A Mother's Love

Chapter 29

Doctor Scull sat at his desk starring at his computer screen. He was waiting for a message box to appear telling him that all connections were made for a teleconference with the Xenograft. Today was an important day and this meeting would have to be handled carefully. He had spent the night before preparing for it. The organization was getting impatient with his results of the experiments. They wanted to see some hard facts that it was proceeding as he had told them it would. Before him on his desk was a data sheet that he had prepared with results. This data was in actuality a blatant lie of the statistics of his progress, but it showed what the organization wanted to see.

The receptionist down the hall from the doctor’s office hears the sound of the elevator arriving on that floor. The elevator doors open and standing there is a boy about fifteen to sixteen years old. He smiles at her and she smiles back then the elevator doors slide shut. She wonders why the lad did not get off the elevator.

Her attention is drawn away by the sound of a ringing phone. She looks down to see what line is ringing to answer it but when she looks up she sees the boy that was on the elevator standing there smiling. She asked him if she could help him and he simply shake his head to reply that no she can’t. The receptionist tries to pick up the receiver of the phone and realizes that she can’t move. She tries to talk but her tongue and lips do not respond to her mental commands. She feels a pressure building up in her head and tries to scream because the pain is unbearable, but she can’t. She feels blood oozing from her eyes, ears, nose and mouth but can’t move her hands to wipe it away. The pain keeps increasing with every passing moment and she feels her head swelling and getting larger. Then she finds that she can move again and she screams just before her head explodes like an overfilled balloon. The splattering blood covers the boy’s face and upper torso and his smiled broaden.

A male lab technician working in a lab heard the scream and entered the hall that led down to the receptionist desk. At the end of the hall he saw the boy covered in blood walking towards him with a broad insane smile on his face. The technician tried to turn and run to notify security but found he couldn’t He felt his body being taken over by an outside force he couldn’t control. He turned and faced the doorway to the lab and his leg started into a walking motion. With each step his speed increased until he was in a full run heading for a large window on the outside of the building. He couldn’t stop himself and fear filled his whole spirit as he crashed through the window and fell screaming to his death.

At the end of the hall that the boy was walking down two doors swung open and security guards entered the hallway. They stopped abruptly as the saw the boy covered in blood walking down the hall towards them. The both immediately drew their weapons and command the boy to stop and lay down on the floor. The boy just kept smiling and continued down the hall disobeying the guards command. The two guards tried to fire their weapons but found they could not. They too had become immobile and unable to control their bodily actions. The boy stopped walking and raised and iron covered hand and beckoned the guards to come to him. Rigidly the guards started to progress down the hall until they were about three free from the boy. The guard on the right side of the hall lowered his weapon as both guards turned and faced each other. The guard with the drawn weapon felt his finger start to press done on the trigger of his weapon that was aimed at the face of the other guard. He tried to fight with all his will power not to pull the trigger but he couldn’t stop his actions. The other guard let out a scream just before the being shot right between the eyes. The guard that shot him saw the back of his head explode as the bullet existed out. The dead guard slammed against the wall in back of him then slowly slide down it leaving a trail of blood on the wall. The guard with the gun in his hand felt his grip on it loosen and let go of holding the gun. The gun did not fall to the floor but hung suspended in the air and turned so the nozzle of the gun was now facing the guard. The gun floated forward and down until the nozzle of the gun rested on the guard’s chest right over his heart. The guard felt his bodily control come back and he screamed just as the gun fired and put a bullet through his heart.

From the hall outside his office he heard the first of the loud but short screams then a moment of silence then a window shatter followed by a scream that seem to fade away. He rose from his desk and walk to the door of his office and in that short time he heard two more brief loud screams and two gun shots. With each scream it seemed to be coming closer to the location of his office. When he reached the door to his office he peered out of the small window located in the upper middle part of the door. On the wall across from his office, in the hall, he saw what appeared to a large splattering of blood on the wall and a dead security guard sitting on the floor. A hole was present on his face right between his eyes and the back of his head was missing. He looked to the right and down that hall and there he saw James smiling and covered in blood.

Doctor scull lock the door to his office and ran back to his desk. Opening the bottom right draw of his desk he withdrew a revolver. Looking back at the door he could see the face of James smiling in the small window.

The doctor’s computer beep and he looked down at the screen to see the message box that stated the teleconferencing connection was made. He raised the gun and aimed it at the door ready to shoot if necessary. James smile seemed to broaden even further across his face given him a demonic appearance.

A familiar voice, which the doctor Identified as the leader of the organization, spoke in an angry tone and said “Doctor Scull what is going on there that you need to have a weapon drawn?” Before the doctor could reply James entered his office. He did not open the door to enter. James simple passed through it as if it wasn’t there. The doctor tried to pull the trigger on the revolver but the muscles in his hand would not respond to his mental command to fire the weapon. James laughed and slowly walked over to the doctor and removed the revolver from the doctor’s hand. The doctor felt James in his mind and taking complete control of it. The doctor was frozen in place and couldn’t move. He couldn’t even move his eyes away from looking at James. The speakers connected to his computer once more emitted the voice that represented the organization and it said “Doctor who is with you in your office? Why are you just standing there with that blank expression on your face? Answer me Doctor Scull or you regret it.” The voice on the other end of the connection watched as Doctor Scull’s head seemed to swell before his eyes. The color of the doctor’s face seemed to change from the fleshy pint to a dark red and blue. His head kept getting larger and larger and blood flowed from every opening, but the doctor never moved or made a sound. Then the blank stare on his face turn to one of fear and pain. The doctor had gotten back the control of his bodily function but it was too late. All the members of the organization heard the doctor let out a scream of terrifying pain as his head explode like a balloon that was overfilled with a red syrupy liquid.

James step over the body of the now dead doctor and walked around to the back of his desk. He did not step in front of the monitor but put his bloody metal hand in front of it. All the people in the teleconference connect saw the bloody hand fill their screens. They could see bit of flesh and blood that covered the hand.

James drew his hand way from the front of the monitor and stepped in front of it. The image of what appeared to be a teenage boy covered in blood and with a grin so evil that it sent chills down the back of everyone watching. The voice of the man that was speaking to the doctor broke the silence in the office and he said “Who are you and how and why did you kill Doctor Scull?” James sat in the doctor’s chair and moved in closer to the screen. His bloody face filled the screen on the other end of the teleconference monitors and the demonic smile faded from his face. “I am called James. A secret that the doctor has been keeping from you.” James sat back in the chair and said “Excuse me gentlemen while I freshen up a bit and make myself more presentable.” A swirling cloud of red mist rose from around James and in an instant it was gone. In the chair not sat James without a drop of blood on himself or his cloths. He held up his metal hand and open and close it to ensure that no blood had leaked into the joints.

He smiled as he looked at the monitor and said “Atomizing things is so much cleaner than soap and water.

Gentlemen now that I am a bit more presentable I think we can continue with this conversation.” The voice on the other end of the connection replied “I didn’t know we were having any type of conversation. What makes you think we would even consider talking to you? As far as I can see you’re a punk kid with an attitude and ego that is unimportant to us.” James laughed at that statement and said “General Palagon, you don’t know who or what you are fooling with. Please be advised that that I only keep people around me as long as I need them. Such is the case of Doctor Scull. I let him live till I could get in contact with you people at Xenograft. I am what you wanted. The ultimate human weapon. The first thing on my agenda is to ask where did the paternal DNA source you gave the good doctor to create us come from.” There was no immediate response from the Xenograft people just some muffled sounds of voices coming out of the speakers. James sat there admiring his metal hand waiting for a response.

The voice of General Palagon finally responded and said “How did you know my identity? Even the doctor wasn’t privy to that information. We cannot answer your question about paternal DNA without jeopardizing nation security.” James let out a short laugh and said, “General, I know all the identities of those on this teleconference and you all answered my question already. Would you like for me to list their names and what they had to say about the paternal DNA?” The general answer quickly and said “Well then I’ll just call your obvious bluff and ask you to name all of us and what they had to say about the DNA.” James smiled and said “Your names are Ivan Palagon, Chu Ming, Sven Hellberg, Amaury Chaput, Afanasiy Yezhov, Addison Lowth, Tehpoe Fakathi, and Abaye Naphtali. None of you talked about the DNA, but you all had thoughts on it. Yours thoughts general told me that the DNA was not of this planet, but human. Or should I say a more evolved human species. It was obtained from a secret location located in the mountains of Utah without proper clearance. In other words you stole it. The specimen was taking from a donor that survived a crash of an interstellar ship. The humanoid, which suffered head injuries and is comatose, is being kept alive by the government to gather information about them. Shall I continue or is that proof enough?” No response came back and an unnatural silence filled the office where James sat staring at the monitor. The silence was broken by the voice of Ivan Palagon who said “Your information is correct in all cases and it is obvious to us that you are what we were striving for. Do you wish to become a working member of our organization? Since the doctor is no longer with us we have an opening to fill. We can offer you a lucrative position of power and money. Would you be interested in discussing the scenario I have just suggested?” A laughter with a demonic echo bellowed forth from James that would turn a bravest man’s heart to a quivering mass of cowardice. He put his face close to the monitor screen and said “I have no intention of become one of your members. There is not enough power or money that you could lay at my feet that could persuade me. I need none of you to take my rightful place in this world. You may make a choice to join me in my pursuit or perish under my regime. What do you say gentlemen, any takers. The response was almost immediate as Palagon voice replied “We will not bow to your demands. We are the ones that planned your making. We can eliminate you and your worthless threats whenever we choose. We command forces greater than even you could imagine or handle.”

A sinister sneer appeared on James face and then he said “I will show now how I can handle this situation and make you see your misconception of who I am and what I can do. James’s mind reached out across the great distance that separated him for the eight members of the Xenograft organization and took control of their They all realized that they no longer had control of their bodies or minds. Their minds were being invaded and their memories and knowledge all being absorbed by James. Each member of Xenograft felt their heartbeat increase in speed and a great pressure built up in the chest. They could all hear their heart beats echoing in their ears getting louder and louder and they all wanted to scream in pain but couldn’t. Finally the heart of Addison Lowth could no longer take the strain of the increase heart beat and failed. He slumped forward falling out of his chair to the floor and lied there in a dead heap. The heartbeats of the others slowed down to its normal beat an they regained control of their bodily functions.

James opened his eyes and brought his face close to the monitor again and said “Gentlemen have I made myself clear? Have I corrected your misconception on who is in charge and what I can do? If you feel I haven’t please feel free to speak up and join the late Mister Addison.” It was a deafening silence that was their response and James nodded his head and smiled and said, “Thank you for your cooperation. Now shall we get down to the real business at hand?”

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