#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 36


I hated the idea of being away from my mate after the evening we’ve had. Even more, I was weary about leaving her alone with my mother. I knew she had a habit of going overboard from the very beginning.

But, I was also proud of Junie for agreeing to go with her, despite how nervous I knew she was feeling. I sighed and hurried off to the parlor room, wanting to get this taken care of so I could get back to my mate.

Malcolm was in the parlor room with four other wolves, two Alphas and their Betas. They all stood and bowed their heads in respect when I entered.

“I heard you requested a meeting.” I grumbled, “Let’s take this to my office.” Without another word, I walked back through the foyer and towards the door on the other side of the fireplace.

Through the door was a series of crisscrossing hallways that connected the main part of the house to the offices and guest bedrooms. My office, and the future office of the Luna, were the closest rooms to the front of the house and stood opposite of each other. I pushed open the door to my office and left it open for my guests.

Sitting behind the large mahogany desk, I leaned forward on my elbows and folded my hands on top of the desk. Malcolm walked in first, standing off to the side and motioning for the two Alphas to sit. Facing my desk were two large, velvet faced chairs where the Alphas sat, their Betas standing behind them. Malcolm took it upon himself to serve everyone a glass of my top shelf liquor.

“Introduction, perhapes.” I said, taking the glass from Malcolm.

“This is Alpha Rocky and Beta Fergus from the White Moon pack in Idaho and Alpha Warden and Beta Conlee of the Forest pack near Chicago.” Malcolm said.

“And their purpose here?” I grunted.

“Both their packs are having issues with rogues.” Malcolm replied.

“So, you need the kingdom’s resources?” I was bored with this meeting, unsure as to why it was required so urgently.

“No, your highness, we have the rogue attacks handled.” Alpha Warden replied in a gruff voice. He was older than me, surprisingly aged for an Alpha. In contrast, Alpha Rocky was much younger with an equally as young Beta.

“Then?” I sighed, irritated with the theatrics.

“Alpha Warden and I’s packs are allies, you see. I come from the Forest pack, mated to the daughter of the former Alpha of White Moon,” Alpha Rocky explains, “And we’ve kept in touch. That’s how we learned that both of us have prisoner rogues who are speaking of the same leader.”

“The same leader? Are you suggesting the rogues are forming packs loyal to an Alpha?” I cocked an eyebrow.

“Not just that they are forming individual packs, but that those packs have an overarching ruler, similar to how our packs follow the realm.” Alpha Warden said, peaking my interests.

“Explain.” I said. The Alphas exchanged a glance before Rocky spoke,

“They both claim that their Alphas are working for an Alpha Lord named Cohen.” My heart dropped to my feet.

What?” I snapped.

“We lost Cohen’s scent after he….after what happened,” Malcolm said, stepping towards me, “He threatened to take over the crown, Caspian.”

“I know that. You don’t think I remember?” I snapped at him. Malcolm frowned.

“We interrogated the rogues as to their purpose, to Cohen’s purpose, and they all claimed the same thing; chaos and destruction. This Alpha Lord Cohen wants the realm distracted with constant pack complaints about rogues so that way he can enact some sort of plan against you and the kingdom.” Alpha Rocky said.

“Cole told us what happened to you and the others at dinner.” Malcolm said.

“I….I have reason to believe that Cohen is involved with the rogues in Charleston.” I mumbled in disbelief.

“Those are the rogues who attacked you and….and the Luna?” Malcolm stumbled, unsure of himself. I saw Alpha Warden and Alpha Rocky’s eyes widen but they said nothing of the announcement.

“The outskirt rogues, as we call them, yes. One of their leaders, Brittney, was there, but I know she’s not the Alpha, if there even is one.” I explained.

“Luna’s family….” Malcolm’s voice tapered off, knowing he was on dangerous grounds.

“The Luna is separate from the actions of her family.” I snarled dangerously and Malcolm nodded,

“Of course.” He said.

“The Luna remembers her father and brother meeting with three men who claimed they were the leaders of the outskirt rogues. She remembered their names as Benedict, Miles, and Cohen.” I said,

“You see, this all has to be connected.” Alpha Warden spoke.

“I agree, it is beginning to be too much for a coincidence.” I nodded.

“We both offer to continue our integration of any rogue prisoners and report our findings to you, your grace.” Alpha Rocky said and I continued to nod slowly,

“The crown would appreciate that. Are you sure neither of you need more resources?” I asked and they both shook their heads.

“Forest and White Moon are very strong, bountiful, and capable packs. I’ve seen it myself.” Malcolm said, trying to ease my concerns. I eyed him with a puzzled expression.

“Very well. Is there anything else?” I asked the Alphas.

“No, sir.” Alpha Rocky said and the two rose from their chairs, bowed politely, and then left the room.

“You discovered this?” I asked Malcolm.

“I was visiting White Moon when I heard of it.” Malcolm said, coming around to stand in front of my desk. I motioned towards the chairs and he sat.

“Good job.” I said, not bothering to hide my surprise.

“I am actually out there working, not just frolicking around.” He grumbled, “I never stopped looking for Cohen.” It occurred to me then how dedicated Malcolm was to finding Sabrina’s killer. A dedication I should have shared.

“Corbin and Reid Cooper are in Cypress pack’s cells. I learned about a possible blood oath today between them and the outskirt rogues, possibly even Cohen himself. I need you to go there and integrate them personally.” I said and Malcolm’s eyes went wide.

“You want me to do it?”

“Junie is going through so much right now. I’ve brought her to the realm tonight and it wasn’t something she was ready for. I can’t leave her right now and I can’t have her facing her family.” I sighed.

“Is Luna is here?” Malcolm asked. I nodded before replying,

“Thank you, by the way, for recognizing her.”

“If you remember, I was all for you accepting her in the first place.” He frowned and I chuckled darkly,

“Yes, I remember.”

“Ally speaks very highly of her.” He said, “I should like to meet her.” He adds in a quieter voice.

“She’s already expressed interest in meeting you.” I confessed and my brother shocked me by actually smiling.

“Then, what are we still doing sitting here?” He jumped up and started walking towards the door.

“What? Now?” I scrambled after him.

“I’m sure she needs saving from mother.” He chuckled.

I was amazed at how quickly I was able to find Junie, even though she wasn’t in her room like my mother had said. I followed her scent and Jess’ instincts through the castle and towards my mother’s office. I didn’t bother to knock on the door, pushing it open and looking around.

The staff I had chosen for Junie weeks ago was crammed into the small office, my mother stood behind her desk and Junie was beside her, looking pale and faint. I growled lowly and rushed towards her side, wrapping my arm around Junie’s wasit.

“Mother, what are you doing?” I glared at her.

“Just introducing Junie to her staff.” Mother shrugged innocently.

“I told you, Junie isn’t ready for all of this.” I said in a dark voice just as I felt a small hand tug at the arm of my jacket.

I looked down to see Junie blinking up at me with her wide, hazel eyes and a soft smile. I could practically read her mind and she was saying, “be nice to your mother”.

“I was just about to introduce their names before you so rudely interrupted me.” Mother frowned and I sighed, motioning for her to go on.

“Anyway, as I was saying,” Mother said sternly, “Your housemaids are Cat and Gretchen, your housekeeper is Greta, and your assistant is Esme. Sasha, Rain, and Wyatt are your stylist team along with Matilda who is our royal tailor.” She pointed out the members of the room.

“Nice to meet all of you.” Junie tried to speak confidently, but I could pick out the slight tremble in her voice.

“Cat and Gretchen will begin tomorrow morning, if you’d like.” Mother said, looking expectantly at Junie who had wide eyes like a deer in headlights. I was just about to speak for her, when Junie said,

“I would appreciate the company, thank you.” She nodded with a polite smile. I looked at her curiously.

“That’ll be all, thank you.” Mother said, dismissing the staff. She smiled at me smugly before leaving the room herself.

“I hope you don’t mind meeting one more.” I looked at her with a guilty expression before turning towards Malcolm.

“It’s my fault. I was eager to meet you, Luna,” Malcolm stepped out of the corner and towards us, “I’m Malcolm, Caspian’s elder brother.” He bowed his head towards her and I barely heard the small gasp that escaped her lips.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Mal.” Junie smiled, grabbing Malcolm’s hand and yanking him into a hug.

Malcolm’s face flared up with a deep blush as he looked at me from over her head. I grinned wickedly and just shrugged. She released him and stepped back into my arms.

“You….too.” Malcolm looked at a loss for words. I wasn’t sure if it was from the hug or the use of a nickname only Ally had ever used on him before, either way, Junie had thrown him for a loop.

“Let’s get you upstairs before anyone else wants your autobiography.” I chuckled, guiding Junie out of the room and towards the elevator. She was silent the entire ride up to our floor.

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