A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 32- Hungry For Guests

“Who goes there?” Hector quivered, as he drew his pistol which was holstered just left of his stomach, attached to his belt. He waved the gun around, but he couldn’t see where the voice had come from.

“I should be asking you that question. You waltz into my place of residence in the dark of night, waving a gun around, and you want to know who I am?” Came the voice.

Hector paused for a short moment, then said, “My apologies. I’m Hector. You’re not Theo by any chance, are you?”

“Theo? Hmm. Yes, I suppose that be my name. But how did you hear of it?”

“We are friends of your brother, Logan. He told us to find you, and that you’d perhaps be accommodating in our time of need. We are in great need for a place to sleep.”

“Ah Logan. I’ve not seen him in years. His face in fact, eludes my memory. But yes we have a place for you to spend the night. Just give me a moment to work out the arrangements. My mind is not as sharp as it once was.”

“Of course, thank you.” Said Hope, clutching Jessy closer to her body. As Theo was thinking, which Hector thought strange as to why Theo needed to think about such a thing, another voice was heard. It was the voice of a woman.

She said, “Who are you talking to?”

Theo turned around, although Hector and his companions could not see him, and he said, “These are friends of Logan my dear. They are looking for a place to stay the night.”

She then quickly spoke in an enthusiastic manner. Saying, “Well why didn’t you say so? Go and prepare some rooms for them. One for the woman and child, and one for the man.”

“Yes of course, my dear. I’ll be back shortly.” Said Theo, as his footsteps were heard, walking up the creaking stairs to the second floor.

The woman stayed and talked with Hector and Hope and introduced herself. “I am Theo’s wife, you may call me Lady Endolinn. I’m terribly sorry about Theodor, he’s been a bit slow as of late. His a bit rusty, we haven't had guests for some time.”

“Please, don’t go to too much effort on our account. We have hardly come at a proper time, and we have probably woken you.” Hector said, and by this time, he had already re-holstered his gun.

“It is our pleasure, it is truly exciting to have some guests.” Lady Endolinn said.

“I only apologize for not being prepared. Theo must have scared you out of your wits in the dark. I’m afraid we have not been able to get many supplies lately. Candles are something we are lacking, along with other things.”

Theo’s footsteps were heard, as he returned down the stairs. Although it was dark, Theo and Lady Endolinn knew their way through the inn without the need of light. Perhaps they had memorized the layout of the interior in extreme detail, or perhaps they had an impressive level of night vision. Either way, they could move freely through the dark interior of the inn. Theo then said, “Your rooms are ready. I trust you are tired. I have even found a couple of candles which I have lit, by your beds. If you will allow me, I’ll show you to your rooms.”

“Thank you very much.” Came Hope’s voice. “But we will have trouble getting there in the dark.”

“Not to worry, we shall lead you.”

Theo then placed his hand on Hector’s shoulder, while Lady Endolinn grabbed Hope’s hand, and led them to their room. (As Jessy was still holding Hope’s other hand.) But when Lady Endolinn grabbed hold of Hope’s hand, Lady Endolinn’s hand was as cold as ice, and Hope felt a shiver that went down her spine.

So they walked slowly up the creaky steps to the second floor. This floor was full of small bedrooms, as this was the visitor’s level. The air was cold, but dusty. And an uneasy feeling grew on Hector, as he began to think as to why this place had been left in this condition. ‘This was an inn after all.’ Hector thought. ‘Why let a place which thrives on travelers which stay the night, be left in such poor condition.’

Dust was everywhere, as though it had not been cleaned in years. The intensity of the dust, was enough to cause a tickle in Hector’s nose. “Ah-ah-ah-” Hector then let out a mighty sneeze.

“Pardon me.” Hector said, as they made it to the second floor and began walking down the hallway to their rooms.

Hector, Hope and Jessy were shown to their rooms. Hector’s room was a little further down the hall to Hope and Jessy’s. The rooms were simple, Hector’s had a single copper-framed bed, lined with an emerald duvet cover. There was a small bed-side table with a short candle flickering gently on it. On the opposite wall facing the door, was a window, with no drapes. The window looked out on the east face of the building, looking out just above the iron roof of the front porch.

Hope and Jessy’s room was quite similar. Except that of the additional bed which sat adjacent from the other bed, in the same position as the one in Hector’s room.

“Here is your room.” Said Theo. “I hope all is well.”

“Thank you.” Came Hector’s response. “I apologize again for turning up so late in the night.”

“That’s quite alright. I trust we will be having you and the woman and child for breakfast?”

“Yes. That’d be great.”

“Excellent.” Came Theo’s final response before leaving Hector. However at no point did Theo or Lady Endolinn enter the rooms of their guests, the only rooms lit with candles. Meaning their identities were still unknown to Hector and his companions.

About an hour later, or so could be guessed by the amount of candle still remaining, Hector’s door slowly opened. It was Hope, for she could not sleep. But neither could Hector, for he was standing at the window, peering out at the dark night. Wondering where his journey would lead them onwards. He knew not of the next step they must take. Nor the direction they would head in the morning.

“Hector?” Came Hope’s soft whisper.

Hector turned around and saw Hope. “What’s the matter? Can’t sleep?”

“Yeah. Do you mind if we chat?”

“Not at all. What’s on your mind?”

Hope took a seat on the end of the bed. “This place. It gives me the creeps. I just can’t sleep.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll be gone as soon as we get some rest, besides, I can’t sleep either. I haven’t a clue of what to do next. We’ve gotten so far, but where do we go from here?”

“I don’t know. But you had such a strong feeling to get here, to this inn, I trust that you will know where to go next.”

Hector thought for a moment, about the past couple of days. He had had a strong sense of direction. But it all started when Hope found him, and whispered in his ear the message from Norrth. Hector smiled. “It started when you found me. But why did you try finding me in the first place? Surely there was someone else you could have gone to.”

“Hector, you’re brave. More brave then you probably give yourself credit. And that makes those around you, feel safe. Once we noticed that things have gotten way out of hand, the next logical step was to find you. Although we had only met briefly prior, I felt safe with you. As did Jessy.”

Hector shrugged off the complement, for he was a little embarrassed. But it was true. There were many times that Hector had protected Hope and Jessy. “I don’t think I’d be half as brave, if I didn’t have people to protect.”

The candle by Hector’s bed had only moments remaining until it went out, as it began flickering as it reached the end of the string. Hope turned towards it. “I better go, try get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Yeah ok. Goodnight.” Said Hector as Hope left the room, and returned to her and Jessy’s room. Jessy was fast asleep.

A few more hours later, and Hector had woke from a restless slumber. He could not remember his dream, but he knew he had one, for he was covered in a light sweat. Although he knew not of whether he was woken by something within his dream, or out.

But as he opened his eye and looked around the room, still dark, but slightly lit by peering rays of moonlight that had broken through the now patchy cloud cover, he gasped in astonishment. Standing by his bed, watching him, was the dark figure of one of those shadowy creatures. One of those creations of The Five. But as it’s golden and seemingly glowing eyes met Hector’s, it dashed out the window. Silently it moved, without even a tap of a footstep. It was gone. ‘Milorad was right. Waking up and seeing one of those things watching you, is near heart-stopping.’

Hector got out of bed and looked out the window, to see if he could see where the shadowy figure had gone. But it could not be seen, for the shadows of the night had concealed it at once. He then decided to get ready for travel. Putting his shoes and vest on, as well as strapping on the belt which had his pistol. He did this, even though the night was still dark, and there was still about an hour until daylight, because he knew, like Milorad, he would not be able to sleep the rest of the night.

But once he had geared up, and gotten dressed, he heard a scream. It was Hope. It was loud and panic stricken. However Hector, at first just assumed that she must have seen another of the shadowy figures watching her in her room. But the screams continued. So Hector quickly ran to her and Jessy’s room. Where he witnessed two figures standing over Hope’s bed. Attempting to restrain her. But they were not the shadowy figures that Hector thought they might be, it was Theo and Lady Endolinn.

“Don’t squirm, you tasty little lady.” Came Theo’s voice.

Lady Endolinn saying, “Hurry up Theo, slit her neck already.”

Instantly, Hector knew they meant to kill Hope. Now, people kill for many different reasons. Sometimes they kill out of rage or anger, sometime they kill for love, or at least some jaded picture of love, sometimes people kill out of desperation, and even in some cases, they kill for no other reason than to satisfy some crazed craving to take life. But the reason that Theo and Lady

Endolinn meant to kill Hope, was for none of these. The reason they wanted Hope’s life, was for, as sick as it sounds, food. Out of desperation or result of the curse, they had resorted to cannibalism. They had acquired the taste for human flesh.

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