A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 31- Stay The Night, Fight Or Flight

A furrowed brow, is the voice of great perplexities and distress. It requires no words, and words of condolence, have little value. Such a look, was written deeply within Hope’s face.

She was still greatly distressed over the death of Kaelin. The vision of his lifeless body, was one which haunted her. She had not had the time which is needed to grieve the death of a person so close, and the knowledge that his death was by her own hand, did not help. How can you grieve the death of a loved one, when it is you, who took their life? She was confused, for she blamed herself greatly, but also, she blamed Hector. It troubled her greatly, that she was traveling with the very person, apart from herself, that was responsible for the death of her husband Kaelin.

Although Kaelin had made some bad choice in his life, Hope still thought him a good man at heart. Her mind was filled with memories of which she wished she could change. Apart from Alexia (Hope’s given name) his love was for sailing. In particular, sky sailing. He spent the early years of his adulthood, in the Maple-Stone fleet. Sailing was in his blood, and nothing would keep him from setting sail. Unfortunately, not even his wife. Something Hope regretted, for she did not show any interest in sailing, and never in fact had ever stepped foot on an airship. Perhaps if she joined him on his travels, he mightn’t have gotten into the trouble that he had. This was after he left the fleet, and purchased his own airship of course. She would never have been allowed to step foot on a ship of the Maple-Stone fleet.

Although there is a rightful time for morning and grief, that time had not yet come upon them. The deaths which burdened them, that kept in their mind, they would have to carry them for some time, before they could be relieved. The present time, was for matters of larger importance. They were called, whether they knew it or not, they were on the tracks of a fixed purpose. A purpose that they would not come to realize its extent, for some time. Their parts to play, would not be fully seen until they have been finished. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Hector and his companions continued down the woodland trail. Although Hector could not explain it, but as he walked through the woods, through the trees, breathing in the fresh air from the pines, he felt strangely comforted. His past feelings of guilt, seemed to slowly drift from him. A new perspective grew within him.

Although the many who have fallen along their journey, would not leave them completely, it was a new day, and they had escaped death once again. Hector’s clarity and direction which he received when Hope rescued him, saying the words ‘You are full in him’ began to reveal itself once again. Confusion and doubt began to leave him once more, and although he had never traveled through these woods before, he knew this was the direction they must take. Hector turned and could see that a similar feeling had taken Hope also.

Hector was a sucker for nature. He was taken in complete awe, from the surroundings they were traveling. The sun speckled gently through the canopy roof, as though it was dancing. The greenery seemed illuminated by the light, the sound of their footsteps, through the dry leaves, dust and rocks, made a sweet-tempered rhythm, keeping in a perfect pace, which would lead them to their destination swiftly.

The midday sun had now past, and the afternoon was well in swing. Hector then asked, “Logan’s brother, Theo, it was, wasn’t it?”

Hope responded, “Yes, Theo. Why do you ask?”

“Well, I've just been thinking. Why didn’t Logan’s brother go with the rest of the town, and move to Artemus? Why did he stay?”

“Yeah, I see what you mean, it is a bit strange. But I guess he is friendly. Logan did suggest that we find the inn, and stay the night. Do you think we should not go? Avoid the inn?”

“No, I think this is the way we must go. I got a feeling that this is the direction we must travel, but I’m just a little concerned, is all.”

“Well, if you look at the bright side, there’ll be a comfortable bed waiting in the inn. Don’t know about you, but I could use a good night’s sleep.”

Hector chuckled, “It’s good to hear a little optimism for a change. Now onwards, to a good night’s sleep.” He said pointing down the road, with great eagerness. However he felt was a slight sense of uneasiness about meeting this, Theo. It all just seemed a bit strange.

Evening had now arrived, and the light from the sun had just become hidden by the wall of tall trees. The forest which they tread, was much more dense, then any of the previous forests he had traveled, and if it weren't for the path which they followed, as it twisted and turned through the landscape, they would have had no chance getting through. Was it cultivated in such a way, to prevent any unwanted travelers to stumble across the town which they headed? Or was it luck, which caused the forest to create an impenetrable wall around it? As Hector noticed this, he said, “You know, if we weren't looking for this path, I doubt we would have found it. And without this path, we wouldn’t have gotten very far.” Hope agreed.

Throughout the day, the elements were suitable for travel. The air was crisp, filling each breath with nourishing amounts of oxygen. The path was level and navigated itself efficiently through the forest. The sun was warm, but not overbearing.

However their destination was far off, and they traveled until the sun had completely vanished from the sky. And as the sun went out of sight, a strong southerly blew a thick blanket of clouds over the sky. Blacking out the moon. The night was very dark.

“We must be getting close.” Hector stated. “It was no more than a day’s journey to the inn Logan spoke of.”

“Do you think we are perhaps lost?” Hope said.

“No I don’t think so. It may be dark, but this is definitely a path which we’re on. We must be close.” Hector’s words were quite sure and no hesitation could be found in his voice. Hope found it strange, for he had no evidence or reason to be so confident, but nevertheless, it was comforting to know he was sure that they were close.

Just then, over a slight incline, was a building. All that could be see was the black silhouette of the gabled rooftop, emerging from the surrounding woodland. The wooden structure was old and misshapen, but it stood strong enough for a nights rest.

“Ah-ha, here we are, I knew we were close.” Hector said.

But Hope was hardly relieved. Saying, “There’s no lights on, are you sure this is the place. It looks abandoned.”

Hector, walking down the path, found a sign. It was overgrown with vines, which he pushed away to read what was written. ‘Come and stay a while at the inn’ it said. “Well this is the place.” Hector said. “Maybe Theo is not here anymore, with the advances of Ichabod through the land, perhaps he has relocated.”

“Or he could be dead.” Hope said bluntly.

“Or he could be dead, that’s a possibility.” Hector responded. “Or he could be asleep. But we’ll never know unless we go inside. It’s not like he is expecting us, or anything.”

So they made their way to the house. Stepping up the three small steps, onto the front porch, as the floorboards creaked with each step, Hector knocked on the door with three thumps of his knuckles. There was no answer.

Jessy began to clutch Hope’s hand tightly, and she said softly to Hector, “Maybe we should leave. I don’t like the look of this place.” But Jessy remained silent.

“Nonsense, where else are we going to go? It’s late, and far too dark. We’ll get lost for sure if we try traveling any further now.” However, Hector was hardly confident in his words. The old, dark structure was the exact representation of the image conjured when mentioning the term ‘haunted house.’ It was frightening to say the least. Not a single board which made up the structure, was free from the unforgiving effects of time and weather. Every board had signs of rot and decay, and the entire inn was grey and soulless in the colorless wash of the night.

Hope was growing quite nervous, and Hector could sense it. But he thought there must be a reason he felt so strongly about traveling to this inn, and there was no way he was just going to turn back at the doorstep. “Well this knocking is going unanswered, we should just go on in.” Hector said.

Hector then grabbed hold of the cold doorknob, and opened the door. It let out a mighty creak, which startled them all. “Oh, looks like it’s unlocked.” Hector said. As the door opened, the dark, dusty interior was before them. “Wow, real nice. I’ve seen more inviting cemetery plots.” Hector said, looking through the dark room before them. It was a lobby of sorts. There was a line of chairs by one wall, and before them was a counter. But it had not been used for some time.

“Hello? Is there anyone there?” Hector called out, but his voice was more like a whisper. Although Hector put up a brave exterior, he was quite unnerved at this place as well. “Jessy. Where’s your talisman? We could really use it about now.”

Jessy looked up at Hector and said, “I don’t have it anymore. I left it at the other place we were at.”

Hector let out a sigh, and it was quite evident that he was annoyed. But he was more annoyed at the situation, then towards Jessy.

“Ok let’s try to find a candle or something. It terribly dark in here.” Said Hector, his words becoming more full bodied, for he began to presume that there was no one else within the building.

But that was where he was wrong. For a voice came from within the darkness of the hallway, saying. “Sorry to say, we’re all out I’m afraid.”

All were greatly startled at the voice, and Hector’s heart-rate spiked considerably.

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