9.5ft full of scars, A Yautja fantasy story

Chapter 21

As he ran, Orgrim glanced quickly over his shoulder to see if the Yautja was following him, but to his surprise the man was nowhere to be seen, he shrugged and continued to pursue Liu'an and his band of thugs .

You didn't have to be a genius to guess where they were going... Dr. Kiss's house...

He reached into his trouser pocket with his hands to make sure the brass knuckles he always carried was still there. His fingers slid over the smooth bars of his last pay, and the "kind” words of his old boss raced through his mind.

Shortly after the large hybrid left the brothel with the human woman in his arms, three of his colleagues overpowered Orgrim and flung him out the door. Before he even had a chance to sit up, a heavy work shoe had been placed on the back of his neck and he was lying face down on the floor. Out of the corner of his eye he saw someone kneeling next to him.

"On behalf of all your colleagues, I would like to thank you for your faithful service over the years..." The silky voice had a razor-sharp edge.

"...But it is time to say goodbye, as our ideas of security and loyalty do not match. Here is your remaining wages..." five rand was thrown to the ground in front of him.

"...And let me give you some good advice...I never want to see your face here again, clear? If I do see you here..., I'll make sure that pretty face of yours is even for you own wife is no longer recognizable..."

Before she got up, the bitch gave him a few gentle taps on the cheek.

"Don't challenge me, Orgrim, if you value your life..."

Without another word, she got up and walked away.

The boot was taken from his neck, but before he could get up, he was kicked hard in the gut several times, and he growled loudly.

"Get lost traitor!" A voice growled from above him, and he watched the battle boots slowly disappear from his view.

Although several creatures walked by, no one bothered to help him. When the pain in his stomach subsided a little, Orgrim stood up, moaning.

And now here he was, chasing a group of raucous thugs who, if they caught sight of him, would not hesitate to kill him in a most painful way.

In the distance he saw the sign indicating that Dr. Kiss's practice was located there, and he was not surprised that the whole group crowded in.

He turned his head again to see if the Yautja had reappeared, but again he did not see him.

Just as he was about to return his gaze to the entrance of the doctor's office, a faint movement from the right caught his attention, and without thinking Orgrim slammed his fist in the direction of the movement, only to be stopped in mid-air by a wall of... nothing...

And out of nowhere the sky begins to billow in front of him and the Yautja appears.

"You and your damn cloaking devices...!" Orgrim snapped at the Yautja,

The black glass eye sockets looked at him emotionless, the only response was a low growl and the clicking sound of the jaws behind the mask, the hairs on his arms stood on end from the threat posed, damn those creatures were creepy as hell ...

"They're in here, but I think we can expect a lot of trouble… Are you ready?" He nodded in the direction the group had entered the practice.

The hunter didn't respond, but turned and walked towards the entrance.

Kyr'nac & Iris

Being trapped in the small treatment room, Kyr'nac was able to protect Iris's tiny body by covering her with his own large massive body, meaning attack was not an option for him, leaving Iris completely unprotected.

"We both know you have no choice but to hand her over, freak, I promise you I won't hurt her...well that's not quite true..." The sordid grin on Liu's face widened .

"... let's just say I won't hurt her as much as the first time and I promise to kill you as soon as possible... What do you say, hmmm? Sounds fair, right? We both know you're not a fast deserved to die, but since I'm only interested in the little doll you've got there...I'll settle for your quick death..." His reddened eyes were on Iris, who shuddered uncontrollably with fear.

"Go to hell, Liu'an... Come get her if you dare..." Kyr'nac's voice was low and icy cold.

Would he hand her over to her tormentor? Iris panicked and began to writhe under the hybrid's large, heavy body.

Don't move, Iris, I won't let him get to you…” Only the smell of her fear and her increasing heart rate made it clear to him that the words he'd spoken had been enough to startle her. But he wasn't going to let anyone hurt her, he just wanted Liu'an to take the first step.

"Well then, as you wish...KILL HIM!"

As soon as her tormentor spoke those words, Iris felt her protector's great body wrap even more tightly around her, his muscles squeezing every time she heard strange noises. Instead of the clattering sounds the human weapons produced, Iris heard only brief high-pitched, pinched bursts, followed by the low sounds of steam being released, over and over, and she opened her eyes to see what was happening. Although she couldn't see much because of Kyr'nac's hulking body, her blood went cold when she saw green fluid trickling down her face. To her horror, she realized that his exoskeleton could be penetrated by these weapons and that he was using his body to protect hers.

"...no, no, no...they'll kill you!" Iris's eyes were wide with horror as their eyes met.

I'll try to protect you as long as possible, I just hope it'll be enough until the enforcers get here... Iris, I..." But before he could finish his sentence, cries of surprise and pain reached them, and Kyr'nac looked over his shoulder to see what was happening.

To his relief, he looked just in time to see a sizable Orc smash a chair in the face of one of the attackers, sending a stream of blood spurting from his mouth, but what surprised him even more was that Liu'an was thrown against a wall by an invisible force.

Though Kyr'nac was surprised to see Orgrim's familiar face coming to his rescue, the Orc's cloaked ally wasn't someone he recognised, at least not as far as he knew.

The battle between the newcomers and Liu'an's mobsters was fierce, and Kyr'nac was hit a few more times before the firing was over and all of Liu'an's men lay dead on the ground. As for Liu'an, he had fled the scene just as the Orc and his cloaked comrade had meddled in the fight and he had been forcibly thrown against a wall.

"How the hell did you end up here?" Carefully, Kyr'nac let go of Iris and stepped off the bed.

"A thank you would be nice..." The Orc sneered, he was bleeding from several wounds, none of them fatal and he knew he would be healed in a few days.

A smirk appeared on his face. “You’re right… Thank you… But again, how the hell did you end up here? And where’s you companion?”

Both men looked around to see where the other was.

"Here..." Iris crouched in a corner of the room, bent over next to what appeared to be floating green liquid.

The air next to her began to billow and K'aruh's badly wounded body appeared.

Iris's eyes widened in surprise. "I know you! You're the customer I served a few nights ago..."

K'aruh nodded at her words, but as he tried to speak, his words were lost as he began to cough up bright green blood.

Like his little human, Kyr'nac recognized the Yautja from the brothel.

Who are you? Have we met before?” With bad memories of most of his previous encounters with Yautja, Kyr'nac remained alert.

"No... you don't know me and we never met, but I knew you... father..." K'aruh started to cough up more blood.

Kyr'nac opened his mouth to speak, but the Yautja sullenly silenced him.

"Let me speak before it's too late... A few weeks ago, due to...say, unforeseen events, I decided to look for answers to find out more about what happened to my brother, Ranac..." Another wave of blood was coughed up, his constant coughing made his other injuries bleed harder.

"I found out, jus a few hours ago, he had a son..., you... But, as you can see, I screwed up quite a bit, and didn't find any answers, just more questions." K'aruh's voice faltered slowly.

"Here, take my ship, you will find it on this level ..." and handed Kyr'nac two shiny oval disks, one was green, the other gilded with markings on both sides.

The gold one shows you the dock number and gives you permission to take off, the green one gives you access and permission to the entire ship, including the computer. On it you will find the data that my brother, your father, has sent me and some that I have collected myself. The computer will also show you the coordinates of his hideout, but I have no idea what you'll find there... or why your father and several other Yautja males have been modified..."

His gasps for breath grew heavier with the blood slowly choking him.

"You'd better go now... Your white-haired "friend" has escaped and I have no doubt that he wants revenge, besides I don't think it will be long before the enforcers come storming through the door... And since you and the Orc…” and nodded his head in the direction of Orgrim..

"...both badly wounded and I doubt you can fend off a small army of enforcers at this point, I'll try to hold them back as long as possible once they get in here, that is, if I'm still alive..."

Kyr'nac knew, the hunter was right, but he had more questions, which would never be answered now, at least not from him and nodded.

May the goddess be with you on your last journey, hunter. I just have a question… Your name, what is your name?

The Yautja grinned. “...K'aruh, my name is K'aruh. Go now!"

Kyr'nac quickly stood up, grabbed Iris in the same fluid motion and held her tightly in his arms.

"Put me down, you're hurt, numnuts!" Iris gasped as she saw the blood seeping from multiple wounds as he picked her up.

But he didn't respond, instead turning to the Orc.

"Are you coming, or not?"

Orgrim shrugged.

"Well, there's nothing keeping me here, so I guess I'll just join you guys for now..."

As they walked toward the exit, Kyr'nac saw the doctor lying in a large pool of blood, her head separated from her neck. In any case, it was clear to him, she most likely had nothing to do with Liu'an.

Although the hallways were busy with various creatures running in all directions, the three of them managed to get to the elevators pretty quickly. But the moment they stepped into the gleaming, brightly lit room, a huge explosion hit them, the whole room shook violently, lights started flashing uncontrollably and all the alarm systems went off simultaneously, causing Kyr'nac to plunge his head into Iris' neck, his whole body trembled with pain from the shrieking sounds in his sensitive ears.

While the explosion itself wasn't as devastating as it would have been if it had been a xenomorph-infested area, K'aruh's detonation of only half the explosive power of his gauntlet had given them plenty of time to safely retreat.

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