A Mother's Love

Chapter 43

Peter took advantage of the situation of the down wires. As James backed away from them Peter enveloped him in the containment field. He felt the strain that his brothers who were creating the field were experiencing. The protective bubble that was around him dissipated into nothingness. James shot another bolt of energy and it hit the inside of the containment field and started to ricochet around the inside. James managed to steer clear of being hit by it till the charge had totally expended its energy. James then tried to quantum tunnel outside of the containment field and found he couldn’t. He realized that his opponent, his younger brother, had knowledge of things he did not. Around him he could see a reddish color that filled the air yet had no distinguishable shape. Random points of yellow light sparkled within it like twinkling stars on a clear night. He tried to reach out and touch it but the transparent mass moved away from him as he reach out to it. James took a few steps forward in an attempt to move out of the reddish mist but it moved with him as he walked forward. James reached out with him mind to try to identify what the mist was made of but it composition was beyond anything he could identify. His frustrations led to anger greater than he had ever felt before. Anger so great is overflowed from his very being as a maniacal scream of utter defeat. He felled to his knees and put his face in his hands and cried. He cried for the first time in his life. Never before had he ever felt the need to cry. But now the defeat was so overwhelming to him that he could not hold back the sorrow and pain he had accumulated over the years. It all came pouring out of him like a river that had broken a dam that had held it back. All the emotions that he denied himself from feeling broke through.

Peter split his mental focus now to open the dimensional portal. His brothers kept the containment field around James whole and solid. The next set of Lost Boys mental energy filtered through Peter mind and he unleashed it to open the portal. Directly in back of James a small tear in the fabric of reality started to appear.

The tear started to grow larger until it became a circular opening that was about fifteen feet in diameter.

Around the outside edges of the opening there was a blue swirling area of what appeared to be some kind of energy mass. Through the opening Peter could see a landscape that was arid and barren. In a fiery colored sky there hung a red orb that was just above the horizon of the landscape. Peter thought that the red orb must be the sun of this desolate place. To the right and in the distance Peter could see shapes that appear to be buildings. They appeared to be made of large pieces of stone like the ancient structures that were built by the Egyptians and South American Indians. There was no sign of any living creatures that Peter could see in the image within the portal. Peter had heard people talk of a place called Hell. A place they had described as what he was now gazing upon through the portal. Its’ very appearance echoed an evil that seemed incomprehensible to a sane human mind. It was like a horrid nightmare that overlapped into the waking world. To this unwelcoming place he had been tasked to exile James, his brother, to spend the rest of his existence there. The thought of doing so created a conflict in his moral values. How could he send a family member; a flesh and blood relative, to so horrendous a place as this?

A familiar voice that Peter hadn’t heard since he was an infant child filled his mind. It was the voice of his birth mother, Fawn. How could this be? She has been dead for ten years now. “You are wrong in your judgment my son. James is not family. He may share a similar genetic code as yourself, and be your brother, but he is not part of your family. Family is more than just genetic material. It is the ones who share the bonds of life and love with you. May, Parker and Angie are the ones that you share these bonds with. They are your family and they share no common blood line with you. Love and respect are the foundations of the family unit.

It is in the respect you have for them that this task must be accomplished. He is a threat to their very existence as was the Agency and Doctor Scull to mine. The task set before me was to save you my child and it cost me my life. Your task is to send your brother away to bring your family and the world to safety. The love and compassion you show for your brother James is admirable.The guilt you feel may seem justified but it is not.

For the guilt you’ll feel later for not acting now will be greater. Everything and everyone you now love and cherish will die or be destroyed by the hate and rage that James carries. Understand my son that you were spared from becoming what he is by the love that I had for you.”

Tears filled Peter’s eyes as her last words faded into nothing. The words she spoke rang a truth that touched his very existence. He knew it was her that spoke those words and not an illusion created by the blue skinned stranger. The warmth of the love that filled him was no other than the love he shared with her from the womb. He did not understand, nor cared to, on how she was able to communicate with him, but it was a blessing he would not question. His destiny lied before him and he would follow its path to where it would lead him without hesitation. He wiped away the tears from his eyes and refocused on his task.

James took his hands away from his face and rose to a standing position. James turned and looked into the portal opening that was behind him. He saw the vast wasteland stretching off to the horizon through the portal and somehow in his mind he found a beauty in it. A harsh beauty that reached down to his very soul and ignited a flame of passion that burnt brightly. He turned and faced Peter and the Lost Boys. Stared Peter straight in the eyes and mentally shared with him and the Lost Boys the feelings he was experiencing. He shared with them the beauty he saw in this harsh world beyond the portal. A smile came to his face. Not the maniacal smile he always had, but a smile that exuded joy and happiness..James raised his metallic hand and waved to Peter and the Lost Boys then turned and started walking towards the portal. He stopped directly in front of the portal and thrust his metallic hand into it. As soon as it made contact with it James was pulled instantly into the swirling mass around it. His image spun around the outside of the portal slowly evaporating into it. James then appeared inside the image of the portal standing up. He turned and look back at the world he left behind. The same smile was still on his face as he raise his metallic hand once more and waved goodbye. He then collapsed on to the ground unconscious.

Peter heard the voice of the blue skinned stranger and it instructed him to close the portal. Peter did as he asked and the spinning mass round the outside of the portal started to envelope the opening making it smaller in size. Within seconds the portal decreased in size until it was a small blue dot that hung in the air.

The dot slowly faded into nothingness. Peter turned and faced his brothers and nodded his head. One by one the Lost Boys quantum tunneled out and backed to the Garrison house. Peter was the last to leave. He looked around at the damage that the battle had made to the neighborhood. In his heart he felt responsible for it and wanted to take the time and effort to fix it. He was about to start on the endeavor when a voice broke the silence and said “Do not move. Put your hands in the air and turn around. We will use deadly force if you resist.” Peter put his hands in the air and slowly turned around and saw a least a dozen armed National Guardsmen all aiming their weapons directly at him. He smiled then popped out of existence right before their eyes.

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