A Mother's Love

Chapter 15

At five o’clock in the morning the alarm next to May and Parker bed went off and the soft music from a local radio station began to play. Parker reached over and turned off the alarm before it woke baby Peter. May rolled over and hugged Parker and said good morning. “We’ve got a lot to do today.” Parker said as he hugged May back. “Can you leave the bakery for awhile this afternoon so we can go and purchase a crib for Peter?” asked May. “I don’t know. I’ll have to ask the boss. Wait a minute I am the boss and the boss says that Parker can get the time off.” Parker replied jokingly. May laughed and hugged him tighter. “Well the sooner you let go off me the sooner I can be back. Angie and I will take care of the morning chores of preparing and baking.

When that is done and the Vera and Dolly show up I’ll head home and we’ll go shopping.” Parker told May. “It’s a deal.” May replied.

Parker headed for the shower and May after checking Peter headed down stairs to the kitchen to put on the coffee. After preparing the coffee May turned on the TV to catch the morning news and weather. The meteorologist was just finishing up with what today’s weather would be and announced that the anchor person had some breaking news. The anchor person was a blond business looking woman who usually has a smile on her face no matter what she is reporting, but today she wore a serious look on her face. “This breaking news: A woman was struck and killed by a vehicle just outside a downtown bus station this morning. Live from the scene is our reporter Rod Beckman” A small window of video appear in the upper right part of the screen showing Rod standing with a microphone in his right hand and his left hand cupped over his ear. The small window grew larger and filled the screen and the reporter started to speak, “This is Rod Beckman live in front of the South Station bus terminal on Atlantic Ave. This morning at approximately two forty five a fatal accident occurred between a pedestrian and a bus. Report has it that an unidentified female ran from the terminal into the path of a departing bus and was killed instantly. Video surveillance shows that she dropped her suitcase and ran out of the terminal, but it shows no one in pursuit of her. Witness stated that she appeared to be looking behind herself and didn’t see the oncoming bus and stepped right into its path. Hold on I’m getting a message from my camera man. He telling me that they have identified the victim as a twenty one year old Fawn Moore. She is a local college student that has been reported missing for the last two weeks. There is definitely more to this story and we will stay on it and update you with any information that is to be released.“ The TV screen now showed the anchor woman once again and she was looking off camera. She finally faced the camera and said, “We have updated information on the victim. Fawn Moore was a college student and a participant in a surrogate mother program. She was reported missing by the agency handling the program about a week ago. We have Doctor Caleb Scull via live feed as a representative of surrogate mothers program standing by. Doctor Scull what can you tell us about the victim Fawn Moore?” The TV screen changed to a split screen format with the Anchor on the left and Doctor Scull on the right. May instantly recognized him from the dream she had the night before. There was a moment delay before the doctor began to speak. He finally responded and said, “I last saw her when she came in for her monthly examination. She seemed troubled by something but she didn’t mention anything that was bothering her. She was in her last days of the pregnancy, but I have been notified by the authorities that at the time of the accident she was no longer carrying the child. We are concerned for the safety of the child. If there is anyone out there viewing this broadcast with information of this child please contact the surrogate mothers program by phone or email through the contact information listed on the screen. We are offering a cash reward of ten thousand dollars for any information leading to the recovery of the child. I’d like to thank your station for the air time you have given us to get this information out.” The image of the doctor slipped off to the right of the screen and a full screen shot of the anchor woman appeared. She started to repeat the information about how to contact the agency with any information when May reached over and turned the TV off.

Parker entered the kitchen and saw May sitting there with a worried look on her face. He immediately asked “What’s wrong May?” A million thoughts ran through May’s mind she didn’t know where to begin to tell him what was bothering her. She finally looked at Parker and said “I had a dream last night but it was more than a dream. I saw and was Fawn Moore. I watched and experienced everything that she did over the last several months. I know why she left Peter on the doorsteps of that building. Then I watched her die.” May broke down in tears and Parker ran over to comfort her. He lifted her out of the chair and hugged her tightly and said. “May it was just a dream brought on by what has happen over the last day.” “No.” she responded,” I watched her die and a news report just verified what I had seen.””What news report are you talking about?” Parker asked. She pushed herself from his arms and turned on the TV. There on the screen he saw an image of the woman who photo was in the book that came with Peter. Below it was the name Fawn Moore. He listened to the anchor person talking about the accident and the missing child. Once he had heard enough he reached over and turned off the TV.

A knock came to the door and May and Parker looked at each other with the thought of impending doom. Parker walked over to the front door and moved a curtain aside to see who was there. There standing on the front landing was Angie and he was holding a large box. Parker unlocked and open the door and Angie stepped in from the cold New England morning. Angie looked at parker and with a serious look on his face he said “Have you seen the morning news?” Parker just nodded his head. He then closed and locked the door.

Angie still carrying the box walked down the hall to the kitchen. He laid the box against an open space along the kitchen wall and went over and gave May a hug and wished her a good morning. From beneath his coat he pulled out a large brown manila envelope and handed it to May. “Here’s all the paperwork for the adoption it all will appear legal and on the up and up.” Angie said. May put the envelope on the table and looked at Angie. He saw the concern in her face and knew she too had seen the news. Angie looked her right in the eyes and said, “Don’t worry. Everything will be okay.” May took a deep breath and said “Angie, this friend of yours that set up all the paperwork can he be trusted not to sell us out for the reward?” Angie nodded and said “Gaetano and I go way back. We’ve known each other since we were kids. I would trust him with my life. Besides that he’d have a lot to lose if he came forward with any info. His associates would not approve for they would be brought into the limelight. These people like their privacy when it comes to business. Believe me when I say there are no loose ends there.” May looked a little relieved to hear what Angie had said. She gave him a hug and asked if he’d want some coffee. “No thanks.” said Angie “Gotta get to work. I hear the boss isn’t coming in today. Got some family matter to take care of and somebody got to run the place. Oh, by the way. What’s in the box is for the baby. Parker you’ll need a few tools to assemble it.”

Parker told Angie that he was going into the bakery this morning and leaving after the morning chores were done. Angie insisted that he could handle it alone today and that he’d stop by tonight after closing. Parker thanked Angie and shook his hand. He insisted that Angie take a hot cup of coffee in a travel mug with him to ward off the cold of the morning. Angie tried to refuse it but a stern look from May that said “My coffee is not good enough for you.” Instantly change his mind. Angie said, “I’ll take it light with two sugars if you please.” May smiled and prepared the coffee. Angie headed for the front door with a travel mug in his hand and before stepping out into the cold he said “You two have a great day and I’ll see you tonight.” May walked over to the box that Angie had left leaning against the wall. On the outside of the box in blue ink was printed a picture of a crib. Angie must have gone out last night and purchased it. Parker opened the box and removed the assembly instructions. He looked at May and said “I’ll need a hammer, wrench and screw driver and have this put together in no time.” He picked up the box and headed upstairs to assemble it.

May tells Parker to assemble it in the guest bedroom which will now be Peter’s room. Parker nodded in agreement and headed up the stairs.

May poured herself a cup of coffee and sat at the table. She reached over and turned the TV on. The TV screen showed the image of dark haired man in his late twenties. The announcer was saying that he was a wanted criminal in connection with a string of hold ups on convenient store in the area of Quincy. She watched for about ten more minutes of various local news reports before she saw anything about the accident.

The anchor person appeared on the TV screen with a banner across the bottom of the screen that read “Breaking News” and reported, “A motel owner from the White Mountains of New Hampshire has verified that Fawn Moore registered there under the name of Tess Marlow. Footage from security cameras has led to a positive identification of her. The motel owner stated that he was told that she was an author and had come up to the mountains to finish writing a book. He also stated that when asked if she was due to deliver she said she had a couple of months to go. She had rented the cabin for one month but stayed only ten days. She didn’t bother checking out, she just up and left. The local police have searched the cabin but no leads have developed on the whereabouts of the baby. Security video from the motel shows her leaving yesterday in a taxi and carrying a small bundle of blankets. Police have talked to the taxi driver and he states that she did have a child with her when she entered and left the taxi. The taxi company logged that she was taken to a bus station in North Conway. The local police from North Conway are under the assumption that she took a bus from there into Boston. An employee of the bus line said that he had sold a ticket to a woman with a baby. He remembered because she asked if there was a cost for the child. The Boston police have not yet determined what happened after she arrived in the city. Stay tuned for breaking news on this case.”

May turned off the TV and just sat at the table sipping her coffee. Everything she had dreamed the night before had actually happen. The reporter has verified that for her. The question was how and why she had dreamt it. Could it be that Peter had some part in it. In her mind she heard the little voice, “New Mother, please come.” it said. May got up from her seat and headed for the upstairs bedroom. Peter was awake but not fussing, he actually appeared to be looking around the room. May walked over to him and said, “Hello my little man. Are you ready to eat.?” She heard the little voice in her head say, “Yes, but soiled.” May didn’t understand at first what he meant by that but when she lifted him out of the draw the wetness and odor made her understand quickly. She grabbed a towel from the bathroom and spread it out on her bed. She laid peter down on it and removed the diaper she had made from one of Parker’s tee shirts. She realized that she needed to get a wet face cloth from the bathroom to clean Peter up. She was about to go and get one when she heard the sound of someone moving the towels and the water being turned on. How nice of Parker she thought. He must have walked in while she was changing Peter and seen that she needed a wet cloth. She waited to hear his footstep cross the room but she never heard them. She knows she heard the rustling of the towels and the tap being turned on and off. What was the hold up? She turned and looked in the direction of the bathroom. What she saw left her awestruck. There directly in front of where she had looked was a wet face cloth just floating in the air and dripping water all over the floor. May called out to her husband, “Parker could you come here please.” She said this in as calmly as possible not to frighten the baby with a frighten tone of voice. Parker entered the room and stopped dead in his tracks. He looked at Amy and then back to the floating face cloth. May reached out and grabbed the face cloth and said, “I’m not sure but I think Peter got me a wet face cloth.” Both of them had a funny feeling that this was only the first of many amazing events that would happen in their life. She finished changing Peter and took him down stairs to feed him and Parker went back to work assembling the crib.

May was sitting in a large padded parlor chair feeding Peter. She thought of the night before and the strange yet wonderful dream she had. In her mind she asked herself why she was so privileged to have that particular dream. She once again heard the little voice in her mind speak and it said, “Mother said I had to.” May thought back, ”Then it was you Peter.” “Mother wanted you to know the danger and the truth.” the little voice responded. “You did what she asked, she would be proud of you.” May said rather than thinking it. “Do you understand the dangers and truth, Peter?” thought May not really asking him but just thinking. The little voice said, “Danger is bad, truth is good. Mother said so.””Your mother taught you well” she thought back.

“Mother taught Peter many things. Knowing the difference between good and bad was her favorite.” The little voice spoke back. “Peter, was it you that got the wash cloth I needed?” “Yes mother. Peter replied. “How did you know how to do it? You have never been in the bathroom so how did you know where to find a wash cloth?” May asked. “You showed me how.” Peter responded. “How did I show you?” may asked. “It was in your thoughts. You thought about what to do. Mother Fawn taught me that helping is good.” The little voice responded. “She was right and thank you for helping.” May thought. She smiled as she had that thought.

Chapter 16:

Parker left the house to fetch some needed items for the baby. He came back to the house two hours later with a car seat, baby carriage, some feeding bottle, baby formula, sanitary wipes and a large carton of disposable diapers. May was sitting at the kitchen table when he came in. Peter was up in his new crib sleeping. “Well I think I got everything that you suggested that we needed for our new family member.” Parker said as he finished bringing in the last of it. “We need to talk about Peter, May responded.” Parker Pulled up a chair and sat next to May at the table. “What is it you want to talk about May” Parker asked. “The note that was in the basket said Peter was a very special child, but I don’t think you fully understand how special. Peter may not be able to speak yet but he can communicate. He talks to me now with his mind. That dream I told you about, that was brought on by Peter. Fawn told Peter to show his new family the truths and dangers in taking him in. I don’t think that Fawn knew the whole truth, but she knew enough to see it was wrong what the agency is doing. Fawn taught Peter things while he was still in her womb. I saw how she was teaching him in the dream. I think that’s why he can communicate with me and not you. He is more susceptible to the female thought pattern than the male. You had a vision you said when you first took him home. You saw Fawn and an older gentleman with a beard. That must have been Doctor Scull. If you remember Peter started crying when you had the vision. He was straining his mind to communicate with you and it must have bothered him and like all babies he did what came natural and cried.”, May told Parker. “Are you saying that he can communicates with women better than he can with men?” asked Parker. “For now yes.

Think about it, he was communicating with Fawn since about the sixth month of pregnancy. She taught him how to use his ability to communicate with her. So naturally he is more in tune with a female brain pattern of thought than that of a man. As he grows older his abilities will get stronger and he’ll be able to mentally communicate with a male. My biggest concern is as he grows older will he be hearing everyone’s thoughts all coming at him at once, or will he be able to filter it to the minds he chooses.” May responded.

Just then a knock came to the door but with it came the familiar voice of their friend Angie so paranoia didn’t overtake them and Parker answered the door. Angie stepped in and handed Parker a money bag holding the bakery’s daily sales money and slips. “It was a good business day. The place was busy all day long. Sold seven birthday cakes and took orders for five wedding cakes, then had a sell out on three pastry items today too.” Angie told Parker as he handed him the bag. Parker headed down the hall to the kitchen and Angie followed. May offered Angie something to eat and he replied that he like that and anything she had handy would do. “ Would a cold cut sandwich hit the spot?” asked May. Angie replied “As long as it has lettuce and tomatoes on it.” “Mayo on that too.” said May jokingly. “Now your spoiling me.” Angie said with a little laughter in his voice. May went to the fridge and removed the items needed to make the sandwich. I guess you’d like one too Parker, am I right.” May asked. “Okay twist my arm and I’ll have one if you hold the mayo.” Parker responded.

Angie and Parker sat at the kitchen table and Angie removed his coat and put it over the back of the chair. “I talked to Gaetano today and he assured me that there would be no way to trace the child to the accident victim. Though he was glad I told him about the connection between her and the child. He will keep an eye out for anyone trying to see or obtain any copies of the adoption transaction. So you too rest easy and enjoy being parents to the child” Angie said so they both could hear. “Thanks Angie.” said May “But there is more to the story than you know.” “Well are you going to tell me or keep me in suspense?” queried Angie.

“Yes, we had planned to and now is a good time as any.” May said as she laid the sandwiches in front of Angie and Parker. Parker went over to the cabinet and withdrew a bottle of wine. He asked Angie if he would like some with his sandwich and Angie nodded in approval.

May sat at the table and as Angie ate his sandwich and May told him everything she knew. She told him about the dream she had the night before and how Peter can communicate with her. When she told him about the incident with the wash cloth he nearly choked on his sandwich. “You mean to say that Peter manipulated the wash cloth with mental abilities and did so because he saw it in your mind?” Angie asked.

May nods in response. “We know who the mother was, but that leaves a question of, who was the father? Did that dream you had shine any light on that question?” Angie queried. “No it didn’t. I don’t think Fawn knew either. It was suppose to be a surrogate mother’s program and she was to remain ignorant of that fact. That would mean that the agency would have records of who is the father and Peter’s DNA could be traced back to the donor. Did the adoption paperwork include DNA information Angie?” May asked. “There was information but from what Gaetano mentioned it was of a child that was still born in Naples. He is very thorough about not leaving any trail that can be followed. The only problem I can see is if a DNA specimen is every taken from Peter it may lead the agency to your doorstep.“ Angie replied. “A DNA sample isn’t taken that often unless they have reason too. So as long as there is no physical examination that could identify his DNA profile there shouldn’t be a problem.” Both Parker and Angie nodded in agreement.

May sat and thought a moment about what Angie had brought up. Who was the father of Peter? She tried to think back to the part of the dream when Fawn was inseminated. That part of the dream was more of less just flashing images and the details weren’t well defined. She remembered an image of the doctor removing a canister from a mobile refrigerated unit with A27C3 printed on it. He removed a tube from the canister that contained a glowing blue liquid in it. That is all she could remember of the event. Fawn must have been put under some kind of sedation and was unconscious after that point in time. She wondered what the significance of the printing on the canister. Could that code be linked to the identity of Peter’s father somehow? May thought there could be no way to find out if it did because she thought she could never obtain the information from the agency. Little did she know at the time that not only would she find out what the label on the canister meant, but also who the fathered Peter. What the future held for May and Parker was uncertain, but May decided that she would make the best of it. No matter the cost.

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