#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 7


“What can I do ya for, Cas?” Alpha Avery of Cypress asked as we settled into his office.

“Right now, Alpha Avery, it’s Alpha King. This is official business.” I replied sternly, unbuttoning my suit jacket to sit down on the luxurious couch.

“Of course, sorry, sir.” Avery nodded, sitting down behind his desk, “What’s the problem?”

“I need to know about a rogue wolf in your territory.” I said.

“Well, we don’t know every single rogue wolf in our territory but we do know most of them. I’ll do what I can to help.” Avery said.

“Her name is June Cooper.” I answered plainly. Avery’s eyes widened slightly, giving away his shock.

“Oh, yes, I know all about the Cooper’s.” He admits.

“You didn’t recognize her at the club last night.” I pointed out.

“Oh, she was the girl you were asking about? I hadn’t seen her since she was a child, I didn’t know.” he shrugged,

“Tell me everything about them.” I tried not to let my emotions get the better of me, keeping my voice as level as possible.

“She has a brother, Reid, and her father’s name is Corbin Cooper. His father, Reagon, was a member of Cypress. He was a Council sympathizer. Once your family took over, he went rogue, not wanting to follow the new regime. A few decades later, my father, as Alpha, started to reach out to all the rogues in our area following your family’s reintegration program. A lot of them came back, but many didn’t. Those who didn’t want to return, were granted asylum in our territory as long as they remained peaceful. We began calling them packless instead of rogues,

“I remember an issue with the Cooper’s that put my father on edge. It was before Corbin and his wife, Shelby, had any children. They were seen with a bunch of feral rogues on the outskirts of our territory who were thought to be conspiring against our pack. I’m not exactly sure what happened, but I know that the rogues were eliminated and the Cooper’s went right back to being packless. The only thing my father ever told me about it was to keep my eye on them.” Alpha Avery explained.

“And, have you?” I questioned.

“Sure, there haven’t been any issues other than some domestic problems.” Avery shrugged.

“Domestic?” I buried my interests behind a board expression, but inside, I was boiling. I didn’t like the sound of domestic problems.

“Yeah, Mrs. Cooper left when the youngest, June, was just a baby. Mr. Cooper wasn’t exactly father of the year. I heard there were some issues that the human cops had to respond to. I guess a teacher at June’s school called CPS about suspected child abuse. I checked in, but no charges were ever filed.” Avery sounded uninterested as he sat back in his chair.

“Did you follow up?” My voice was tense, my hands balled into tight fists at my side as I tried to keep my control.

“Get a grip, Jess.” I snarled at my wolf.

“Someone hurt our mate, he must die.” Jess was fuming.

“It’s a private matter. We don’t even know what happened. It’s not our problem.” I argued.

“Keep it up and the cops will be responding to your own domestic dispute.” Jess huffed at me before cutting me off.

“I checked in, but the kids looked fine and Mr. Cooper didn’t say anything. They aren’t a part of my pack, I have no jurisdiction.” Avery said, eyeing me cautiously.

“The kids were innocent. You didn’t think to pay more attention to them?” I snapped.

“I don’t understand your interest, Alpha King?” Avery asked hesitantly. I made a frustrated noise and stood up abruptly,

“Nevermind. Let me know if there are ever any issues with the Cooper’s.” I ordered before storming out of the Cypress’ packhouse.

I punched Cole’s number into my phone, too pissed to mindlink and be forced to deal with Jess and Cole’s wolf, Jenson.

“Hello?” Cole answered.

“What are you doing?” I grumbled.

Yeash, boss, what’s got your knickers in a twist?” Cole grumbled. I growled at him and he dared to laugh at me.

“Just answer the question.”

“I’m in Junie’s apartment.” He said and I nearly lost control of Jess.

Why?” I snarled loudly.

“I sat outside all night, she invited me in for coffee this morning. I’m doing my Gamma-ly duties and making her breakfast.” Cole replied casually.

Breakfast?” I replied through my teeth.

“Yeah, do you want the menu?” Cole mocked me.

“No, I want to know why you’re in my ma….Ms. Cooper’s apartment.” I forced myself to regain control, but not before Cole caught my mess up.

“I knew you felt something for her! Man, she’s great. She’d be an amazing Luna and one hell of a mate for you.” Cole boasted, completely ignoring my question.

“Shut up. It’s time to come home and leave her alone.” I ordered him. I should’ve known better. Cole was never one to obey anyone, even his Alpha King.

“Why?” Cole asked lamely.

“God damnit, Cole, just do what you’re told for once!” I shouted into the phone.

“Pull the stick out of your ass, Alpha. She needs to be looked after.” Cole said.

“If she’s Luna material and a good mate for me, then she can handle herself.” I threw his words back in his face. By the grace of the Goddess, Cole was silent.

“Fine. But, I’m checking in on her later.” He finally said.

“We’ll talk about it when you get here.” I replied.

“The castle?” Cole confirmed. I grunted in response before ending the call.

“Well, this is pleasant.” A woman’s voice interrupted my rampage as I tore apart my own bedroom a few hours later.

“Mother.” I said in shock, dropping the lamp I was about ready to throw against the wall.

“What are you doing?” Queen Lydia sighed, looking around at my destroyed room.

“Nothing.” I shrugged and my mother rolled her eyes.

“Right, nothing. Does nothing have a name? Perhaps, Junie Cooper?” She smiled smugly at me.

“God damnit, Cole!” I snarled, kicking the lamp across the floor. Lydia laughed, her eyes sparkling as she smiled.

“Oh, don’t blame him. He’s got a big mouth.” She stepped around the mess and rested her hand on my chest, “I only wish I would’ve heard it from you.” She sighed.

“I wasn’t planning on telling anyone.” I said.

“And why is that?” Mother inquired.

“I’m going to reject her. I don’t want another mate.” I replied sternly. Lydia’s eyes grew wide,

“Reject her? Caspian Storm I raised you better than that.” She looked like she wanted to slap me.

“I had a mate mom, I’m not taking another.” I felt my face soften.

“Sabrina wouldn’t want you to kill yourself over what happened.” Lydia said.

“It’s about what I deserve and I don’t deserve her.” Under the gaze of my beloved mother, I crumbled. My defenses fell and I felt something well up in my chest.

My mate’s warm eyes, plump lips, and soft skin filled my vision. Her petite and curvy body, her adorable freckles, her round face. Everything about her called to me. She was irresistible and I knew that I wanted her.

But, I could never let myself have her.

“Caspian.” Mother frowned sadly, pressing her palm against my cheek, “I wish you wouldn’t do this to yourself.”

“I have to, Mom.” I mumbled, “I’ll do my duty as the king and have an heir. The kingdom will be provided for.” I stiffened up, regaining my composure.

“I’m more worried about your duty to yourself, son.” Lydia kissed the other side of my cheek before heading towards the door, “Clean this up and don’t you dare put it on the staff.” She threw her words at me from over her shoulder.

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