A Mother's Love

Chapter 14

Once more May saw images of Fawn’s life rushing pass before her mind’s eye. She watched as Fawn returned to the Boston area with the Peter and check into a hotel under an assumed name. Fawn knew that the agency had people out looking for her so she changed the color of her hair and wore larger clothes to look different from the person they were looking for. The images May saw sped up to a speed that was dizzying.

They passed before her so quickly it made little sense to her. Faster and faster they came at a pace that strained May’s mind and just as she thought she was about to lose all touch with reality everything had come to a sudden stop.

May found she was sitting on a bench in the bus station in downtown Boston. This did not feel like a dream it felt like she was really here, right now. At her feet was a suitcase and she recognized it to be one of Fawn’s suitcases. She stood and picked up the suitcase and looked around. Off to her right was an old vending machine with a mirror mounted on the upper part. She walked over to the mirror and looked at her reflection, only it wasn’t her in the reflection but Fawn. From deep within her mind came Fawn’s voice asking, “Who are you and what is happening?” May thought back, “A friend. We are protecting Peter. I don’t know what is happening or how. I can’t explain it, but I’m here.” “What do you mean by your protecting Peter?” Fawn asked. “My husband Parker found Peter where you left him. We are a childless couple and this he is answer to our prayers. Somehow my husband sensed that there is a man with a beard that is a danger to Peter. I understand now who he is and the threat he poses.” replied May. “You have put your life in grave danger by doing this. The people looking for him and I are a ruthless sort who will stop at nothing to take possession of Peter.“ Fawn answered back.

Before May could respond she felt the awareness of the reality start to fade and she became the observer once more. She saw Fawn standing by the vending machine still holding the suitcase. She also observed two men dressed in dark clothing closing in on Fawn from different sides. She tried to call out to Fawn in her mind and tell her to run but it was no use. The two men were just about to reach her when Fawn saw them. She dropped her suitcase and ran for the nearest exit out to the street. As she existed out the door she turned to look back to see if they were pursuing her and without looking ran right into the street. The last thing Fawn saw were two bright headlights heading straight for her.

May found she was sitting up in her bed and her heart was pounding and she heard Peter crying. She got up and went to the other side of the room and picked him up from his makeshift crib. She glanced over at the digital clock next to the bed and saw the time to be two forty five in the morning. She rocked Peter in her arms and quietly said to him “It’s OK. I’m here, your safe.” In her mind she heard the little voice say, “She’s gone.” “Who is gone Peter?” May said actually speaking the words rather than just thinking them. “Mother.” said the little voice. Speaking aloud May said “I am your mother now.” Peter’s crying subsided. He reached up with his tiny hand and touched May’s face then closed his eyes went back to sleep.

May stood there holding him in her arms and rocking him. In her mind she was playing over the dream she had just had. She questioned herself if it was a dream or something more. She had seen and been a part of Fawn’s life while she was carrying Peter. She had shared the experience with Fawn of giving birth to Peter.

The thing about the dream that bothered her most was how it ended. She has seen Fawn run into the street and the headlight coming at her, but she didn’t really know the outcome. The little voice she had heard said she was gone, did that mean that her life had come to an end and how did Peter play into this scenario. Had he somehow the catalyst of the dream. May put Peter back into his makeshift crib and gently kissed his forehead. Walked back over to her bed and laid beside Parker. He was awake and asked her if everything was alright. She told him that he needed his sleep and that she would talk to him in the morning. She kissed him then closed her eyes and quickly fell back into a deep sleep. It was a peaceful dreamless sleep.

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