A Mother's Love

Chapter 42

The TV set at the Garrison home was tuned into the local cable news channel and being watched by all present in the room. Gaetano watched as the TV screen panned left and displayed what remained of his home. “What have we gotten ourselves into this time Angie?” Gaetano asked. Angie looking down shook his head and replied “Old friend we got ourselves into this, ten years ago. The day you agreed to get the paperwork for Peter’s supposed adoption. Again when you made that business transaction with a person named Doctor Scull.” Gaetano eyes opened wide with amazement and he said “How do you know about that business transaction? Is there a contact of mine leaking information?” Angie looked at his old friend and a smile came to his face as he replied “Gaetano the informant you’re looking for is you.” Peter extracted it from your memories so he could locate those children you see on the TV screen. He told us all about your meeting with Doctor Scull at the tea house. We were at your home reminiscing and talking about finding that room in the subway tunnel many years ago. Peter found memories connecting it with Doctor Scull.” Gaetano smiled back at Angie and said “That’s a load off my mind. I thought for sure there was a snitch in my organization.” Gabrielle, who was sitting between the two men stood up and put her hands on her hips and said “Okay guys this is a little too much. You both sound as if you’re talking about a nineteen fifties B monster movie.

What’s the real story behind all of this?” Gaetano looked at Angie and pointed to him as if to say “He’s the man to answer that question.” Angie nodding his head told Gabrielle what he knew. He told her that Peter and all the other boys she had seen, including the one that was at Gaetano’s home, were created by Doctor Caleb Scull. He had manipulated their DNA somehow and created what he thought to be a better human being. He was backed by a group of people that goes by a code name of Agency. Angie went on and told her how Parker had found Peter lying in a basket outside the Home for Little Wander’s and Gaetano had set up false papers of adoption from Italy so they could keep the child. Angie then told them of the amazing powers that Peter has, including the ability to mend physical ailments such as a damaged heart. Gabrielle sat in silence for a moment then said “If I hadn’t been transported instantly into this room by that young boy, I’d say you were out of your mind. So I must agree that what you say is the truth.”

Parker was sitting next to May and lovingly watching over her as he watched the events unfold on the TV screen Thoughts were running through his mind of the kind of danger that Peter and May were facing.

May’s physical present was right by his side but mentally and spiritually she was out there with Peter battling an insane mutant child. He took her hand and silently whispered to her “Your love will lead Peter to his destiny. You must be his strength in the hours leading to it.” He kissed her on the forehead and brushed back her hair from her face. Deep inside him an emotional battle was going on. He wanted so much to take Peter and May away from all of this but he knew it was not the right thing to do. Peter had chosen this path to his destiny and he would stand by his son decision. All he could do now was wait and accept the outcome, good or bad. Parker had blindly put his trust in the blue skinned stranger and hoped it was not a mistake. He knew he could not bear the loss of May and Peter. His world would come to an end that he could not face alone.

The blue skinned stranger appeared but only Parker could see him. The others in the room did not react to his appearance and continued their conversation as they watch the TV News. “Parker, I feel your pain and understand your concern for your family. To ease your trouble mind I will tell you this. I am the paternal DNA donor for all these children. I will protect them all from any danger that I can. I did not know till recently about the children and I had to make a hard choice to banish my own child James. So I know the emotional turmoil you are going through. Once Peter and the boys have finished their task. I will tell you everything.

Thank you again for the trust you have given me.” The image of the blue skinned stranger faded away into nothing and Parker felt a great peace come over him.

The conversation on the other side of the room with Gaetano, Gabrielle and Angie came to an abrupt stop as the voice of the female reporter filled the air. “This is Rena Marcella reporting live from the command center of the Winchester Police and National Guard. The authorities are evaluating the situation before taking action. The fighting has ceased between the two juveniles and twelve other children have appeared to aid one of the juveniles. No identification has been made of any of the participants in the battle. The juveniles are now standing in the street perfectly still. Scouts for the National Guard are moving in closer to the battle scene to evaluate the situation.” A loud scream was heard coming from the battle scene and the camera panned to the right. The TV screen was filled with an image of James and Peter. James had his metal hand held up in the air and electrical sparks were emitting from it. The cameraman zoomed in on James metal hand and you could see that the metal was becoming red hot. A white flash blanked out the TV screen for a second as an electrical charge shot of James’s metal hand and struck the protective bubble that surrounded Peter. The bolt of energy reflected of the surface of the bubble hit a power line pole in the street causing live wires to fall. The wires fell close to James and it startled him causing him to back off his attack. That instant Peter started the banishment process.

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