#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 39


I couldn’t help but notice Caspian’s handsome attire. He was wearing a deep blue suit jacket and matching pants with a white button down shirt fitted over his chest.

“They are your staff, Junie, you can tell them to do anything you want. They are just here to make things easier for you, not to tell you what to do.” Caspian said, shoving his hands inside his pockets. Something I noticed he did whenever he was trying not to touch me.

“I don’t know, they are pretty bossy and Gretchen scares me a little.” I said, only half joking.

“Gretchen has been around since she was a child, training to be a ladies maid. Her mother came here seeking refuge when she was a baby. She feels very strongly about tradition. Cat does anything Gretchen does.” Caspian explained.

“I don’t want to disrupt tradition.” I mumbled, “But, none of this seems like me.” I looked down at myself.

“I want this to be your home, dearest. We are the monarch, we set the standards. If you want to break tradition, then break it, I’ll support you. I want you to be comfortable.” He inches towards me.

“Somehow I doubt your mother or grandmother would approve of me clomping around in my usual attire.” I said in a snarky tone.

“I don’t need their approval.” He argued.

“I want your family to like me, Caspian.” I scoffed.

“I only care about what you think of me, and right now I’m afraid that you don’t like me.” Caspian said, looking guilty and pathetic with his pouty expression.

“I’m not thrilled.” I confessed, sighing loudly. Caspian closed the distance between us, but didn’t dare reach out to touch me.

“Tell me how to fix this, I’ll do anything.” He begged in a longing voice. I felt my resolve disappearing.

“I’m not going to beg you to get rid of them.” I bit, my face hot with anger as I thought about his various mistresses.

“It’s already done. I called on them this morning before you even woke up and ended everything, dismissing them properly.” Caspian said.

“And that’ll work?” I cocked my eyebrow suspiciously.

“I can tell you that the consequences will be severe if it does not.” His eyes darkened, “They meant nothing to me Junie, a means to an end.”

“What does that mean?” I was afraid to ask.

“I don’t want to upset you any further.” He said.

“Lying to me is definitely a good way to piss me off.” I snapped with my hands on my hips. Caspian shook his head at me with a small smirk twitching on his lips.

“They all came from strong bloodlines so they could deliver the heir to the throne, if needed, when it was time.” I don’t know what I expected him to say, but it wasn’t that. I blinked at him wordlessly, “You must think so low of me.” He frowned.

“No, actually, I was just thinking how sad that is. You only looked for comfort in order to secure an heir?” I said in a quiet voice.

“Don’t make me sound selfless, Junie, I’m not,” He shook his head quickly, “But, none of that matters anymore, now that I have you.” He said, finally pulling his hands from his pocket to take mine.

“Alright, I forgive you.” I grumbled, his touch sending sparks up and down my spine, “Just don’t pull that shit again.” I slapped his arm and he laughed loudly.

“Promise, my love.” He said sincerely, ducking his head to bat his dark eyelashes at me. I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help myself from kissing his pouty lips.

“Thank you for not rushing me to breakfast this morning.” I said, accepting his elbow as he escorted me into the hallway.

“I knew you were already cranky from being awake this early.” He chuckled and I just shrugged, he wasn’t lying.

“This is going to be a regular thing, isn’t it?” I mumbled, earning another fit of laughter from my mate.

“My mother does like her family meals, but I miss most of them, anyway.” He shrugged.

“Caspian.” I said in a disapproving tone.

“You’re already on my mother’s side?” Caspian snorted.

“I literally have no experience with mothers, I’ve gotta kiss up to her in any way that I can.” I laughed.

“You don’t have to try so hard, my love, she already thinks of you as a daughter.” Caspian said.

“Well, I think I can learn to get up early when I’m not out late working.” I said as we reached the elevator.

“Actually, I had a thought on that.” Caspian said with an expression that set me on edge.

“Oh….” I asked and he chuckled at my tone,

“Relax, it’s a good thought.”

“Let’s hear it then.” I said as the elevator doors opened.

“The realm has been trying to modernize by bringing in more businesses. Since our realm was closed off for so long, we don’t have a booming community here like in the other realms and that’s something we want. We’ve been bringing in werewolf-owned restaurants, grocery stories, shopping malls, and the like. So, I thought, we could use a bar.”

If I hadn’t spent so much time memorizing Caspian’s face, I might’ve missed the slight blush to his cheeks as he announced his idea.

“You want to move the Lion’s Den here? What about Vivian’s parents?”

“I figured since you and Viv would be moving here, she would want to tell her parents about everything, anyway. Why not bring them here, too?” Caspian shrugged, “Cole said that it was your dream to take over the bar one day.” He added to my suprise.

“Oh, yes, I’m sure the realm would be thrilled to have a barmaid as their Queen.” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

“I already told you, dearest, I don’t care about everyone else. Besides, you worry too much. The realm has very few expectations, that’s the benefit of only being the third king and queen to this reign; we can pave our own way.” He said.

“I’ll talk to Viv about it. I don’t even know if she wants her parents knowing anything about all of this.” I said thoughtfully. I never even considered Viv telling her parents or bringing the bar here.

Honestly, I hadn’t thought about much past today.

“Okay.” Caspian shrugged.

I stayed silent as we left the elevator and walked towards the dining room. There were many discussions to be had about our future and how I fit into it. But, in the end, I knew I would have to be the Luna Queen and nothing else could come before that. I wasn’t sure if I was capable of being selfless enough for that.

When we finally made it to the formal dining room, Ally, Malcolm, Queen Lydia, and another woman I didn’t recognize were already seated with full plates of breakfast.

“Well, well, look who is finally gracing us with their presence.” Queen Lydia teased. I blushed at first, thinking she was talking about me. Instead, Caspian grunted in response and Ally spoke over top of his annoyance,

“Honestly, mother, you should just be happy he showed up at all.”

“Let’s all try to be semi-decent in the company of our new guest.” The woman I didn’t recognize said, although I had a pretty good idea who the elegantly dressed woman with shiny gray hair and kind eyes was.

“Junie, this is my grandmother, former Queen Luna Austyn-Rose.” Caspian said as he pulled out a chair for me to sit. Caspian sat at the head of the table and I was, purposely, sat to his right.

“It’s an honor to meet you, your highness.” I smiled towards his grandmother.

“Pease, that title belongs to you and Caspian now. It’s just Granny.” She said with a wide grin.

“I second that, if you were unsure. You may address me as Lydia. Although, I wouldn’t mind being called granny, too, soon enough.” Queen Lydia teased from the center of the table.

“Mother!” Caspian froze halfway between standing and sitting; I felt my face flare up as red as a fire engine.

“By the Goddess, Mother, give them a minute.” I was surprised that Malcolm was the one who spoke up. Ally choked on her food at his comment. Lydia rolled her eyes silently.

“I plan to leave after breakfast for Cypress pack, Caspian.” Malcolm said, turning his attention towards us.

“For Cypress?” I asked curiously, looking between the brothers. Malcolm pressed his lips together like he wasn’t sure what to say.

“Malcolm is going to interrogate your brother and Corbin regarding the blood oath and Cohen’s involvement.” Caspian said, looking at me with a serious expression.

“Not you?”

“Now isn’t a good time for me to leave the kingdom.” Caspian replied.

“I will show mercy and grace towards your family, Luna.” Malcolm pulled my attention towards him.

“Please, just call me Junie,” I sighed, “And you don’t need to do that on my account. Just, get the information you need.”

“As you wish, Junie.” Malcolm nodded.

“Are you always so formal, Mal?” I chuckled at him, lightening the mood. Malcolm cocked his head to the side in question.

“You call him that, too!” Ally squealed happily.

“Call him what?” I looked at her, puzzled.

“Nevermind,” Ally smirked, “I must give you a tour of the realm today!” She said, completely changing the subject.

“I was planning a tour of the castle and grounds for Junie.” Lydia spoke, looking at her daughter.

Somehow, I felt like an outsider looking in on a conversation about me. Caspian sighed loudly, collecting everyone’s attention,

“Let’s not speak as if Junie isn’t sitting right here and let’s not overwhelm her. She is here at my request to keep her safe and to keep my mind in focus, not to earn a crash course in being the Queen Luna. She isn’t required to take that on so quickly.” Caspian spoke sternly as he held my hand under the table.

“Of course! We don’t mean any harm.” Lydia said, her face completely unchanging as if she hadn’t just been called out by the Alpha King.

“She’s never been to the realm, aren’t tours in order?” Ally had the same expression. Something told me these two were used to being scolded by Caspian.

“Ask her.” Caspian demanded, nodding pointedly towards me.

“Junie?” Lydia smiled at me and I knew there was no other answer but,

“Yes, it all sounds lovely.”

Caspian sighed and shook his head at me, I just shrugged in response as the staff brought out a plate for each of us.

“Wonderful! We shall depart after breakfast.” Lydia clapped her hands together gleefully.

“So long as it doesn’t require an outfit change.” I mumbled, mostly to myself.

This time, Queen Austyn-Rose burst out into a round of laughter.

“Oh dear, I like you.” She said, dabbing at her eyes which were tearing up in humor. Caspian grinned proudly and I couldn’t help but share in his joy.

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