#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 37


The elevator dinged and opened its doors onto our floor. With her hand in mine, we walked into the hallway and towards our rooms.

“I’m sorry if my mother pressured you.” I said as we lingered outside the bedroom doors.

“It’s okay, she was nice.” Junie shrugged, wrapping her arms around herself.

“I know she can be a bit overwhelming.” Sensing she needed some space, I shoved my hands into my pocket to keep from reaching out for her.

“But weren’t you the one who had clothes brought in for me and picked an entire staff?” She arched her eyebrow in question and I realized that I was the one on trial here.

“I just wanted to be prepared for whenever you decided to come.” I said,

“Oh.” She mumbled. I couldn’t stand it anymore, I reached towards her, running my hands up and down her arms.

“I didn’t mean anything by it, dearest, I swear. You know I wasn’t rushing you. I wouldn’t have asked you to come here if I didn’t think there was another option.” I rambled on.

“I know, I know. I’m sorry, it’s just been a lot.” Her body began to relax against my touch.

“I know it has been, I can’t imagine how much this has been for you. All I want is for you to be safe and happy.” I said, brushing her curls from her face and rubbing my thumb over her cheek.

“Was everything okay with your brother and the meeting he wanted?” She asked, changing the topic. I sighed and dropped my hand,

“More business with the rogues. I’m starting to think that Cohen is working on a much larger scale than I originally thought.”

“Tell me.” Her eyes pinched together in concern.

I told her about the visiting Alphas and their interrogations of the rogues.

“So, you think this Cohen wants to overthrow your family?” I hated the sound of his vial name coming from her beautiful lips.

Please, don’t say his name.” I closed my eyes and spoke in a stressful voice. I felt her soft hand brush against my face and I pressed her hand tightly to my cheek, clinging to it for dear life.

“Caspian, look at me.” She said and I forced my eyes to open, latching on to her warm honey orbs, “I’m right here.” She folded herself against my chest and I captured her in my arms.

“Don’t ever leave me, Junie, I won’t survive it.” I whispered with my face pressed into her hair, breathing in her scent.

“I’m not going anywhere.” She promised.

We stood like that for a while, neither of us wanting to move. Eventually, Junie shifted against me and I released her. She stepped back with a bashful smile and a red smudge on her face from where it was pressed against my dress shirt.

“I should let you sleep.” I sighed, not really wanting to let her go.

She looked down at her feet and nodded before opening up the door to her room. I peeked inside and noticed that the room was frozen in time. I had never seen it before since none of the Lunas in my memory used it.

“Goddess, that room is vintage.” I said in shock. Junie giggled,

“I like it, actually. It all feels very fantastical.” she shrugged.

“This isn’t a fantasy though, my love, it’s our real life.” I said and she reached up on her tippy toes to press her lips to mine.

“I know that, silly, but being a future Queen isn’t exactly in the cards for an average girl.” She smirked, “It’s all like a dream.”

“You’re my dream.” I said and she rolled her eyes at me.

“Time for bed, Alpha.” She teased me, ducking into her bedroom playfully.

“Wait a minute,” I laughed, grabbing her hand and pulling her back towards me, “Don’t I get a goodnight kiss?” I pouted and she shook her head at me but puckered her lips anyway.

I cupped her face in my hands and covered her mouth with mine passionately, skipping the sweet goodnight kiss I had originally asked for. She gasped lightly and I slipped my tongue inside her mouth.

I felt her hands wrap around my neck, her fingertips tangling in my hair. I growled low in my chest, moving one of my hands down to snake around her waist and pulled her even closer. Our bodies seemed to mold together as one as we kissed. My other hand ran down her back slowly and with a purpose, stopping low on the small of her back; my thumb running circles over her shirt.

She pulled away slightly, breathing heavily, but I wasn’t ready to move away from her yet. I buried my face in her neck, no easy task considering the near foot of difference in our height. I pressed my lips against her bare skin and she shivered in my arms, arching her back to give me better access. One of her hands ran down to grip my biceps to better support herself.

“Mark her, mark her!” Jess chanted in my head but I ignored him.

I nipped playfully at her neck, but didn’t dare break the skin. I wouldn’t mark her until she begged me to. My fingers pinched her chin as I turned her face back towards me, pressing my lips to hers again. I slowed the pace down, getting a grip on my raging desire as our warm, heavy breathing mixed together. She sighed in content after a moment and I released her, keeping her face close.

“I love you so much, Junie.” I said, looking into her eyes this time.

“I love you, my Caspian.” She smiled, adding one little word that sent my world spinning. I purred and she giggled at my reaction. I never knew how sexy being claimed by a woman could be.

“Goodnight, my love.” I said, finally letting her go. I felt a little bad for liking the slight look of disappointment that flashed across her face as I backed up towards the door.

“Goodnight, Alpha.” She said softly.

She closed the door behind me and I waited in the hallway for I didn’t know how long, just listening to her move around inside. Knowing that she was finally in my home, our home, gave me so much more comfort than I thought it would, not to mention the joy; I couldn’t stop smiling. Finally, I knew I had to get some sleep to start a new day tomorrow that would, most likely, be full of activity. I sulked off to my room and got ready for bed.

I had showered and was walking across my room in a bath towel when a knock rattled against my door. I smiled, thinking the intruder would be my dear mate. When I opened the door, my face immediately soured at how wrong I was.

“Maggie James.” I mumbled.

Maggie James was wearing a silky, sheer robe over top of nearly nothing; a red piece of lingerie. Usually I was just interested enough in her to get the job done, but tonight, I felt nothing but disgust.

Since Junie and I had accepted each other, I had stopped calling on my mistresses. I ignored all of their advances and banished them from the castle. But, I was an idiot to think that they would just simply go away into the goodnight. I needed to officially dismiss them.

“It’s been so long, Alpha King.” She purred, slipping past me and into my room before I could protest.

“Maggie….” I started but she shushed me.

“Let’s not talk.” She said, pressing her pointer finger to my lips. I batted her hand away forcibly.

“Oh, and what else would you do then?” A different voice came from the direction of the doorway.

I turned in horror as a chill went up and down my spine. I knew without looking that it belonged to my mate.

Junie was wearing the same pajamas I saw her in at home, having purchased a pair in every color for her to have here; matching blue shorts and a spaghetti tank top made of silky material and a silk robe tied tightly around her waist. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she had her glasses on, indicating that she was probably in bed when she caught the scent of another woman.


“Oh, I see. You found yourself another plaything. It’s alright, love, we all share.” Maggie James smiled sickly at Junie and I wanted to throw up.

“Maggie James….” I started to scold her,

“Excuse me?” Junie sneered, stepping into the room and interrupting me.

I was quickly losing control of this situation.

“Now, now, don’t be a hag about it all.” Maggie James tsked while trailing a finger across my chest.

“Caspian, I’m going to lose it on her ass in a minute.” She warned me without so much as looking in my direction. Maggie James’ eyes widened in horror,

“Never address the master by his name!”

“Maggie James, shut up.” I finally growled, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her.

Well, that was clearly a huge mistake.

Junie let out an animalistic growl at the sight of me touching another woman, a woman who was thinly dressed at that. Before I had the chance to react, she was lunging across the room and towards Maggie James. Junie shoved the blonde girl away from me and against the wall,

“Leave. Now.” Violet snarled through Junie’s lips.

“Your highness?” Maggie James squeaked, looking towards me.

“Maggie James, that is your Luna Queen and I suggest you show her some respect.” I said, rooted in place. Her eyes widened as she looked back at Junie who was only inches from her face.

“L….Luna Queen? You found a mate?”

“Yes, and you shall leave and never return.” Junie’s voice was nearly unrecognizable.

“You’re an asshole.” Jess huffed in my head, “I told you this shit would happen.”

“No you did not!” I shouted back.

“Well, I told you I didn’t like having the whores around.” He said,

“You weren’t complaining when we were in bed….”

“Don’t you even think about another woman that way!” Jess warned me.

“I’m not! I’m just saying that we were both in it together before we found Junie. You’re not innocent.” I snapped.

“You’re still an idiot.” Jess said and shut off the link.

By the time I returned my focus to the scene at hand, Maggie James had moved swiftly across the room and threw herself out the door.

“Junie….” I approached her carefully. She turned her fury on me, her eyes as black as the night sky outside, “You have to know I was turning her away.”

“Why was she even here, Caspian?” She snapped my name.

“She was….one of my mistresses.” I admitted with a shameful expression.

One of your mistresses?” Her eyes bulged from her head, “Exactly how many are there?” I knew it was a trick question, but I fell into it anyway.

“Three.” I said. She let out a loud snarl.

“And they feel comfortable enough to just stroll on up here?” She said with her hands on her hips and a bitterness to her voice.

“They won’t anymore. I should have formally dismissed them.” I said,

“Don’t do it on my account.” She lashed out at me, walking towards the door.

“Junie, please wait. I swear, I haven’t been with them since we accepted each other. I even started turning them away before then. I thought they would just take the hint and stay away, I was stupid.” I cried, begging for her forgiveness and blocking the doorway from her escape.

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