9.5ft full of scars, A Yautja fantasy story

Chapter 19

A sickening pain shot through her right arm as someone pulled on it, and Iris's entire upper body jolted up in pain. Immediately the movement was punished off by a flaming pain shooting through her entire body, ripping off the breath in her longs instantly. In the back of her head, Iris was aware of the horrified screams of another being and a cold grip settled around her throat, was that monster, that creep still torturing someone?

But the darkness engulfed her again before she was able to clear her mind.

Pain was no stranger to him and he had learned to live with it, but to hear her icy screams coming from the room next to his, the fear and pain they helt, made his stomach turn and cold shivers ran down his spine.

Kyr'nac could have kicked himself, he should have known better... He knew she was exactly the type Liu'an was going for and that ic'jit would do anything to get him. His arrogance had cost her dearly and he could only hope she would make it out alive. The giant had no illusions that she would ever forgive him, he wasn't entitled to her forgiveness, but it didn't matter... He would take care of her. .., one way or another...

For now the only thing he could do was wait and pray, something he hadn't done for years. He rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands and turned to the only goddess he knew, who might listen to him.

"I doubt your God will listen to you..."

The nasal voice of the doctor pulled him out of his thoughts and back to reality. Although the medic was a very capable woman, she had the charms of a Orc, even though her size was more that of an gnoom. Kyr'nac looked at the female in front of him and sighed.

"How is she?" He tried hard to keep his voice void from emotions.

The woman shrugged. "She'll make it, thanks to your Yautja blood..."

The tension he felt was at least somewhat relieved by this message, thank Goddess, at least he had done one thing right. Yautja blood could help heal injuries, with an emphasis on "could"..., it could also go horribly wrong and the recipient could just as easily die a painful death.

With her head to the side, the woman looked at him intently.

"A guy like you came to me a few days ago..." She crossed her arms and leaned her stocky frame his way, head still crooked, giving her a weird appearance and Kyr 'Nac felt like a little child being punished for something he'd done, a feeling he hadn't had in years.

"...he also had a human female with him... I'm very curious were you hybrids get these human females...?" Before Kyr'nac could answer, she continued.

"I know from a reliable source that the other giant is wanted by of Yautja Primes, high counsel, because he is a "Bad Blood", as you people call them..." She cocked her head to the other side.

"Do you know him?" But immediately she raised her hand to silence him.

"Doesn't matter... what I'm trying to say is..., years ago, a Yautja hunter saved my life..., and all this screwed up bastard asked in return was, that if someone, with his DNA crossed my path, I would give him this." She handed Kyr'nac a small plastic plate.

"He instructed me to tell, that, hoever I was going to give this disc to, had to upload the content on the disc to his ship's computer, and... as your DNA is identical to his, ...this is yours... There's another one, but I already handed that one over..." Kyr'nac looked at the small disc in his hand, then returned his attention back to the doctor in front of him.

"You said there were two, disks? Who did you give the other disc to?" But the woman turned and walked towards the door and without turning around all she said was...

"None of your business and no more questions. Look the old Yautja saved my life and this is my way of paying him back, I did what I promised him... now follow me, we're going to see your little girl friend now and see how she's doing..."


"Iris... Iris... wake up, please wake up..." The dark voice, that came from afar, sounded so familiar, so kind, Iris wanted to open her eyes, but she was so tired and her whole body ached so badly, as if she'd been renoveren by a truck.

"Iris" Now the voice sounded more stern, a little closer as well, still it sounded kind, but the comfort of the darkness felt so good and safe...


The darkness disappeared and a bright light entered her consciousness, there it was again, that unbearable pain throughout her body, yet most painful of all were her abdomens, it felt as they were on fire.

"Please wake up, Iris..." This time, his little female responded to his voice and slowly opened her eyes.

Still unfocused, she locked on to his eyes and to his surprise gave him a small smirk.

"Hey big guy..., what are you doing here?" Her mouth curled in a silly grin and her words slurred little.

She'd been given heavy painkillers and the numbing effect was obvious, Iris had no idea where she was or what had happened, and it took her a moment to regain consciousness to remember the attack three days earlier.

Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of the giant sitting next to her at the bedside, and she wondered why he was in her bedroom and giggled sheepishly. Iris was aware he was talking to her, trying to explain something, but she was mesmerised by the way his mandibles were moving as he talking to her, and she tried to sit up a little to touch the prosthetic mandible.

Why was he calling her name over and over again? Iris looked up at his worried face with a sheepish grin, what was he saying? she didn't understand...

All of a sudden she felt his large hands on her shoulders grabbing them gently and pushing her back onto the bed.

Kyr'nac tried to make lay down again, but to his dismay, she suddenly started to whimper and her eyes widened in shock. Her hands grabbed her stomach and she curled up to a ball whimpering and moaning in pain.

"Ohh my god! The pain, it's burning! Why does it hurt so badly?"

Iris looked at him with big frightened eyes, tears started to run down her face.

"What happened to me?"

Hesitantly, Kyr'nac stroke the side of her face with his large, clawed hand, afraid she would start to scream when he would touch her. But instead of screaming or pulling away, she lent into his touch.

"You don't remember?"

Iris shook her head. "...no..."

Her whisper sounded shaky and his gut churned.

"I will tell you when your mind isn't so foggy anymore... Try to get some sleep, okay?" Looking at him with those doe like eyes, she nodded and at that moment he new he would do everything to make her happy.

"Will you stay with me?"

Kyr'nac grinned. "I'm not going anywhere..."

Although she was in pain, a blush appeared on her face.

"Will you..., can you hold me? Please?"

Her sudden question startled him, and it took him a moment to realize that she'd averted her eyes in shame.

"Are you sure?"

A simple nod was enough and he walked around the bed and carefully lay down behind her. He draped his arm over her in such a way that his knuckle rested on the bed so as not to let the weight of his arm rest on her body. But her small hand gripped his wrist and she placed his large, warm claw on her aching stomach and crawled back as far as she could, nestling in the warmth of his bulky body. Once settled, he heard her sigh with satisfaction. Though he didn't think he deserved this trust, he couldn't help but smile. Drugged or not, she knew who he was and still trusted him.

(ic'jit: Bad blood)

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