A Beast For A Beauty

Chapter 11


A month ago, my best friend Payton rejected the Alpha and left the pack. Alpha Brooks has been unhinged ever since. “Alpha, may I ask you something?” I asked him.

“WHAT Alison, what do you want?”

“What is your problem?”

“I have no idea what you mean, Alison. I do not believe I have any problem,” he says.

“Oh, really, Alpha, then would you mind explaining to me why it is when anyone looks at you wrong or crosses the territor ends up dead with their head on the lawn?"

“As I said, Alison, I do not see any problems here.”

“sure you are known as the Beast, but Alpha, since Payton left you, you have been crazy.”


“No, no, I do not understand you. Why do you act this way when you got what you wanted?”

“ You never wanted her; you never wanted a mate. You hurt her, so why? Why be mad and take it out on everyone for wha you wanted, Alpha?”

“ENOUGH” Leave now, ” he yelled.

“ Fine, I will go, Alpha,” I turned and walked to the door and opened it, then stopped.

“You are the only one to blame Alpha.”


I leave and slam the door behind me. This pack is nuts.


I woke up this morning not feeling wel. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. Then, I took a fast shower and headed out to the room to find something to wear. As 'm looking in my closet, warm arms wrap around me, and Maverick kisses my neck. I still jump when I get touched but calm down once I know who it is. “ Good morning, my beautiful angel.”

“Morning babe” I replied.

All of a sudden, I felt light-headed.

“Hey now, babe, are you OK?"

“Yes, I am fine," I replied,

“ Just not sleeping well because of all the nightmares. I think it is just hitting me. I am OK, though, really”

“ OK, just try to nap when you can then, babe,”

“twill” I kiss him on the cheek, and then we get dressed and head down for breakfast.

But as I enter the dining hall, the smell of bacon hits me, and I feel nauseous. I love bacon, so why is the smell bugging m I take a seat next to my mom.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” she says.

“ Morning, everyone.”

The food is placed on the table. Looking at the eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, home fries, and fruit, and smelling them, gagged. These are all my favorite things, and looking at most of them makes me want to throw up. I just take a slice of to: and a spoon full of fruit.

“Is that all you are going to eat, dear?” asked my mom.

“1 nodded my head yes in response. I shouldn't have it because now I am dizzy.

“Princess, are you alright?” asked my father.

“You look very pale”

“ ith all the nightmares, I have not been sleeping well, Daddy. I think the tiredness is just getting to me."

“Well, maybe you should see Doctor Sandra and see if she can give you something to help you sleep, princess.”

“That is not a bad idea, babe” Mav says.

I smiled

“I will go see her later today, OK?"

I was not able to eat the fruit, but I managed to at least eat 2 slices of toast.

Since I was all healed, I was able to train again, but I missed today’s training. I walked out to the yard, thinking I would at least go for a run, but all of a sudden, I got really hot and flush. I bent over and threw up. After 3 more times of that, I decided I wanted to go lay down instead of running. So, I made my way back up to my room and face-planted the bed. When 1 finally lift my head, I look at the clock. It was 5:50 pm.

“Wow, itis dinner time already. I have slept all day. *

I got up and headed down to dinner. I was feeling a bit better and a little hungry. I guess it was really tiring after all. When 1 walked into the dining hall, Maverick got up and came over to me, giving me a hug and kiss and then taking my hand. Maverick is such an amazing guy? Why could he have been my mate?

“How are you feeling, baby?" My mom asked.

“better and hungry.” I said, smiling

“Well then, come and get some food. into your baby girl. *

My family, Maverick and myself, talked and laughed through dinner. It has been a month since I have been home, and I fe safe once again. My family even accepted Maverick and has made him a pack member. He joined our warriors and started patrolling. He is happy here with us and has no regret leaving the Dark Shadow Pack.

“I hate leaving you, babe,” Mav says, getting to his feet.

“I know, babe. I hate being away from you as well, but you wanted to be a warrior here and patrol, so that is what you got to do,” 1 said.

He leans in, and his lips graze mine. He has always been so patient and caring towards me. I leaned in and pushed my lip into his. Soon, the kiss is a deep, passionate kiss.

When the kiss broke, we were both breathing heavily. He places his forehead on mine.

“Please say you will be mine, Payton Rose Black?” he whispers

I looked up at him.

“I thought I already was?" I responded.

“ Well, yes and no, I never really asked you, Payton. I kind of just followed you and took you up,” he giggles.

I thought about what he said, and he was right. He never really did ask me. We kind of just fell into it.

“Well, in that case, then Maverick Jeffery Matthew's I Payton Rose Black accept being yours.”

He lifts me up and twirls me around, then begins to kiss me. He kisses my neck, and his hand runs down my side. I starte to panic. I want to be with him, but I am not ready for anything s**** yet. I pushed him away.


“Whoa Payton, OK. It is OK, calm down, sweetie. It is OK,” he says, bringing me into a hug.

“1am so s0 sorry, Maverick. I am; I want to be with you, but I am just not ready for that part yet.”

“ And that is just fine, Payton, really, it is fine. I am sorry, I did not mean to push and scare you, OK? I am sorry. *

After a couple of minutes holding me, we say our goodbyes and kiss one last time before he heads off for his shift of patr I decided to go get my art stuff and sit on the back porch and paint the sunset.

Two weeks pass, and every day for a while, I feel like crap and throw up. So, here I am, sitting in the hospital, waiting to b looked at. Of course, being the Alphas’ daughter, I could go right back but I saw that the waiting room had pups in it waiti to see the Doctor as well, so I told them, I was not in a hurry and I would wait.

It gave me a chance to meet some new pups of the pack and talk to pack members. It was nice. About an hour later, I was called back. The doctor has run a bunch of tests, and now I am waiting for the results. As I waited, I decided to text Alison “Hey, how are things with you?"

" Hey chicky, ugg, they are still the same here. Alpha Brooks is still the off-the-hinge Beast”

“I asked how things were with you Ally; I could care less about the Beast”

" Oh, sorry, well, things with Caleb and I are really good. We are thinking about having a pup!”

" Oh wow, Ally, that is so awesome. I hope the best for you, that is so exciting”

“If things work, you will be the first to know, I promise.

"Well, I look forward to that, CALL"

“LOL, yes, I will definitely call for that one.”

“Hey, listen, I have to go for now. But I will be in touch soon. I love you; give our best to Mav."

" Love you to Ally, talk to you soon.”

A tear rolls down my cheek; every time I talk to her, I cry. I miss seeing my best friend every day.

“Well, how are we feeling, Payton?” I looked up as the doctor walked in.

“Better, I feel like myself right now, “I said.

“ Good good. Well, I found the reason for your sickness off and on, dear”

“ Oh good, is it just more rest I need, or do I need medicine?”

“Well, you are going to need more rest, dear,” she says,

“I knew it. I told them all I was just tired.”

I went to get up.

“Wait, dear, there is more.”

“More? What is it? What is wrong with me?”

“You, my dear, are with pup,” she says

I sat there in shock. What the hell did she just say?


“You are pregnant, Payton. About a month and a half”

“OH GOD!" that... that.that would mean... The Beast”

“It looks that way, Payton.

I broke down crying. The Beast got me pregnant. How could I ever love this baby knowing how it was conceived and by who? Oh my God, the Beast can never find out.

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