A Mother's Love

Chapter 32

General Palagon had just finished entering the pass code to shut down the security system of the room when from behind him came a loud pop and a blast of air. He turned and saw James standing there with a demonic smile on his face. “Hello General. Nice to meet you in person.” James said as he held out his hand to the general to shake. Nervously the General Palagon took James hand and shook it. Once in his grip James pulled the General towards him and wrap his other arm around the general’s shoulder and said. “I think we may become good friends General. I can see in your mind that you’re a lot like me. A man who likes to be in control of the people he sees as less than himself. A man who has contempt for his fellow man and sees them all as expendable. Play your cards right and you’ll live a lot longer than your fellow members. You have a lot more to offer than they do and as long as you remain useful to me you will survive.” The general just nodded his head in acceptance to what James had said.

James released the general from his grip and started to walk around the room examining all the controls and readout screens. From the readout screen he was able to deduce that they were monitoring various bodily functions. In the center of the room was a sealed transparent chamber about ten feet square.

Inside this chamber lying on a cold steel table James saw the body of his paternal genetic donor. It was this creature’s bodily function they were monitoring. James walked up to the transparent wall of the chamber to get a better look at the creature.

Here lied a being very much human in appearance except for a larger head and a blush tint to its skin.

Its’ facial features were also similar to that of a human but he lacked eye lids and his lips were not as pronounced and full as a human’s. Its’ mouth appeared to be a small slit just below the area where a nose should be. There was no nose to speak of just two small oblong holes set into the facial structure. James looked back at its eyes and saw they lacked any color and appeared to be crystal clear and lacking any type of pupil opening. James then noticed that it had no ears or even an opening for the auditory canal. The being appeared to be approximately seven feet tall with a slender but muscular built. He had the same number of arms, legs and fingers as a human but they were longer in proportion. A large scar could be seen running up the right side of the being’s face. The scar started just below the right ear and ended in the center of his forehead. The being was dress in a skin tight red garment that seemed to be some type of uniform. On the left front of the uniform in the chest area was an insignia. The insignia consisted of metallic gold colored pentagram with five blue jewels set into it at each intersection point of the pentagram.

James reached out mentally to see if the being was still alive. He could feel that the being was alive and that its mind was aware of his surroundings, but he could not read what it was thinking. This was the first living thing that James could not read. No matter how hard or deep he tried to probe its mind he was met with a wall of resistance that he couldn’t penetrate. James then realized that his own thoughts and mind set was being read by this being he was trying to read. James tried to build a mental defense against the mind probe but could not. James could sense his memories being read by the being and sensed a loathing that the creature seemed to feel towards him. A commanding voice filled James mind that said “You are an abomination and a threat to your own specie. I cannot allow your existence to go on. You must be exterminated.” James tried to stop the voice in his mind but it kept repeating the same thing over and over again.

Inside the sealed transparent chamber the eyes of the being lying on the cold steel table began to glow.

The glow was faint at first and changed the eyes of the creature from clear to a bright red. The red glow increased with every second until the glow fully hid the creatures head from sight. The being in the chamber now looked to have a glowing red ball of energy for a head. The transparent walls of the chamber and the floor beneath the General’s and James feet began to tremble as if an earthquake was occurring. The walls of the chamber finally gave into the power of the red glowing mass that now filled the whole chamber and an intense blast of heat and energy spread through the room. Before it could reach James he vanished into thin air with a loud pop and rush of air. The wave of heat and energy hit the general and instantly he was reduced to smoldering pile of ash. His last thoughts were those of regret and remorse for what he had done. The only thing that remained in the room was the cold steel table and its’ blue skinned occupant.

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