A Mother's Love

Chapter 30

Peter was in his bedroom sitting on the edge of his bed staring out the window of his room and contemplating the information and memories the Lost Boys had given him. He was both intrigued and horrified by what they had shown and taught him. Their memories of the treatment they received to enhance their abilities sent a shiver of loathing down his spine. They were just innocent human children and they were treated like animals in a lab experiment. They were nothing more than expendable items for an experiment whose value was greater than their lives. He could not make himself understand how anyone could justify that method of thinking. A life, no matter who or what it belonged to, is a sacred thing and should be treated as such. Over the past week he had learned much of the inhumanity that some people have for their own specie let alone another. This saddened him deeply to think that such horror really existed in the world.

The voice of the Lost Boys reverberated in his mind and Peter heard them say “James has left the chamber. Now is the time to act on our liberation.” Astonished by the communication Peter replied “How can I hear and communicate with you? I am in the real world not in Neverland.” The voice of the Lost Boys quickly replied “When you allowed us to enter your mind in Neverland we created a mental link to you in the real world. We absorbed all knowledge and memories we found there. Just as we shared with you our knowledge and experience.” This fact frighten Peter because he knew this could put his parent’s and Papa Angie’s life in jeopardy. Peter replied “James must never share this knowledge with you. It could bring grave danger to my loved ones.” The Lost Boys replied “We shield our thoughts from James. He will never share this information about you with us. Your identity and information are safe with us. Do not worry brother.” “Where did James go?” asked Peter. “He has gone to take control away from Doctor Scull. He intends to kill him and anyone else that gets in his way. That’s why we must act now.” replied the voice of the Lost Boys.

Peter evaluated the situation in his mind and then asked “Can we stop him?” The Lost Boys response was quick and to the point as they said “He has already eliminated the doctor and one of the members of Xenograft and four innocent people. Together with your help Peter we can stop him. The longer we wait the worst the situation will escalate.” “Okay then let’s not waste any more time and do what we have to do.

What’s the plan?”

For a few moments the voice of the Lost Boys was silent. Peter wondered if James had returned and the Lost Boys broke contact. Then their voice once again filled Peters mind and they said “Go to the southwest corner at the intersection of Milk and Devonshire. There is an old style lamp post and a stop light on that corner. Also there you will find two brass water fittings coming up from the ground close to the wall of the building located there. Stand in the center between the two brass fittings. Have your parents and Papa Angie stand around you to block anyone from seeing you.” Peter asked “Why do I have to be hidden from view?” The voice of the Lost Boys replied “Because we are going to Quantum Tunnel you to our location directly below where you’ll be standing. Tell your companions that when they hear a small pop and rush of air that you will be gone.” I’ll contact you when we get there and are ready.” Peter replied. “No. We will not break mental contact with you until we are free from our chambers. We will hide you from James in our mind matrix so that he does not sense your presences. He is currently in the building at that intersection giving birth to his plan to take control of Xenograft council members. If he returns before you arrive we will warn you not to proceed with the plan. Time is of the essence brother so we must move quickly.” said the voice of the lost Boys.

Peter existed from his bedroom and headed down stairs to tell his parents and Papa Angie the plan the Lost Boys had presented him. His whole being was both excited and scared at the same time. He was about to embark on the adventure of a life time and didn’t know where it would lead or its outcome. He knew deep inside that this path he was on was set the day Fawn, his mother, chose to free him from the life led by the Lost Boys. Now the path has come full circle and fate has cast him as the redeemer of his tormented brothers. Just a boy, ten years of age, yet the weight of the world lay heavily on his shoulders. There was no turning back. The path he was on only led forward in time but it destination was far from defined. Only in traversing it could he find were it leads and its outcome. He willingly accepted these facts and hoped that what he’d find at the end of the path was worth the journey.

Peter found his parents and Papa Angie in the kitchen enjoying a cup of coffee and discussing what they thought would be the best way to free the Lost Boys. Peter explained to them the plan the Lost Boys had laid out and that it had to be done as soon as possible. May, Parker and Angie at first didn’t think that it was a good idea to go head on into the plan without knowing all the variables involved. They were concerned with the safety of Peter going into the chamber alone and the uncertainty of what would happen after Peter freed the Lost boys. Peter assured them that he had all the faith in the world that everything would turn out all right and that the Lost Boys could be trusted. Waiting any longer to free them may bring James into the equation and that confrontation may be deadly. May, Parker and Angie trusted Peter’s judgment on the matter and agreed to do as the lost Boys had asked. May had one concern and she said to Peter “I want to be in contact with you until you return with the Lost Boys. I will do as they ask if you do this one thing for me.” Peter nodded in acceptance to this one request and said “I was going to ask you all to be there with me in your minds when I went in. I may be acting brave but in reality, deep down inside, I’m scared.” May reached over and hugged Peter and said “Where there for you my child. We know you’re just a boy taking on a job that is man size, but we have all the faith in the world that you can accomplish this.” Tears filled her eyes and the pain of a mother’s love was felt in her heart and spirit. The child that she had nurtured from a baby would today become a man.

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