A Mother's Love

Chapter 31

Power…the ultimate human element of addiction. Power, like drugs, corrupts the soul by its constant usage and abuse. James had been corrupted by these evils while still in the womb. Like Peter he was self aware in the womb and could sense the thoughts that had passed thoughts his mother’s mind. Paige Walters was her name and she was a drug addict. She had no interest in the child she carried only the money she received to fund her addiction. Paige had come from a good family background and was well educated.

When she first entered the surrogate mother program she had just been released from a court ordered rehab center and was clean. Her parent had the money to hide this black mark from any background check ran against her. So the agency cleared her for the program. With the first payment she received from the agency she started back down the path of drug addiction. This was the environment that James experienced in the womb. The hateful thoughts that his mother felt was his only experience to the outside world. She felt like she had no power over her life and hated and blamed everyone for it. This thoughts form the basis of James personality and it was one full of evil and corruption.

James had taken control and it filled him with a pleasure and excitement that his spirit seemed to consume and it strengthen him. He had the remaining members of Xenograft in the palm of his hand and they were mere toys for his enjoyment. He would let them live as long as they were useful to him. After their usefulness had expired he would send them painfully to the empty oblivion of death. James knew he was on a journey that would take him to the pinnacle of power and he would use that power to satisfy his every whim. He would reshape the world the way that suited his wants and desires and destroy anything or anyone that stood in his way of achieving this goal. To him the only thing sacred in the world was his own self satisfaction. Everything else was just there for him to use and abuse as he saw fit.

The members of Xenograft watched and listened as James told them of his plans. None dared to think of defying him or his ideas. They understood that they could not hide their inner thoughts from him and feared his retaliation for having such thoughts. James could feel their contempt and fear and would use it to his advantage. He wanted them to fear him even more than they did and he knew the way to do it. “General Palagon, please meet me in the room where you are holding the paternal donator of my genetic makeup in five minutes.” James said in a commanding tone. Palagon replied “You are quite far from its location it would be impossible for you to be here in five minutes. No doubt you could make it pass the security points by killing everyone that blocks your path, but if you make it into the room it will automatically seal you in and fill the chamber with deadly toxic gases.” James smiled and said, “You have access to the room and can disable the security system that controls the toxic gases. The sentries will not even know I am there with you.

Just do as I have asked and be there in five minutes.” With a tone of fear in his voice Palagon replied “It would take me more time than that to enter the room. There are check points along the way that I would have to clear them to gain access.” James could read his thoughts and he was telling the truth so he replied “Okay I’ll give you the time you need to access the room. Leave now. I will be in mental contact with you all the way.

Once you are in the room and the security system is turned off I will come.” General Palagon stood up and exited his office and headed to the secure room as he was told to do.

James then addressed the remaining members and said, “You are all wondering how I am not

controlled like my other twelve brothers. Well the answer is I was spared the torture that my brothers went through to control them. The doctor had them programmed to obey his every wish with electric shock to certain areas of the brain. There would have been more of us but only the male brain was capable of surviving the procedure. All the females died from brain hemorrhaging thanks to the doctor’s misunderstanding of the human brain. Our father’s genes were more dominant in the male of our specie so my brothers were able to repair the damage as it occurred. The females retained more of their mother’s genetic makeup and lacked the ability to instantly repair the damage like their brothers. Let’s just say I avenged my sister’s death when I eliminated Doctor Scull. He shared no love with us other than the love of his experiment. We were treated and handled with the respect you would give a lab rat, not the human children we were. So now we are lab rats that have the power to revolt against the tyranny placed upon us and the world shall suffer for your sins.” James reached out with his mind and made the Xenograft members feel the pain that his brothers felt when they were given the electric shocks to the brain. They all screamed and shook in their chairs like they were having an epileptic fit. “Feel my brothers’ pain and know why we revolt against you. Realize what your stupidity and greed has created and ask your Gods for forgiveness for your grievous sins. James kept them in this state until his mental connection with General Palagon told him that all was ready. James released his hold from the members and smiled and said “Gentlemen, it’s been fun, but the general is ready and I have to pop out to meet him. So if you will excuse me.” With a loud pop of air James disappeared from existence before the members eyes.

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