#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 16


Tuesday morning I left the apartment to go grocery shopping. I walked down to the parking lot behind the bar and got into my car, driving twenty minutes to the nearest market. Pushing my shopping cart through the store, I loaded it up with drinks, snacks, produce, and everything else I needed for some easy made meals. I wasn’t a very good cook, sticking mostly to pasta dishes, salads, chicken meals, and frozen pizza dinners. After an hour, I checked out and pushed the cart back to my car.

Popping the trunk, I started loading the brown paper bags inside my SUV. With my head stuffed under the tailgate, I didn’t sense when someone walked up behind me until I was hit on the back of the head. I yelped and stumbled forward, gripping the bumper of the car to steady myself.

“You think you can screw us and get away with it, you whore!” I recognized Reid’s voice before I turned around and caught sight of his face.

“What is your problem?” I shrieked, pressing my hand into the back of my head and coming away with blood.

“I know you spilled out secrets to the realm. That dog who saved your ass at the bar reeked of that Alpha King douche.” Reid had a tire iron gripped firmly in his hand.

“I don’t even know him. He just showed up to the bar one day and kept hanging around. I only knew he was a werewolf.” I lied defensively, knowing that I was cornered between my car and my crazy weapon wielding brother.

“You’re full of shit. You had to sense he was a royal wolf.” Reid scoffed.

“I had no idea. He just said that he was a Gamma.” I said.

“And you spilled your guts to him in between screwing him?” Reid sneered.

“How dare you, you asshole!” I cried, lunging for him. Reid whacked me in the leg with the tire iron and I screamed in pain.

“Shut up!” Reid swung the iron again but I ran out of the way just in time.

“You and dad are more than capable of messing things up on your own, you don’t need me to do it for you!” I growled.

“You’ve always been nothing, you’ll always be nothing.” Reid said, dropping the tire iron, “Father doesn’t want you dead, yet.” He said before walking away.

I let out a cry of relief when he was out of sight and looked around the parking lot. It was mostly empty, but still, there were a few humans bustling around. Not a single one of them said or did anything. They moved around like they didn’t see me, avoiding eye contact and keeping their distance. The bystander effect was alive and well with these idiots. I kicked the tire iron out of the way, not wanting to look at it anymore, and finished loading my groceries in the car.

I shut the trunk and limped towards the driver side of the car, my leg already bruising from the hit it sustained. Pulling napkins from the glove box, I pressed them against the back of my head and drove myself home. And, because I couldn’t catch a break today, Cole was waiting for me at the front door.

“You didn’t say anything about leaving.” Cole said with his usual smirk.

“I needed groceries. Didn’t realize I had to clear it with you.” I mumbled, pulling myself up the steps.

“Are you okay?” Cole pushed off the door he was leaning against with a concerned look. He noticed my limp and pale expression.

“I’m fine. Help me with the bags, will you.” I said, walking past him and into the apartment.

While Cole brought my bags up, I went to the bathroom to clean up my wound. I was hoping to make it out before he noticed my injuries, but no such luck. Cole walked into the bathroom and fury immediately overtook his expression.

“What happened?” He shouted at me, grabbing my face and turning my head so he could inspect my wounds.

“Reid.” I stated simply.

“That piece of shit, mother fu…”

“Okay, Cole, thank you.” I stopped his insults as he dabbed my wound with a tissue.

“You should’ve gone to the hospital.” He said.

“I’m fine.” I grumbled.

“No, you aren’t. It’s your leg, too, right? You limped up the steps.” Cole observed, forcing me to sit down on the closed toilet seat.

“I’ll heal, it’ll just take a day or two.” I sighed.

“You probably have a concussion.” Cole was kneeling in front of me, pinching my chin to keep my face steady; he was watching my eyes closely.

“Probably and it’s not the first time.” I ripped my gaze from his and looked down at my bare legs.

I was wearing jean shorts, so the large purple bruises forming on my right thigh were clearly displayed. It was about the size of a softball with small bruises scattered around it. It throbbed in pain, the bruise reaching down to my bone.

“You should’ve called me.” Cole softened his voice, “You should have taken me with you. I’m here for your protection.”

“You’re here for Caspian, not for my family drama.” I said.

“No, I’m here for you, Luna.” Cole’s words forced me to look him in the eyes and see the sincerity in them for myself.

“I’m tired, Cole.” I mumbled.

“Let me patch this up and then you can sleep. I’ll be here to keep an eye on you.” Cole said, retrieving the first aid kit from under the bathroom sink.

He used butterfly strips and a gauze pad to seal the wound, and a large bandaid to cover it. Then, he watched me hobble off to my bedroom before I closed the door, shutting him out. I changed into a pair of comfortable cotton shorts and a tank top before crawling into bed and closing my eyes against the pain.

When I woke up and drug myself out to the kitchen, I noticed Cole was nowhere to be found. I knew better than to think he left me alone, so I sniffed the air and tracked down his scent. It wasn’t alone. I went to the door that connected my apartment with the inside of the bar, and pulled it open. Cole was standing with two large wolves.

“Hello?” I said.

“Luna.” The two men bowed their heads respectfully.

“What the hell is this, Cole?” I sighed irritably.

“She doesn’t like titles, boys, just call her Junie.” Cole laughed, slapping one of them on the back, “This is Simon and Jake, two of our best warriors.” Cole introduced the blonde and burnett.

“And?” I cocked an eyebrow.

“And they are here for your protection. They’ll guard your doors day in and day out.” Cole explained.

“No way.” I laughed without humor.

“They aren’t babysitters or nannies or whatever else you want to call them, Junie. They won’t stop you or question you, they’re just going to keep you safe. They won’t leave your apartment doors, either. I’ll be traveling with you as your bodyguard.” Cole said.

“So, what? Did you two ditch the pack as well?” I asked snarkily.

“No, we came at the Alpha King’s request.” The blonde, Simon, said.

“His request?” I gasped, looking wide eyed at Cole.

“I told him you were attacked again and he sent these two within the hour. I didn’t ask.” Cole shrugged with a mischievous grin.

Ugh!” I groaned loudly before slamming the door in all three of their faces.

I noticed for the first time that Cole had unloaded my groceries for me and put them away. Of course, he put them away completely wrong so I spent the next half an hour organizing them correctly. I pulled out a mini frozen pizza and stuffed it in the toaster oven.

“You’re going to kill yourself eating that junk all the time.” Cole was sitting at the table, his voice made me jump.

“No, you’re going to kill me by sneaking up on me all the time.” I countered.

“I’m like a ninja.” Cole winked. There was a knock at my door.

“If the boys let the person knock then they’re safe.” Cole said, standing up and glaring at the door.

“Then why do you look like you want to break the door down?” I snickered before opening the door.

“Who are you?” Another unfamiliar face was standing on the stoop to the outside.

“Jett?” Cole came up behind me, “What are you doing here?”

“Wait, I do know you.” I said, realization dawning on me, “You’re the Beta.”

“Beta Jett to the Alpha King.” The man replied plainly, “May I come in?” He asked.

“Well, I guess.” I sighed, motioning for him to enter, “This is grand central station today, apparently.” I mumbled under my breath.

“I’m sorry to invade your home, ma’am, but the Alpha King wanted me to check in on you after your attack.” Jett said.

“You look thrilled to be here.” I observed his bored expression and frown.

“Just doing my duty, ma’am.” He replied.

“You can tell your Alpha that I’m fine and that the extra guards are not necessary. In fact, he can take that one back, too.” I pointed towards Cole with a mocking expression. Cole rolled his eyes and laughed off my insult.

“You insult the Gamma so casually.” Jett frowned.

“It seems like my presence insults you, Beta Jett.” I narrowed my eyes on him.

“Just your persistence.” Jett said.

“My persistence? You mean how I persistently ask Caspian to reject me or how I persistently tried to reject him?” I resisted the urge to yell at him. Jett pressed his lips together and refused to respond.

“Why did Caspian send you?” Cole stepped up between us, trying to defuse the situation.

“He wanted to make sure she was okay and to check to see if she needed medical attention.” Jett responded to Cole.

“I already answered those questions.” Cole looked offended.

“He wanted to see it for himself.” Jett shrugged.

“Yet, he’s not here.” I argued with my hands firmly placed on my hips.

“He’s far too busy to travel to the human realm.” Jett replied with an air of arrogance.

So sorry.” I deadpanned, rolling my eyes and turning my back to the Beta.

“Jett never lies and he’s never emotional. Caspian knew he would get a direct, honest report from Jett. He wanted to make sure that I wasn’t just being dramatic.” Cole explained, glaring at Jett, “Isn’t that right?”

“Yes.” Jett nodded, “It’s no secret you’ve pledged your loyalty to this human over your Alpha King.”

Oh please, for the love of the Goddess, take him back.” I threw my hands up dramatically and walked into the kitchen.

“Why do you stay here when she’s so ungrateful?” I heard Jett ask Cole.

“Because she doesn’t know how to accept help, she’s never had it before. Someone has to show her what it’s like to not be alone.” Cole replied and his words made me freeze on the spot.

With my back to him, I began to shake. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I refused to face the Beta and Gamma in my apartment. His words hit me like a ton of bricks. Before I could regain control of myself, I heard a commotion from outside the door.

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