#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 38


“I can’t deal with this right now.” I sighed, the anger sucking out the last of my energy. I shoved past Caspian with some effort and stormed into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

I was in bed, admiring the expensive silk sheets, when the scent of another she-wolf assaulted my nose and offended Violet. I was shocked when I saw a scarcely dressed woman in my mate’s room, heartbroken even. I knew, obviously, that Caspian had a life before me. I didn’t expect him to go without womanly comfort since Sabrina, but I also didn’t expect to have his mistress, excuse me, mistresses, shoved in my face on day one.

I flung myself into the bed, the sheets no longer giving me comfort, as I furiously tossed and turned under the heavy comforter.

The next morning came much quicker than I anticipated. I groaned when a loud knock sounded on my door and it opened without waiting for my reply. Two figures swept across the dark room when, suddenly, the heavy curtains were thrown open and sunlight streamed in through the large windows. I slammed my face into the pillow and cursed whoever dared disturb my sleep.

“It’s nearly 9 o’clock, miss.” An unfamiliar voice said. I rolled over and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, focusing on the two women who were standing at the foot of my bed. Gretchen and Cat, my new ladies maids.

“Is it?” I mumbled. Cat turned away and started feeding the fire.

“It’s a chilly one today, miss.” Cat said in a strange accent.

“You know, you two can call me Junie.” I said, sitting up and pulling the blankets around my body. It really was freezing.

“That’s not how things are done here, miss.” Gretchen, the older of the two said, “We shall call you Queen, Luna, ma’am, lady, or miss.”

I shrugged and stepped out of bed, tip-toeing to the bathroom and shutting the door behind me. I certainly didn’t need any help in here. I turned on the shower as hot as it would go and stripped out of my pajamas. There was a laundry chute hidden behind a white faced cabinet that led to the washing room. I had argued at first, more than capable of doing my own laundry, but it was no use.

Off to the side of the vanity was a tall cabinet with a matching white door. Tugging open the door, I began to shuffle through the variety of soaps and supplies to find a body wash and shampoo that was to my liking. I was actually surprised to see that all of my preferred brands were already stocked. I felt a little pang of guilt for yelling at Caspian last night, considering how thoughtful he’d been to make sure I had everything I needed here.

That guilt quickly turned to anger when I remembered the perky blonde in nothing but her underwear.

Grumbling to myself, I stepped into the waterfall of warmth, shivering as the steam bounced off my cold skin. I had barely gotten soap in my hair when I heard the bathroom door open without so much as a knock.

“Miss, breakfast is served at 10. We really must hurry.” It was Cat, a young girl who seemed to be my age or even a bit younger.

“I’ve barely started.” I complained and I heard Cat sigh.

“I’m sorry, miss. We will wake you earlier next time.” She said and I felt myself begin to panic,

“No, no, there’s no need for that.”

“Cat!” Gretchen yelled and then she, too, was in the bathroom, “The Alpha King has instructed that her ladyship can take as long as she needs. She needn’t be down in time for breakfast. Or, rather, breakfast will wait for her.”

“Oh, my apologies, my lady.” Cat said and I heard them both leave the room.

I had the disturbing thought that my privacy was now gone.

I took my time in the shower, despite Cat and Gretchen’s impatience. Finally, I stepped out and wrapped one of the thick, red towels around myself. I wiped the fog from the mirror and started digging through the vanity’s draws.

“Miss,” This time, Cat knocked before opening the door, “I’m here to help you prepare for the day, that includes your skin and hair routine.” She said, pulling open the correct drawer and taking out a comb.

“That’s really okay, Cat, I can do it myself.” I sighed.

“I have a younger sister, miss, who has hair just like yours. I know what to do.” She said, pushing my shoulders down sternly until I sat on the stool in front of the mirror.

I watched as she walked over to the tall cabinet and came away with the same detangler and frizz control spray that I used at home.

“Caspian’s more observant than I gave him credit for.” I mumbled as Cat got to work on my hair.

“Yes, the Alpha King is very kind. I believe the Gamma helped prepare your favorite items as well.” Cat said.

I had an amusing mental image of Cole rooting through my bathroom cabinet trying to identify the mass quantity of products.

“How old is your sister?” I asked after a few awkward moments of silence.

“She’s twelve, miss. Ten years younger than me.” Cat answered, confirming that she was actually a year older than me. I was surprised, she seemed so young and small. I sniffed the air and realized that she wasn’t even a werewolf.

“Do you live in the castle, Cat?” I asked, trying to delicately find out more information about her. I had no idea how one became a staff member within the kingdom.

“Oh, goodness, no. The kingdom graciously gives all staff members their own cottages in the village.” She replied, carefully picking through my hair.

“I don’t know much about how things work here.” I admitted.

“My sister, Callie, and myself are orphaned witches, miss. We sought refuge in the realm and, in return, we offered them our servitude for generous payment and housing.” Cat explained.

“Is that how most of the staff came to be here?” I asked.

“Yes, miss. Queen Luna Austyn-Rose and King Alpha Leo wanted to ensure that everyone had a place in their new realm, so they offered refuge to anyone who needed it; offering employment and a safe haven. It’s well known among the realms that if one needs a place to start over one should come here.” Cat smiled as she spoke.

“That’s….amazing.” I said, not quite sure how to respond; no word felt fitting of the graciousness of Caspian’s family.

“It’s an honor to work here, and even more so to be chosen for your personal staff, my lady.” Cat said, glancing at me in the mirror.

Before I could respond, she sat down the comb and declared my hair finished. I was shocked at how tamed it was, silky smooth and soft looking curls framed my face.

“Once it dries and you are dressed, I will style it.” She added.

“What are the plans for today, do you know?” I asked, standing up.

“I only know what Gretchen and I need to know to prepare you for the day. It is a casual day with no formal events or meetings to attend. I believe Queen Lydia would like to give you a tour and the Alpha King has requirements to fulfill.” Cat said as I followed her into the closet.

“Ah, my lady, I have prepared three appropriate outfits for today for you to choose from.” Gretchen said, standing in front of three hanging outfits.

There was a tea length navy blue dress with long sleeves and stockings, a floor length floral cotton dress, and a long sleeved dark green blouse with navy blue dress pants.

“I thought today was a casual day.” I pointed out, noticing that none of the outfits included jeans and a T-shirt.

“Yes, ma’am.” Gretchen nodded matter-of-factly.

“Oh.” I mumbled just as there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll check on that, miss.” Cat said, leaving the closet. I heard her open the door and Caspian’s scent suddenly filled the room.

“I was just checking in on my Luna.” I heard Caspian say.

“She’s getting dressed now, sir.” Cat replied.

“Oh, I’ll wait for her out here.” He said and I felt myself start to blush.

“I’ll wear the blouse and pants today since it’s so chilly.” I finally answered, pointing to the third outfit.

“Excellent choice, my lady. Queen Lydia was the first to normalize wearing pants instead of dresses, you know?” Gretchen informed me, slipping the clothes off the hanger.

I was embarrassed to see she had also selected a matching bra and panty set for me that went with the outfit. Then there’s the fact that she didn’t seem inclined to leave the closet anytime soon, either. I sighed and dropped the towel, tippy my chin up proudly so I didn’t look as mortified as I felt.

As quickly as possible, I put on the bra and underwear, feeling much better after having my unmentionables covered. Gretchen buttoned the back of the blouse for me once I had it on and then walked away to select my foot wear. I sat down on the blue ottoman once I was dressed, waiting for her to return with shoes.

“Uh-uh, I draw the line with those, Gretchen.” I glared at the stilettos she came back with. They were so high only Vivian would be caught dead in them, certainly not me.

“You do not wear high heels?” Gretchen asked.

“Not heels that are that high.” I said. Gretchen frowned and came back with a pair of wedged boots.

“Are these more to your liking?” She asked, but I got the feeling from her tone that she wasn’t very thrilled about my argument. I nodded and slipped on the shoes.

Gretchen left the closet first and I followed a minute later, after pausing to gather my emotions. Gretchen and Cat were standing formally in front of Caspian who was leaning against the door frame.

“Allow me to style your hair, miss.” Cat said, hurrying to my side.

“That’s not necessary, Cat. Junie likes her hair the way it is.” Caspian spoke sternly but with a soft smile. Cat looked between him and I like she wanted to say something, “That’ll be all ladies, thank you.” Caspian dismissed them. They bowed and left silently.

“How do I do that?” I asked, pointing after them.

“What’s that?” He cocked an eyebrow.

“Make them leave.” I mumbled, already feeling tired from this morning’s events.

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