A Beast For A Beauty

Chapter 10


After a long 3 hour drive, I pulled up to the front of my family’s pack. I saw my brother running towards my car, and I hurried to get out.


After a long 3 hour drive, I pulled up to the front of my family’s pack. I saw my brother running towards my car, and I hurried to get out.

“Payton, oh my god Shrimp”, he picks me up in a hug and twirls me around. I flinch and cry out a little in pain. And Jax drops me to my feet.

“Payton, what's wrong?"

“1 really missed you Jax” hugging my brother

“Payton, you flinched and cried out in pain when I touched you. Why?"

“PAYTON” I hear my mother

She comes running at me and throws her arms around me. Again, I tried to hold back the pain, but I couldn't. “Sweetheart? What is it? What happened? My mother asked.

“Where's Daddy?” I ask

“I just mind linked him. He's on his way,” said Jax.

“Payton answer me. Why are you in pain?” My mother detained

“PAYTON, MY PRINCESS.” My dad picks me up in a hug, and again, I flinch and cry out. He put me down right away and looked at me.

“We were just trying to figure out what was wrong with her, James. She has not answered us."

“1will, Mom. I just wanted to wait for Daddy, so I am not telling you more than once.’

“Is that Payton?” Beta, John Alison's father, asked, coming over.

“Hi, Uncle John, I say"

He looks at me weird

“ What's wrong?”

“Wow you all know me so well” I said, giggling a bit.

Maverick comes and stands next to me. Everyone looked at him.

“ Everyone, this is Maverick Matthew's. He was the head warrior and trainer at Dark Shadow, I told them.

“Was?” Jax asked.

“ Daddy, can we all £0 to your office please and talk?”

My father takes my hand, wraps his arm around me, and we head to his office. Once in his office and seated, I took a dee breath.

“ Mom, I do not mean to sound mean here, but I need you to go sit beside, Dad, please.”

Oh, OK, sweetheart,” she says, looking hurt.

After she takes her seat, I take another breath, tears streaming down my face. I felt Maverick take my hand and nod at me “ Your safe, sweetheart, this is your family; you can do this. I am right here.” Mav reassures me.

I tell my family about how I was treated, to the murder of the drunk wolf, the cheating causing me pain, about being in heat, and the Beast doing to me what he did. Then I told them how, when I left the hospital today, I rejected him and left. My father was so livid, as well as my brother.

“I see now why you wanted me near your father,” my mother said, trying to calm my father down.

“I can not go back there; please let us stay, I asked.

My father stopped pacing and knelt on one knee in front of me, taking my hands. 1 flinched a bit in fear of being touched but relaxed because it was only my daddy.

“ Sweetheart, my princess, this is your home. You never have to ask to be here!”

“Why not go to your room, Payton dear, and rest till dinner?” My mother said.

I nodded my head, and Maverick and I headed to my room.

When 1 opened the door to my room, I smiled; it was just how I left it. They never did come for the rest of my things, so everything is here.

“Your family really loves you, sweetheart,” says Mav.

“yep, they do. I am lucky."

“But I am sure your family loves you as well I said.

“Which reminds me, I am going to have to call my parents and let them know what happened and that I left the pack,” he says.

“Are you sure, Maverick?” * You are sure you do not want to go back to your family pack?”

Maverick kisses my forehead

“1am more than sure; I want to be with you." My parents are the past Alpha and Luna of the Moonshine Pack in Alberta. older brother Derrick took over as Alpha.”

“Wait, 50 your Alpha blood as well?” I asked.

“Yes, but was not the next in line to be Alpha, so I trained to be a warrior. I am a strong warrior because of the Alpha blood.”

“Then why are you not in your brothers’ pack?” I asked.

“I had a fight with my brother a long time ago and left home. I came and joined my cousin's pack,” he says

“Rest now, babe, please. Please, I see you are still in pain. I will go make my call to my parents and come back, OK?"

“ Alright” 1 smile

He leans in and lightly kisses my lips. 1 jump a little.

“It is OK, baby, it is just me, and I will never hurt you," he says, running his hand over my cheek.

He kisses my forehead and leaves to make his call.

Maverick :

Because of my a*****e cousin, Payton is scared of anyone touching her. No matter how long it takes, I will be by her side, making her feel safe.

“ Oh, Alpha Black, may I have a word with you please,” I asked.

“ Certainly, Maverick, how is my daughter doing?”

“ She is resting but in pain. I wanted to ask if you could maybe have a doctor come look at her? *

“Absolutely! We have the best women doctors around. I will ask her to come to see Payton, plus Payton knows her’

“ Thank you, Alpha.”

“No need to thank me, son. She is my daughter. I would do anything for her”

I finished talking to the Alpha and headed outside to call my father.

“Hello father”

“Son, what is this, I hear you stole your cousin's mate and ran away with her?”

“ Like always father, you're listening to the wrong truth.”

“ then explain yourself, to me son, your mother is here as well.

{fill my parents in about everything that has gone down. I even had to go get Alpha Black to confirm it for them because, well, my words were not good enough for them. Once it sunk in and they knew the truth, they were upset and disgusted 2 well.

“ Son, stay where you are, your mother is telling your aunt what really took place.

“If they need proof, you have Alpha Black's number, Father.”

"lam sorry son, I should have known better than believe him over my own son.”

"it doesn't matter right now. Dad, what matters now is Payton.

I spent 20 minutes talking to my father before hanging up and heading back in.

“ah Maverick," said Alpha Black, * I thought you should know that Alpha Brooks’ parents called me for verification”

I laugh

“Figures Alpha I was never good enough for my family, and they never believed me; I said.

“That is a shame, son; you seem trustworthy enough to me. You were there for my daughter, and for that, you have my respect”

“Thank you, Alpha Sir. That means a lot to me, * I said.

just then, an older white-haired lady wearing a doctor's white coat walked into the packhouse.

“ Good day, Alpha. How are you on this fine day?” Asked the women.

“1am doing fine, Dr. Sandra, thank you for taking the time to come to the packhouse."

“ Oh, of course, Alpha, it is never an issue.’

“This is Maverick Matthew's, Maverick. This is Our head, Doctor Sandra."

“Its a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Sandra," I say

“Likewise, now what can I do for you, Alpha?

Alpha Black fills the doctor in. Her face went pale white, and a tear formed in her eyes.

“Oh my dear Payton, I delivered that child. She is the kindest, sweetest woman I know. She was so strong.”

“1am going to work hard to help make her whole and strong again,” 1 said.

The doctor smiled at me,

“Good, very good, but now please take me to her so I can help her”

The doctor did not want us in the room while she examined Payton, so her family and I sat down in the common room an talked.


Dr. Sandra fully examined me.

“That Beast, as you call him dear, sure made a number on you. But I am happy to say you are healing nicely, my dear. But till you are fully healed, you will have some pain. I am going to give you these pills to take. When you have pain, take 2, 0 And I would like to see you in 3 days at the clinic, OK?”

“Yes, Doctor Sandra, thank you,” I said.

I followed the doctor downstairs. We heard voices in the common room and headed there.

“Payton” Maverick was the first to see me and came over to kiss my head.

“ How are you feeling, babe?”

“Sore but otherwise, OK, thank you for asking," I said.

“1am happy to report that Payton is healing nicely. Because of the type of injury and where the injury is, even a wolf it w take time to fully heal. In the meantime, I gave her some painkillers to take when needed, and I want to see her in 3 days “ Thank you, Doctor Sanada,” says my father.

“You are welcome, Alpha.’

“ Oh and Payton, no training or physical activity till your fully healed.”

“ OK, Doctor, I won't,” I said.

“1 will make sure of it, Doctor, “ said Maverick, wrapping an arm around my waist. I stiffen.


“Trust me, please, babe. I will not hurt you.”

“1 know Mav, just... just feeling a man touch me scares me. You have to give me time, OK? *

“of course sweetheart. No rush. I would never rush you. I just want you to trust me.’

I smiled up at him.

“Are you filling up for dinner, sweetheart?” Mom asked me

“Are you kidding? I am starving Mom."

we all laugh and head to the kitchen to eat.

Alpha Brooks the Beast.

She rejected me. How did she find out my name in order to reject me? 1 slammed my fist on my desk. I may not have wanted her, but I could not bring myself rejecting her. Now, my no-good cousin stole her from me.

just then, my office door burst open, and my mother, father, aunt, and uncle Storm in. My mother slaps me across the fac I growl


“Why the hell did you hit me?" I asked.

“You are lucky it was your mother and not me, Greyson,” says my father.


I look at my mother. They know what I did to my mate.

“You called me telling me my son stole your mate! How could you lie to me like that?” My uncle asks

“I did not lie; she left with him," I said.

“Son, we talked to Alpha Black. We know Maverick left because of what you did to her. How son? How could you do that?” asked my father.

I rub my hands over my face

“I do not know, father. It was like I was not in control of my body, and Akela was not either. Something about her scent in the heat took over us. I knew it was wrong, but I could not stop myself” I told them.

“We are so disappointed in you, son. A mate is a gift from the moon goddess. You cherish them, love them, and protect them. What you did was crawl unforgivable, “my father says.

I looked at them, all standing in front of me. I can see the disappointed look on my mother's face and the disgust on the other faces.



After dinner, I showed Maverick around the Parkhouse and territory. I ran into a few old friends, picked a few flowers, and now we were sitting down by the lake. It was a beautiful night.

“1 missed this place so much.’

“It is beautiful here” Mav says.

“It is free; it smells great, and yes it's beautiful," I said.

“50 why the long face, babe?”

“1 can not help but worry about Allison," I said.

“She is with her mate, babe he will protect her, she will be OK." Mav says

“I really hope so” I sighed.

“ Come on, we should get back,” Mav says.

I got up, he took my hand, and we headed back to the packhouse.

Once back in my room, I take a shower and change into a pair of jammies.

“Umm, no one showed me a room. Where do I stay?” Asked Maverick.

I laughed a little.

“I was hoping you would stay here with me’, I said.

“1 do not want to be alone. I have been having nightmares.”

“ Of course, I will stay with you, babe; he says with a smile.

“Just do not take it the wrong way, pleasel.. *

“Say no more, Payton. You are safe with me, OK. No funny business. You have been through hell. I would never cross that line, babe."

I leaned over and hugged him.

“Thank you for understanding,” 1 said.

“When and if you ever think you are ready, you will be the only one to know it. He says

“ And until that day, I do not mind being the cuddle wolf at all”

“ But what if it is years, Maverick? What if I can never let a man touch me again?” 1 asked him.

“Then your cuddle wolf will still be here. I do not want to be with you for s*x babe; it is not about that. Sure, wolves are s*x-crazy, but I know you have been through a lot, and I respect you, Payton.’

“You are the best, Maverick. The only good thing that came out of having to go to that pack was meeting you."

I snuggled into my blankets. I missed my bed. I felt Maverick place his arm around me, and I stiffen .

“You want me to remove it?”

“ Would you get mad if I said yes?”

“Payton Sweetheart, no, of course not, never”

He removed his arm. And soon, I was fast asleep.


“Payton, honey, wake up, wake up. You are OK. *

I sit up fast in bed, gasping for air, my bedroom door flies open, and the light comes on.

“Payton honey, are you alright? We heard you screaming” my mother asked, coming and sitting next to me.

I placed my head on her shoulder and cried.

“ She had another nightmare * I heard Maverick tell them.

“ Dear god, my poor princess,’ says my father.

When 1 finally calm down, my parents leave, and I snuggle back in.

“ Mom."

“Yes Dear’?

“tam sorry”

“ Never be sorry, my love, never” she kissed my forehead, and I fell back to sleep.

But it was not for long. Four more times that night, I woke up screaming, shaking, and soaked with sweat. My life will neve be the same again. I am forever going to be a messed-up woman.

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