#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 6


I stood in my office, completely dumbfounded by tonight’s events. Not only did I find my mate, but he wants nothing to do with me and, come to find out, he’s also our Alpha King. What’s more is, I had no idea. I sensed he was a ranked wolf, an Alpha, but nothing more. I always thought our wolves would know if we were in the presence of the royal family. Either my wolf, Violet, had no idea or she was screwing with me.

“Junebug?” Vivian knocked on my office door before letting herself in, “You okay?” She asked.

“Uhm, uh, yes, fine.” I lied. Viv was a human who came from human parents. She had no idea what I was or that the supernatural world even existed. I wanted to keep it that way.

“You lie.” Viv smirked, leaning against the door frame, “But, that’s cool. Don’t tell me.”

“There was just some guy.” I shrugged. Viv pushed off the door frame and walked towards me.

“Some guy?” She prodes.

“Yep, that’s it.” I shrugged in response.

“Mhm.” Viv didn’t believe me, “You coming back out or are you off for the night?” She changed the subject.

“No guy is going to make me take the night off, you know better than that.” I shook off my bad mood and smiled at Viv, squeezing her shoulder before I went back out to the bar.

The richy rich werewolves from before were long gone, leaving behind a mess and a huge tip. I figured that them leaving at the same time as his royal highness wasn’t a coincidence.

The rest of the night went by without incident, but I did have the creepy feeling of being watched. By the time 3:00 a.m. rolled around, the bar was empty and we were cleaning up the mess leftover from the crowds. The bouncers were sweeping up, Jackson drew the short straw and was on bathroom duty, Karly was wiping down the bar and dirty glasses, Lainey and Sophie were cleaning down the tables and chairs, and I was balancing the books.

“That was just foul.” Jackson came out of the bathroom in elbow high rubber gloves, two face masks, a clothes pin over his nose, and wearing a black garbage bag as a mock smock.

“Lord, you are dramatic.” Karly scoffed.

“Sure, I’ll remember that when it’s your turn to clean the bathrooms.” Jackson rolled his eyes before stripping down and throwing everything away in the trash can.

“Here’s the tips for today.” I said when Toonly and Clyde came back from the dumpster. I pushed seven equal piles of cash across the bar and everyone collected their tips.

“Thanks, boss. You need anything else tonight?” Buck asked.

“Nope, you guys are good. Thanks for tonight.” I waved away the staff.

Viv was the last to leave, the flavor of the month picking her up in his fancy convertible. I was just about to lock up and shut off the lights when I heard the back door open. I gripped the keys tightly in my hand, my entire body going rigid. Violet stirred in my mind, ready to defend us.

“Hello? We’re closed.” I called out.

A broad man with dark hair and eyes struts across the bar. I vaguely recognized him.

“Sorry to barge in, Miss. Cooper. My name’s Cole Valentine, I’m the Alpha King’s Gamma.” He said and recognition flickered in my mind. I remembered seeing him in my office earlier with the king and his rude Beta.

“Did you need something?” I asked, walking towards the front door to lock it so no one else decided to make a late night visit.

“The Alpha King just wanted me to make sure that you were safe.” He said.

“Funny. I didn’t get the impression that he cared much about my safety or anything else, for that matter.” I mumbled.

“Caspian is a little….rough.” Cole sighed and I realized that this was the first time I heard his name. I paused at the sound of it, appreciating the warm feeling I got from hearing it

“I guess that’s one way to look at it.” I said.

“You have to understand….” Cole started but I held up my hand, silencing him.

“No, with all respect, Gamma Cole, I don’t want to hear anything from you. If the Alpha King wants to provide an explanation, I’m all ears. Otherwise, I just want to be left alone. If he doesn’t want me as a mate, that’s fine by me.” I wasn’t about to be some charity case for the Gamma to take in. I was surprised when Cole’s lips turned up into a smug smirk.

“I told him you were feisty. Honestly, I’m even impressed at how you stood up to him. Only the true fated Queen Luna could defy the king like you did. You didn’t even know he was royal, your wolf didn’t feel it. You weren’t compelled to submit to him. It’s amazing, really.” Cole looked at me in awe, “Even my wolf recognizes you as his Luna and Queen. So, if not for Caspian’s sake, let me guard you to satisfy my wolf’s feeling of duty.”

I studied Cole’s face, overwhelmed by his words. I could sense the honesty in his tone of voice, the softness of his eyes and warmth of his smile won over Violet in a second. I mentally rolled my eyes at how willing she was to roll over for just about anybody.

“Do whatever makes you feel good, Cole, but stay out of my apartment.” I warned him, “And shut the lights on your way out.” I called over my shoulder as I started walking up the steps.

“Should I lock the back door?” He said and I paused on the steps, turning around to toss him the keys.

“Leave the keys on the bar.” I said and continued up the steps.

“Yes, Luna.” His response frustrated me and made Violet purr.

What a mess, I thought to myself as I unlocked my apartment door and stepped inside.

The next day, I rolled out of bed at around 11:00am, a typical start to my Sundays. Friday through Sunday were the bars busiest days. We were closed on Monday and Tuesday to recover, open again Wednesday and Thursday but mostly only our more loyal, low key patrons turned up then; the day drinkers as we have so fondly nicknamed them.

I drug myself into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. On my way back to the bedroom, a noise outside my door caught my attention. I rolled my eyes and sighed, heading towards the door that connected my apartment with the bar. Yanking it open, I shot a glare towards Cole.

“You’re still here?” I snapped. Violet hissed in my head, ordering me to be nicer.

“You said to do whatever made me feel good.” Cole smirked, shrugging lazily.

He was sitting on the ground, resting his head against the wall. I looked him over. His dark dirty blonde hair was tousled and his clothes wrinkled, proving that he slept here all night. I pushed the door open further and nodded towards the kitchen.

“Come in, coffee’s on.” I said. Cole cocked his head to the side.

“I’m fine, Luna….” He started, but my glare shut him up, “Alright, alright.” He jumped up and slipped inside the apartment.

“Coffee’s on the counter, cups are in the last cabinet.” I instructed him as we walked through my apartment and into the kitchen.

Cole opened the cabinet and pulled out two coffee mugs and checked the coffee. He turned back around and leaned against the counter.

“You should get dressed.” He said, his eyes locked on something behind me.

I looked down at myself. I was wearing a red spaghetti strapped tank top, white and red polka dotted shorts, and a silky red robe hanging off my shoulders. My hair was falling out of a messy bun and I still had my dark rimmed glasses on.

“Why?” I mumbled.

“Because, the Alpha will kill me if he knows that I’ve seen you like this and I prefer life.” Cole chuckled, meeting my gaze.

“Right, because it’s okay for an Alpha to be possessive but still uncaring. He can blow me off but I can’t be around another man, is that how it works?” I snarled. Cole’s frown disappeared and he stood up straighter,

“Woah, that’s not what I meant.” He stammered.

“No?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Okay, well, kind of….” He replied.

“That’s what I thought. I already told you, Cole, I don’t care to hear about jt unless your Alpha can tell me himself.” I huffed.

“You know, he’s your Alpha King.” Cole pointed out.

“I thought the royal family overthrew the Council so our people could have freedom? Or is our history inaccurate?” I threw back at him.

“You’re something else, you know that?” Cole laughed, relaxing again.

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes and stomped off to the bedroom to get dressed.

Leaving the door open to spite Cole and his Alpha, I tore out of my pajamas and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a more appropriate tank top. I tossed my work clothes out on my bed so I was ready for tonight before disappearing into the bedroom. I yanked my hair down from the bun and ran a comb through the unruly curls. I would need a shower to fix this mess later, but that could wait.

By the time I made it back out to the kitchen, Cole had poured the coffee and had his head stuffed in my fridge.

“What are you doing?” I asked, picking up the hot red mug.

“I was hungry.” He said from inside the fridge. I noticed the pan on the stove that was already frying up some eggs. He came out with milk and cheese.

“Fancy an omelet?” He asked, moving the egg around with a spatula.

“If you’re cooking.” I shrugged, plopping down at the kitchen table, “Tell me, why bother with this dog and pony show?” I asked.

Cole sighed as he finished up the omelets.

“I already told you….” He said.

“I know, I remember. I want to know the real reason. I don’t believe that the Alpha sent you.” I said as he placed a plate down in front of me.

“Fine. He didn’t. I asked.” He grumbled, sitting down across from me.

“Why do you care so much?” I asked.

“That part was true. I’m the Gamma, it’s my duty to protect you whether my idiot Alpha wants me to or not.” Cole smirked.

“Your idiot Alpha King.” I corrected him with a sly smile of my own. Cole laughed out loud before diving into his omelet.

“You know, he wasn’t always such a prick. He was my childhood friend before he was my King.” Cole said.

“Everyone’s a kid at some point, right?”

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