A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 30- Self Blame, What Does It Gain?

The beasts which had flooded down the spiraling staircase, (the entrance which Hector and his companions had taken) and into the streets, they were impossible to describe in appearance. They were the same, yet they were all vastly different.

There was no defining fingerprint, which set them apart. There was no likeness to anything that they could be compared to. Except that of their inhumanity, their evilness. They were defined by their lack of features, like conscience and morality. They lacked the indescribable, which glint in their eyes, that sense of feeling, emotion. They were bent on the will of Ichabod, they were his slaves.

The saddest of all slaves, are those who do not know, that they are slaves. And this is how you may describe the beasts, the cursed. Slaves. Slaves with an unknown master. Slaves that blindly follow what they do not know. Slaves, who follow what they think is their own will. But what kind of master is it, that doesn’t let his will be known?

Hector and Hope stared through the circular window, of the ascending escape pod, as they left the underwater city of Artemus. The city was overrun, and although the Masterials, were brave and courageous, it was only a matter of time, before they were completely overwhelmed.

As they ascended upward, Hope, looking down at the dome of lights, said. “It’s so still, so peaceful from up here. It’s hard to imagine that there is such devastation happening at this very moment. Do you think that anyone will survive?”

There was a long silence before Hector answered. “There would have been no attack, if I hadn’t come here. There would have been nothing to survive from. They would all have been safe. I shouldn’t have come.”

Hope knew what he meant. There was much devastation in the footsteps they had taken. For since they had journeyed out from cave which Hector was prisoner, there was many deaths which followed. Some were evil, but some were innocent.

Patric was killed on the road to Maple-stone, but he was far from innocent, he had a driving passion to see Hector dead. Hope was still burdened with the blood of Kaelin. She killed him in order to see Hector to safety. As Kaelin’s airship crashed, by the hand of Hector, all that was within were also killed. Including Milorad. Although Milorad’s death was a result of a greater good, stopping those who captured Hector and his companions, which was at the hand of Hector, it also burdened Hope, for it was her idea to go to the Arccon Archives. And now, the citizens of the underwater city of Artemus, and the Masterials, they were now in the grip of defeat, and death was soon to take them also.

“Hector, it’s not you ordering the attack. You’re caught up in all this, just as much as them.”

“Yes but, there has been far too many deaths in the effort to keep me alive. Their blood is on my hands, just as much, as it is on Ichabod’s and Moab’s.”

There was another long silence. For Hope was also in a state of doubt and self-blame. So many had died, but both Hector and Hope, felt they were no closer to an answer.

During the long silence, Hector turned to Jessy, and began studying him. This was something Hector had done several times, since he was reunited with Hope and Jessy. Young Jessy had witnessed and gone through many horrific things, yet he remained quite calm and quiet. Perhaps the child was scared stiff, unable to run or scream, or perhaps, for some reason, he was not scared. Of course there were moments where he looked scared, but Hector could not tell why, but he almost thought as though, Jessy was just acting. Pretending to be afraid, as though it was some kind of game.

But these thoughts, these suspicions, were cut short. For out of the shadows of the dark interior of the ascending escape pod, came a voice. For someone else was within the vessel. It came as a shock to Hector and Hope, for they believed that they were alone in the pod. Even though they did not examine the interior in extent.

The voice began with a chuckle, then said, “Look at you two, blaming yourselves.” At that, they turned to the source of the voice, and out of the shadows, came Shamus.

Out of anger, as he was quite startled by the sudden reveal of another passenger on the poorly lit vessel, Hector shouted, “What are you doing here?”

With another chuckle, Shamus responded, “Same as you, escaping. That’s a rather daft question, Hector I must say, I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of the questions that you ask. But do not fret! I come bearing gifts.”

Shamus then pulled from his jacket, two pistols, handing them handle first, to Hope and Hector. “One for you, and one for you, or two for you, and none for you, or vise-versa. The important thing, is that these are yours.”

Hector and Hope both grabbed one each. These pistols were the same in design which Shamus had, when Hector first met him, they were masterly crafted, and beautifully made far beyond any other.

Shamus then began to speak once more, continuing the train of thought he alluded to when he first spoke. Saying, “Yes, much has happened, much that you would wish hadn't, but nothing can change the fact, that they happened. I say with much experience, that nothing is gained, in self-blame. I should know, for I have spent years blaming myself, for all that has happened. All of us, the five, we are all responsible for the past transpiring infliction, that has burdened this land, we are responsible for the disappearing of the Keeper. But self-blame, what does it gain? I say, nothing.”

Hector thought for a while, thinking, ‘Perhaps Shamus is right. We must look forward not back.’ But there would be much time to pass before Hector and Hope become burdened no more, with the life that has been taken on account of them.

The ascension of the escape pod was a slow one, for it was some time before the pod made its way closer to the surface. “Ah, did you feel that?” Shamus said, “My ears popped, we must be at the surface.”

Hector looked out of the window, and yes, there was sky, there was sunlight. “Ok, time to open this hatch. I’ll leave that to you lad.” Shamus then adjusted his hat, and pulled up his collar. He was aware that he hadn’t felt the power of the sun for many years, thus the concealment of his skin.

Hector then turned the hatch wheel, opening the door, which was on the roof of the pod, above the water level. As soon as the hatch opened, they were met with a gust of fresh, lush air. A well welcomed change from the thick air from the claustrophobic city below. There they all got out, and swam to the shore that was closest. The shore was not too far, and the water was still and gentle, making it easy to swiftly make it to land.

As they waded onto the shore, their clothes weighed down with water, Shamus spoke. He said, “I trust you will follow Logan’s directions? He is a wise man, he taught me much, about the book, and his words are worth being taken.”

Hector responded, “Yes, I will. It is a fool’s errand to travel back to Violet Town again, without more preparation. But I must say, if I do not find the Keeper soon, I will return to Violet Town, regardless of how foolish it may be. I must try to stop those within the control room. With or without the help of the Keeper, if I must.”

“Ah still as determined as you were when we first met, perhaps even more. I like that. But remember, be patient, do not force your footsteps, let them be taken. But I must let you go. I have much to do also, places to go, people to see. Perhaps our paths will meet again.”

“Yes, perhaps.” Hector mumbled. “Where are you going?”

Shamus responded, “I am going to meet up with Flynn. We may have some work to do together. Besides, it is only just, that we share the same outcome, for what ever lies ahead.”

“Goodbye!” He shouted, as he began walking into the thicket of the neighboring woods. He went into the trees, with no path, no trail, and no protection, but he had purpose in his footsteps. Perhaps that is all one needs.

Hector, Hope and Jessy, began to travel along the outskirts of the forest, staying within the shadows of the outlying trees, along the shore. Within about half an hour, traveling along the shore, they found a road. Perhaps road, is not the correct word, it was an overgrown, unused trail. But it was certainly more than an animal trail.

This trail, would lead them to the village of the Masterials. The last of whom, who left over five years prior. But it troubled Hector, for this path was leading them north-east, which was the complete opposite direction to Violet Town.

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