A Mother's Love

Chapter 33

After leaving the car in a parking garage on State Street, Peter, May, Parker and Angie headed on foot to the intersection of Devonshire and Milk. The walk was one made in silence. They all knew what they had to do and without any conversation on the matter followed the instructions given to them by the Lost Boys.

Peter stood between the two brass fittings and May Parker and Angie stood around him to block anyone from seeing what was about to occur. May turned to look at Peter and she saw him pop out of existence. One second he was there smiling at May and the next he was gone followed by a loud pop and a rush of air.

Peter found himself standing between two large metal cylinders in the rear of the chamber where the Lost Boys were being held. In his mind Peter heard the voice of the Lost Boys and they instructed him to go to a computer readout panel on the far right wall of the chamber. Once he reached the read out panel the Lost Boys instructed him to locate a green bar and a red bar running horizontally on the lower right section of the readout panel. Peter located the bars and then was instructed to decrease the red bar’s length to zero by touching the screen and moving his finger across it. Peter did as instructed and he heard the sound of a blower on the other side of the chamber stop. As the red bar decreased in length the green bar increased in length.

Peter walked down the metal catwalk between the two rows of transparent cylinders that held the Lost Boys. When he reached the center of the catwalk he notice that some of the Lost Boys had opened their eyes and were staring to move, One of the Lost Boys closest to Peter’s location smiled at him and raised his hand and waved. Then twelve popping sounds, one right after another echoed through the chamber followed by a rush of air. All the Lost Boys were now free of the cylinders that once held them in a semi comatose state. They were all standing in a single line, the smallest to the tallest, directly in front of Peter. In his minds Peter heard the thoughts of all the Lost Boys and they were all thanking him for freeing them from their living hell. Using his voice Peter spoke to them and said “We’ve got to get out of here as quick as possible.

Where’s the exit to this place.” In his mind he heard one of the Lost Boys respond “The same way we got you in is the way out.”

Within less than a blink of an eye Peter found himself with the Lost Boys in his own back yard. Peter was dressed for the cold winter day but the Lost Boys were not. They all were bare footed and their clothing was not much more than white light cotton pants and short sleeved tops that looked like pajamas. There was at least six inches of snow on the ground and the cold New England wind was blowing sending a chill right down to your bones. Peter had to get them out of the cold and into the warm house as soon as possible.

Using his voice Peter told the lost boys to follow him. He led them across the yard and up the back steps of the house. Peter found that the back door was locked. He was about to pick the lock by manipulating the tumblers when he realized that he was already in the house. The Lost Boys transported themselves and Peter into the house. Peter reached out mentally to his mother and made contact with her. He explained to her that he and the Lost Boys where safe and at home. She responded that they were on their way back to the house and would meet them there shortly.

The Lost Boys were very inquisitive about their new surroundings and quickly started to examine everything in the house. Peter could hear their thoughts rushing though his mind and each was asking him for information on something. Peter using his voice said “Please talk to me one at a time and use your voices please.” The maddening sounds of their thoughts abruptly stopped echoing in Peter’s mind and they all turned and looked directly at Peter. Peter heard one voice in his mind respond and it said “We cannot use our voices to speak. The part of our brains that controls the speech center has been disabled by medical modification. We can only communicate with our minds.”

Images of the procedures used to do the modifications filled Peter’s mind. He saw a child being strapped to a metal table and a long thin needle like object inserted into the left frontal lobe of his brain. The needle like object was connected to a machine by a thin black colored wire. The child appeared to feel no pain as the needle was inserted but Peter saw the fear that reflected from the child’s eyes. The attending technician was a female and she inspected the needle like object making sure that the insertion was correctly done. She left the child and walked over to the machine the needle was connected to and pressed a glowing red button. The instant she pressed it the child’s body arched and the fear in its’ eyes turned to terror. A large electrical shock was delivered by the needle like object to the speech center of the brain disabling it from use by the child. Hate filled Peter’s soul for the treatment that was inflicted on his brothers, but it was quickly replaced by pity and sorrow for their ordeal. Tears filled his eyes and ran down his face as he faced the Lost Boys and he said “I am truly sorry for the way you have been mistreated and abused. They stripped from you your humanity and treated you like an expendable object of experimentation. Do not judge the rest of the world by these actions for it is not a true representation. The world is filled with much more and I shall show it to you. Follow me brothers.” In a single line the Lost Boys followed Peter into the living room.

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