#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 5


Once we were alone in the small, quiet space, I felt the struggle to stay away from her increase. Her smell was stronger and her beauty was more vibrant in the bright light of her office. She tucked her hair behind her ear and looked up at me with her wide eyes; I was completely captivated by them. She watched me silently, not saying a word as she studied me. I resisted the urge to boast at her attention.

I found it curious how she could meet my gaze, locking eyes with me and not looking away. As King Alpha, wolves automatically felt the need to bare their necks to me in submission. Even without knowing my name or what the royal family members looked like, they would know my bloodline instantly on instinct. Or, more accurately, their wolf would respond to it. This she-wolf, on the other hand, didn’t so much as flinch.

“Well, this is awkward.” She mumbled, rocking back and forth on her heels.

“Who are you?” I asked her curtly.

“Do you even know how to say please?” She narrowed her eyes on me.

“Please.” I added in a bored tone. She rolled her eyes at me,

“My name is Junie, Junie Cooper. June, technically.” She rambled, “And you are?”

Instead of answering, I observed her more closely. Noticing how her face and nose were covered in freckles, how her eyes caught the reflection of the light and swirled enthusiastically, the warm caramel hue to her skin, the light pink flush on her plump cheeks, and how her bottom lip was fuller than the top. Jess purred in admiration.

“Get a grip, Jess. We don’t want a second chance mate.” I snapped at him, but my resolve was weakening.

“Yes, we do. We love her, she’s ours.” Jess argued.

“There’s something not right….” I said thoughtfully.

“Who cares, she’s ours.” Jess growled at me.

I sniffed the air, trying to sort out her pack scent from her ridiculously potent aroma. That’s when I realized what was wrong. She had no scent, she belonged to no pack. She didn’t have the hot garbage smell of a traditional, feral rogue, but that didn’t make her any less rogue.

“You’re a rogue.” I growled the word viscously, stalking towards her with my hands closed into tight fists. Her eyes went wide and she stumbled backwards, fear flashing across her face.

“Excuse me….” She started to get smart with me, but I wasn’t in the mood for her attitude. I grabbed her upper arms and pulled her close to me, careful not to deepen the bruises already forming there.

“You heard me. Do you think you’re above me? Is that why you refuse to bow?” I snarled.

“Bow? Wow, conceded much? You’re just an Alpha and not mine, at that. Why should I bow down to you?” Junie was glaring at me, but the unshed tears in her eyes were betraying her emotions.

Just an Alpha?

“You should show me some respect.” I said sternly.

“I thought I was, not that you’ve earned it. I thought my mate would easily have my respect and my trust. You and I both are disappointed.” She shook herself out of my grip and I let her.

“I don’t need a mate.” I said. She reacted to my words like I had slapped her.

“Then reject me.” She spat the words at me.

Of course, it made sense. If I didn’t want a mate, then why not reject her? But, something inside me lit up like a firestorm at the thought of saying those words. I knew I couldn’t take a second chance mate, I didn’t deserve it after losing my first mate. I didn’t believe in second chances, not when a man couldn’t protect and provide for what was already his. I wasn’t worthy of her.

I opened my mouth to say something, but for the first time in my life, I was speechless. Thankfully, I didn’t have to come up with something to say because Jett stormed into the office.

“Everything okay?” Jett eyed us suspiciously.

“Oh, good, your bodyguard is here.” Junie rolled her eyes and Jett looked appalled.

“Excuse me, do you know who you are in the presence of?” Jett growled at my mate and I fought back the urge to punch him in the face.

“You know, just because I’m packless doesn’t mean that I’m worthless. You almighty Alpha, Beta types are the reason generations of rogues stay away from packs.” Junie pressed her lips together in a thin line, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Packless? You’re a rogue?” Jett sneered.

“You both can leave now. There are hundreds of supernatural clubs in South Carolina, go find one of them. This is a human establishment.” She spat at us.

“How dare you….” Jett started but I silenced him with a stern look.

“We’re going.” I mumbled. Jett looked at me in complete shock. I wasn’t accustomed to letting tiny rogue she-wolves speak to me with such disgust and boldness.

“Good.” Junie said.

“Let’s go, Jett.” I grabbed his arm and forcibly shoved him out of the office door.

As if to add to my misery, Cole planted himself in front of us with a smug expression. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked around me, smiling at my mate.

“Well, she’s cute.” He smirked.

“Watch it, Cole.” I growled at him.

Ooh, got ourselves a second chance mate then, have we?” Cole sang in an obnoxiously gitty voice.

Jett’s face snapped towards Cole in shock before returning to mine with just as much surprise,

“What?” He asked in a loud whisper.

“Really? All mighty Beta couldn’t figure that one out for himself? Since when does the King Alpha ever let anyone talk to him like she just did, not to mention the fact that she’s a rogue and he’s just letting her walk away.” Cole shook his head at Jett’s obliviousness.

Honestly, I was shocked that Cole managed to work that all out on his own.

“What did he just say?” Junie spoke up, looking terrified.

“Cole, drop it.” I warned him without looking back at Junie. It was Cole’s turn to look curious.

“She doesn’t know? Oh snap,” Cole giggled like a gossiping school girl, “This is getting good.”

“I swear to the Goddess, Cole.” I had about enough.

“How could you not know that you were in the presence of the Alpha King?” Jett asked Junie.

“I….my wolf didn’t say anything.” She mumbled.

Something about her voice caused me to turn around. She was looking at the ground with shame written all over her face.

Jess howled in my head, not liking that she was embarrassed or remorseful over something as silly as his title. He liked that she wasn’t like the other girls, swooning over his rank and willingly submitting to us; she was feisty and he admired that about her.

And he wasn’t alone.

“I’m sorry.” Her voice was almost silent, “Your grace.” Jess whimpered at her obedience and at how her hands were shaking at her side.

“Tell her not to call us that, tell her she’s the only one who doesn’t have to.” Jess commanded me.

“Don’t.” I said, struggling to keep my voice level, “Look at me.”

She blinked, slowly lifting her gaze to mine.

“Don’t apologize.” I said once her warm eyes locked with mine, “You don’t have to.” I emphasized.

She blinked again, the fear and worry began to fade from her eyes. There was a different type of expression on her face now and, for some reason, it set me on edge.

“We’re leaving, now.” I glared threateningly at my Beta and Gamma, turning my back on Junie.

No one said another word as the three of us left her office. We made it the whole way out the front door of the bar before Cole jumped me.

“Just let me stay behind and talk to her.” Cole said as we walked towards the curb.

“Why?” I grumbled.

“She’s our Queen Luna.” Cole said obviously. I looked at him with eyes that said to tread carefully.

“She’s not.” Jett said, “It’s clear that Caspian isn’t interested.” I wasn’t sure why Jett was so put off by Junie. I knew what my issues were, but I didn’t know about his. Right now, I wasn’t going to question it since he was the only one on my side.

“You’re rejecting her because you don’t think you should have a second chance mate.” Cole called me out, “That’s bullshit and you know it.”

“You need to learn to shut your mouth.” I said.

“Now, how long have you known me? I’m not going to do that.” Cole smiled mischievously.

“I’m not taking her as my mate, she won’t be the Luna.” I replied stubbornly.

“Because she’s a rogue?” Cole asked.

“Yes.” I said, preferring that he believes that over his original accusation.

“You’re just going to let her go unprotected?” Cole raised his eyebrow, challenging me.

“What makes you think she needs protection?” The limo pulled up to the curb.

“What makes you think she doesn’t?” Cole rattled back. I sighed dramatically as Jett opened the limo door.

“Fine, just to be sure that she’s not threatened.” I caved, knowing that Cole wasn’t going to give up on this. Cole grinned wickedly,

“Thanks, boss.” He said. I slipped inside the limo and Jett joined me. Cole started back towards the bar,

“You’re starting now?” I called out to him.

“You know I’m not one to procrastinate!” He winked.

“He literally always procrastinates.” Jett huffed, watching Cole walk off.

“Take us to the Cypress pack and call Alpha Avery, I want a formal meeting.” I ordered.

“Yes, sir.” Jett nodded once before pulling out his cellphone.

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