but he understood what Lous was implying. The hate they felt for their nemeses would soon be quenched by the revenge they so desperately sought to inflict on them.

Lous drank the cup of liqueur down till the cup was empty and threw it against a nearby wall. As the cup hit the wall and shattered into pieces he let out a hideous laughter that echoed of the wall of James’s quarters.

The echo seemed to reverberate throughout the whole structure of the building seeming to shake its very foundation. James sensed an evil delight emanating from Lous emotional state of mind and envied him. The hate that Lous held in his heart was so deep and hideous that James felt his emotional hate was inferior in comparison. James did not like to feel inferior to anyone or anything and hatred grew inside of him for Lous.

This hatred grew into an inferno of emotional chaos and the result was a sobering of his mind. He lost all trust in the alliance he had made with Lous and knew what he would have to do. Lous must be eliminated.

For only a scant instant Lous sensed the hate that James felt, but in that instant he knew it was directed at him. Suddenly Lous stopped laughing and stared at James with a look in his eye of distrust. The sudden silence brought James back to reality and he saw the look in Lous’s eyes. James wondered if Lous had sensed his emotion of hate towards him and contemplated to act now to eliminate him. Lous’s facial appearance changed and that broad devilish smile once again filled his face and he said to James “That female abomination, Amora, could be a threat to our freedom. She could be an obstacle on our path to seek revenge. We must find a way to erase her from existence if she gets in our way.”

Lous’s statement eased the paranoia that James was feeling and James replied “That Abomination as you called her is pleasant to the eyes but something tells me that deep inside there is much more to her than meets the eye. She will pay for denying me the memories of my visit with her. If she tries to interfere with our escape from this hell hole she will pay the price for her actions. Together we will be a force to reckon with.” Lous wink an eye and nodded his head to show he agreed, but in actuality he was setting a trap for James.

The person who will pay the price will be James not Amora. Lous never perceived her to be a threat to his plan. In fact his hopes were to sacrifice James to make an alliance with Amora. He would feed fuel to the hate that James had for her and in the end she would do the dirty work of terminating James existence.

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