A Mother's Love

Chapter 44

At the Garrison house all eyes were on the television news cast. They had watched as James

voluntarily walked into the portal waving goodbye to the world he left behind. Saw the Lost Boys pop out of existence then reappear almost simultaneously in the very room where they were watching the TV. Gabrielle didn’t understand the science of the quantum tunneling so to her it was like magic when they appeared in the room. “Are these kids some sort of magical beings?” she asked. Angie looked at her and replied “You might say that, but they’re much more than that.” She looked over at Gaetano for a response and he simple shrugged his shoulders as if to say “I don’t know.”

May’s eyes open and she smiled at Parker and he smiled back. She looked around the room and saw that Peter hadn’t returned. “Where’s Peter?’ she asked. Everyone immediately looked back at the TV and saw Peter standing there and looking around at all the damage from the battle. They heard the order given to him to surrender or deadly force would be used. May’s eyes open wide and she was filled with a worry only mothers felt when their child was in danger. She watched as Peter raised his hands and slowly turned around. She saw the smile on his face as the television cameraman zoomed in for a close look at Peter’s face. Just as the image of Peter’s face filled the screen of the television he winked his right eye and quantum tunneled out of existence there. Almost instantly he appeared in the parlor of the Garrison’s home still standing with his arms raised and smiling. He put down his arms and ran to May and Parker and hugged them both. They stayed in a three way hug for a long moment then Angie, Gaetano and Gabrielle walked over and joined in on the warm embrace.

The Lost Boys stood and observed the wonderful moment unfold between Peter and his family and

friends. To them it was the most beautiful and heartwarming thing they had ever seen. One by one each of the Lost Boys eyes filled with tears. Tears not of sorrow, but of joy for the happiness it filled them with. May caught sight of them standing there and felt their elation. She mentally sent them a message saying that they were now part of this magical circle of love and invited them to join in on the gathering. The Lost Boys formed a circle around the hugging mass of people and joined hands with arms extended straight out to their sides..

Slowly they rose a few inches above the floor and started to revolve around Peter and the family. With each rotation around them the Lost Boys moved closer by moving their arms down by their sides decreasing the size of the circle. When their arms were completely down the circle was just big enough for the six hugging people to fit within it. Slowly the mass of hugging bodies rose to the same height as the revolving circle of Lost Boys and started to revolve in the opposite direction. A warm yellowish light shared to glow in the small space between the two revolving masses of bodies. At that moment they all shared a feeling of oneness. Their very thoughts and life essence joined to form a singularity of complete unity. They all shared in the existence of one another and the life essence of Fawn Moore was also with them. Though the moment only lasted less than a few seconds what they shared was a lifetime. Slowly and still revolving they descended back to the floor gently. It would be a memory that they would all share till the end of their days and remember with great fondness. The blue skinned stranger’s voice filled their minds and said “The family is one and whole, blessed be its greatness.”

“Okay Mister Blue now it’s time to tell your story.” Angie said verbally. The blue skinned being appeared and everyone could see his image floating slightly above the floor. “I am the paternal donor of the DNA of these children, in other words I am their biological father. My DNA was taken involuntarily from me through samples of my blood, and has been in the hands of your government for over sixty years. The one you call Doctor Scull had developed a process to use DNA to fertilize a human egg without creating a clone of the donor. He was given a sample of my blood and succeeded in splicing my DNA onto a human DNA strand thus creating a hybrid strand that could fertilize a human egg.” Angie nodded his head and said “That’s all well and good but who are you and where are you from?” The blue stranger turned to Angie and replied. “As you have logically deduced by my appearance I am not of your planet. I am from a planet called Asdali and we do not have names. We are identified by our mental signatures. If you need to label me with a name Mister Blue will suffice. My mission here is one of a peaceful purpose that all I can say about it. We mean you no harm.” Peter addressed Mister Blue and said “When I was battling James and had a problem with sending my own brother to the strange world I heard the voice of my birth mother. Was that you planting those thoughts in my mind?” The image of Mister Blue turned and faced Peter and replied “No my son I did not. It was the voice of your birth mother. Part of her life force now resides within the mind your adopted mother. Your birth mother passed on some of her life essence to you, and you passed it on to May. When you were first brought into the lives of May and Parker you passed on the information and knowledge that she acquired about the Agency and the experiment. When she gave you these memories to pass on, to the people who would take you in and protect you, she also passed on a small bit of her own life essence with these memories. The religious beliefs of your planet might call it her soul. I encountered it when I mentally scanned May mind to see if she could handle being with you during the banishment battle with James. May had no knowledge of its existence in her mind until the moment she spoke to you.” May turned to Peter and softly touched the sides of his face with hands and said “I was going to tell you the same words that she said to you but I felt something in my mind begging me to let it out and speak to you. Looking inward to my mind I relived those memories once more of the last days of Fawn’s life. They flashed across my mind’s eye and led me deeper into my very life essence as Mister Blue has defined it. There I found a small spark of life other than my own and I felt it presents trying to reach out to me pleading to share its motherly love and understanding with you. I relinquished my whole self to it and it flowed through me becoming one with me. I then knew it was her, Fawn Moore, and this tiny part of her essence survived beyond her death. This small spark of life had hung on to its existence through the power of a mother’s love for her child.” Is she still part of you now Mom?” Peter asked. “Yes. That tiny spark of life still exist within me and I feel that it is happy to have reached out to you.” replied May.

“Peter you inherited the trait to pass on life essence from my race. Each generation of my people pass on a small portion of it to the next generation. It is a universal consciousness that we share with our descendants. Your race also has this capability but you have not evolved to the point where you can access it yet. It resides in the DNA helix of every living form. When Doctor Scull spliced my DNA to that of the human DNA strand he activated this ability in you and James. Your other brothers, who you address as the Lost Boys, do not have this ability. The hybrid DNA strand that he used to create them was slightly altered to compensate for the deformity that the doctor thought was caused by the DNA strand used on James. Later he deduced that it was not the hybrid DNA but the abuse James’s mother put on her body and that of her unborn child that had cause it. He used the last of this genetic material to impregnate your mother for she showed great potential to sire an excellent offspring. You are the living proof of this Peter.” Mister Blue informed Peter.

The room fell silent as they digested the information that had been given them by Mister Blue. It was a deeply religious moment for some of them. It was proof that life doesn’t end with death that it goes on at a different plain of existence. That God in his plan for life had designed it to remember its whole existence. To the rest it was enlightenment beyond the known parameters of life and reality. That the life essence they processed was the basis of all things that has lived or will live in the future. They all absorbed the fact that there is something greater in the universe that is incomprehensible to totally understand even with the proof laid at their feet to dissect and inspect. The silence and the pondering went on well into the night and its’ existence was a sacred thing they all shared.

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