9.5ft full of scars, A Yautja fantasy story

Chapter 20

The warmth against her back was soothing, she wanted to turn around and immerse herself completely in it. She immediately became aware that this wonderful warmth came from a living being.

Though she suspected who was holding her so tightly, Iris tried to turn on her back to see if was really him.

The large, heavy and scarred arm that lay across her waist, though, made it difficult for her to turn, as did the pain that shot through her body with every movement. But little by little somehow she managed to do so and once she lay on her back, she turned her head towards the person laying behind her and her eyes immediately found the warm sandy coloured eyes of her giant hybrid and her breath hitched.

"Hey, big guy..." Her voice sounded like a squeaking mouse and Kyr'nac laughed at the sight of her blushing cheeks.

"Hey, there... how are you feeling?" The sound of his rumbling voice sent pleasant shivers down her spine.

"Honestly? It's like getting hit by a bulldozer, wrestling a sumo wrestler for six rounds and finally being pulled through a meat grinder, but everything else is fine..."

"I have no idea what a bulldozer is, or what to imagine a sumo wrestler or meat grinder to be, but I'm glad to hear that everything else is going well..."

Before Kyr'nac finished his sentence, she laughed, only to immediately regret this as a flaming pain shot through her lower body.

Tears of pain ran down her cheeks, and it took great effort to calm her breath.

Kyr'nac looked at the crying female in his arms, and would do anything to take away her pain, but there was nothing he could do but hold her gently, only repeating how sorry he was.

Though the pain was unbearable, his big warm claw on her stomach felt like a gift, as if his warmth eased the pain a bit. Slowly the pain subsided and she could breathe normally again.

"Thank you." A small smile re-appeared on her face at the sight of powerlessness in his eyes.

"Why do you keep saying 'sorry' big guy? You haven't done anything... You're not the one that..." She turned her head away. "...raped me..." She whispered, a cold chill ran down her spine by the memory of what had happened and she felt nausea coming on.

Gently he cupped her face and brought his head down to press his head against hers and started purring softly.

He lifted his head a little to look her in the eyes.

"I should've known he wouldn't wait to get to you... I should've known, Iris... I'm.. so.. sorry... I'm going to make it up to you, I promise."

His voice sounded so remorseful but a fire started to burn in his eyes when he made her that promise, and a smile appeared on her face, he truly meant it..., but then her smile vanished just as fast as it had appeared.

"But the brothel? I mean, she still owns me... you can't protect me in there..."

"Don't worry, you're not going back, I took care of it..."

Her red eyes widened at his words and locked on to his.

"What do you mean? Did you..., do you mean, you bought me...?"

Kyr'nac nodded. "Yes, I'm sorry but it was the only way to get you out of there and save your life... Look... he almost killed you, Iris...I..."

But before he was able to finish his sentence, Iris took his large face in both her hands and pulled him close to hers. She pressed her forehead to his and tears started to flow once again, but this time they weren't because of the pain.

"There's no reason for you to be sorry for, nitwit! You had no reason to help me and yet you did. I still don't understand why, though, but I'm glad you did... Thank you..."

Raw voices suddenly sounded on the other side of the door but before Kyr'nac was able to react, the door opened and five bulky, nasty looking beings forced their way in pointing forbidden firearms at the tall hybrid.

After they'd taken position, another person calmly walked in, Iris heart stopped beating and her blood ran cold when she saw Liu'an entering wearing the filthiest grin she ever encountered on his face.

"Hello doll... I wasn't finished yet..."

A deafening roar sounded from behind her and Iris looked back to see her hybrid in full attack mode. His lower jaws were spread as wide as possible, the fangs in his inner mouth had grown to the size of a small dagger, something she'd never seen before, and his skin seemed thicker and darker, almost as if it were some kind of natural armor, and her heart swelled at the amazing sight of her protector...

A couple of hours prior.


"PAUK!!" K'aruh growled in annoyance.

This was the second time, he ended up on the wrong docking bay, and although it was definitely the most embarrassing thing he'd done his entire live, he just had to do it, and he sighed deeply, with his hands in his sides he lifted his head and started to look around for someone who could tell him how to get back to his ship.

Needles to say there wasn't a single person close by, able to help him finding his way, just a few drones, but they were useless. As he was wandering around the docking space, his eyes trailed from one ship to another when all of a sudden his eyes fell on a ship that looked somewhat familiar.

He walked over to the old brig and examined it intently. With his arms crossed he looked at the ship pensively, why did this ship seem so familiar to him? As he walked around the ship he was scanning the ship through his bio-mask when he noticed a small engraving on the hull just below the entrance and his heart skipped a beat. This couldn't be true?! This was his brother's ship, Ranac's ship...

At the other side of the ship, he heard the loud metal noice of a pallet falling to the metal ground and as quickly as possible K'aruh ran around the hulk to see who it was.

On the other side of the ship, a merchant was unloading his merchandise from his own ship with the help of one of the dockers, and a merchant's error in judgment had caused a large pallet of food to fall next to the floating transport vehicle.

K'aruh walked up to the creatures.

"Do any of you know who owns this ship?" And pointed his thumb at the ship behind him.

"Are you blind or something?" The market-man had not turned and was frantically gathering the food that was still usable. "We have better things to do than to help you!"

The dock worker had already turned and turned dark purple around his little trunk-like nose.

"I will take a look for you!" He squeaked in a thin, high-pitched voice, something that definitely didn't suit his flabby lilac-colored body.

"WHAT?" The merchant turned with a jerk and was about to open his mouth, but closed it just a fast, when he saw who he was facing and he squealed with fear.

"It..., it..., I'm sorry! Ohhh, please, my skull isn't pretty it's all dented! Ohhh don't hurt me!"

K'aruh chuckled, they were big pussies...

"I just want to know who owns this ship and where he or she is staying, that's all..."

The lilac creature nodded vigorously and with trembling paws grabbed his computer from a pocket, and with trembling fingers he looked up the information for the big Yautja, within seconds he had found what the man was looking for.

"The ship belongs to one Kyr'nac Ranac's son and he resides in Section 106, Deck 5, Dacsalm Motel, Room 8..."

A shiver ran down the Yautja's spine, what the... Ranac's son? His lower jaws clicked tensely.

"Do you have a picture of him?" His voice sounded harsh.

The creature swallowed. "I'm not really allowed to show you that..."

K'aruh cocked his head and crossed his arms but said... nothing... just kept his gaze on "lilac". Even though his face was hidden behind his bio mask, the black eyes of the mask freaked the creature out and a high pinch sound escaped the creature's throat, quickly he turned the screen allowing K'aruh to see the image of the ships owner.

Immediately his breath was taken away by the sight of it ....PAUK... that face, it was the giant...

"Tell me how to get there..."

It took him at least thirty minutes to get to the motel where "lilac” had sent him and when he arrived, the giant was not there... chit...

But coïncidence or not, the moment he left the motel, he nearly bumped into one of the Orcs who worked at the brothel.

He quickly stopped the man, by putting his large claw against the males chest.

"Hold on, I need your help..."

Taken aback by the Yautja's unexpected gesture, Orgrim eyed at him suspiciously, a Yautja asking for help? That couldn't mean much good...

"What do you want?" The Yautja looked vaguely familiar to him, probably he had already seen the Yautja once in the brothel.

"Do you have any idea where Kyr'nac is?"

Orgrim hadn't seen that question coming and took a step back, his eyes wide with surprise. No one called the hybrid by its real name, for the simple reason that almost no one knew its name...

"Why?" The Orc wasn't going to just pass that information on to a complete stranger Yautja, maybe this guy belonged to Liu'an..., although he doubted it.

K'aruh, irritated by the man's hesitation to help out, he took a step towards the Orc.

"Because I need to know!" K'aruh almost roared.

"Wrong answer my friend..." Orgrim was getting ready to fend off a possible attack by the Yautja, when suddenly a group of six men caught his attention, quickly maneuvering through the crowd, Liu'an with a devilish grin in front of them.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw the Yautja getting ready to give him a massive punch and quickly turned back to face him.

"Wait!" He quickly raised his hand to stop the hunter.

"You want to know where he is? Then follow me..." Orgrim turned and ran as fast as he could after Liu'an's group.

Too surprised at the sudden change in the Orc, k'aruh had no choice but to follow the Orc.

(chit: shit)

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