#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 15


I was surprised to see Cole’s number pop up on my phone early Monday morning. I had just finished up a long night with my third mistress, Amelia. To my displeasure, I found that she was still sprawled out on my bed, sleeping. I rolled my eyes and checked the time, it was after three in the morning. I hit the call back button and pressed the phone to my ear.

“Caspian.” Cole answered on the first ring.

“Cole.” I replied, stepping out from under the covers and walking across the room, completely naked.

“Junie was attacked tonight, if you wanted to know.” Cole informed me plainly.

“What!” Jess was banging against his confines in my mind, begging to be let out.

“What happened?” I attempted to keep my voice level.

“You went and questioned her father and brother?” Cole answered my question with a question.

“Well….yes. But, I denied Junie’s involvement.” I answered.

“Clearly they didn’t buy that.” Cole snorted but he didn’t sound humorous.

What. Happened?” I asked again, between clenched teeth and a rigid jaw.

“They showed up at the bar and attacked her, accusing her of working with the realm against them. They threatened to come back.” Cole explained.

“Is she…..” I cleared my throat and removed emotion from my voice, “Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. They pushed her down and slapped her, but she fought back. I got involved before anything more could happen.” Cole sighed.

“Why weren’t you there from the beginning?” I growled.

“Excuse me? You didn’t want me around her in the first place. You didn’t want to give her protection at all!” Cole shouted, ignoring my question. I couldn’t argue with him because he wasn’t wrong.

I grumbled and pinched the bridge of my nose. I was hiding inside my bathroom now, the lights on and the door locked. Leaning against the marble topped vanity, I clutched the phone angrily in my hand. There was a quiet knock on the door.

“Your highness, are you in there?” Amelia sang.

“Go away, Amelia.” I sighed loudly. Amelia huffed behind the door and I heard her retreating footsteps.

“Oh, that’s just great. Your mate is being attacked and you’re screwing mistress number three.” Cole complained.

“Enough, Cole, okay? Thank you for keeping her safe.” I said. I heard Cole making strange noises on the other end of the phone, like he was opening and closing his mouth several times, trying to figure out what to say.

“What are you doing about the Cooper’s?” He finally asked.

“I have them under surveillance and Curtis has sent in four wolves undercover with the outskirts rogues.” I said.

“Fine.” Cole replied.

“Do you…..do you think Junie needs more protection? I’ll send you whoever you want.” I mumbled.

“Caspian?” Cole sounded shocked, his voice coming out in a hushed whisper.

“You were right, Cole, okay? I’ve been an ass to Junie and to you, but I can’t accept her as my mate. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to see her safe. I’m glad you’re with her and I’ll send you any wolf you want for more protection.” I sighed.

“Don’t bother, I can protect her. Just, keep your eyes on Corbin and Reid.” Cole replied quietly, “And, Cas, you can accept her, all you have to do is say the words.” He added before ending the call.

I figured that, since I was up, I would take a shower and head out for some training. I turned the water on cold before stepping inside the tiled shower. Lately, all I could take was a cold shower. I was so filled with rage and unquenched desire, that I needed the freezing water to soothe my aching body and itching skin. I ran the washcloth covered in soap over my body, desperate to scrub away the disgusting feeling of another woman touching my skin.

Cole was right, how dare I be with another woman when my own mate was in danger?

“We should only be with our mate.” Jess huffed.

“We can’t. Don’t you get it, Jess? This is the exact reason why we can’t have our mate. We can’t even protect her against her own family.” I replied in a broken voice.

“I don’t want anyone else. No one else can have our heir.” Jess growled and I knew he was serious.

“Don’t be like that, Jess. We need an heir.” I sighed.

“Not without Junie.” He ended the link.

I punched the wall of the shower, my knuckles splitting open and blood dripping to the floor. I finished my shower and shut it off, rinsing the blood down the drain and washing my hands in the sink. By the time I got dressed, the cut was already healed. I dressed in a pair of gray joggers and loose fitting sweatshirt before leaving my room.

I quietly moved down the steps, careful not to disturb the silent castle. Out the front door, I walked through the night and towards the training grounds with my hands shoved deep inside my sweatshirt pockets. On the other side of the front courtyard were the training grounds including a covered outdoor gym, two roped off arenas for sparring, training equipment, and a large building with an indoor gym, basketball court, and a swimming pool.

I was the only one there this time of night, which didn’t come as a surprise. I went to the workout equipment first, starting with my arms and then stretching out my legs. After an hour, I took off my shoes and walked onto the training mat. I threw my fist into the punching bag repeatedly.

“Oh, Alpha, sorry to bother you.” A voice spoke through the darkness.

“Tanner, it’s fine.” I shrugged, steadying the bag.

“I was just on patrol and heard someone out here. I wanted to make sure everything was okay.” Tanner explained.

“Good looking out.” I nodded in approval, “Where are you patrolling tonight?” I asked.

“No where now. I was just relieved from the west gate.” He said.

“Come join me.” I gestured for him to enter the ring.

“Sir?” He looked at me hesitantly as he kicked off his boots and stepped towards me.

“I could use a sparring partner.” I smirked.

Tanner was a new wolf on patrol, hence him getting stuck with the late night shift. I’ve heard good things about him, but haven’t witnessed anything myself. I was in the mood for a good fight and, as Alpha King, it was my duty to make sure that everyone on my patrol was up to snuff.

“Sure thing, Alpha King.” Tanner agreed, getting into his fighting stance.

Tanner swung first, a punch which I easily dodged. He went for a kick next, but I grabbed his leg and shoved him away. Tanner and I circled each other, I swung next. My fist connected with Tanner’s jaw and he stumbled backwards. Before I could go for another hit, Tanner attacked me. He managed to land a blow to my chest and I grabbed at it, feeling short of breath. Tanner took the opportunity to continue his assault, lunging towards me and nearly landing another kick. I shoved my shoulder against him and he fell to the ground. I landed on top of him, pinning him to the mat.

“Good moves, Tanner.” I said, offering him a hand up.

“Thanks, sir.” Tanner nodded.

“Can I ask you something personal, Tanner?” I asked in a strained voice.

“S…sure.” Tanner looked nervous.

“Do you have a mate?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah, Bridget. She’s a part of the pack so we met when we were 18.” Tanner smiled as he spoke about his mate.

“That’s good, congratulations.” I nodded.

“Is something wrong, Alpha?” Tanner asked, looking at me with a concerned expression.

“Nothing to worry about, thanks Tanner.” I shook myself out of my funk. Tanner gulped and sighed heavily,

“Forgive me if this is out of place, sir, but I heard about what happened to your mate and our Luna. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” Tanner said.

“Thank you.” I mumbled.

“I hope you find a second chance mate to ease your pain.” Tanner smiles. My head snapped up to meet his gaze,

“What do you mean by that?” I asked, a little too harshly. Tanner looked taken aback,

“Nothing offensive, sir. I just mean that no one deserves to be alone, mateless. If anyone deserves a partner and companion it’s you, sir.” Tanner said. I felt my eyes widen at his words and I accused him of being put up to saying that.

“No, sir, no one told me to saything. I’m sorry if I upset you.” Tanner looked horrified. I shook my head and calmed myself,

“No, you didn’t. I’ve just been thinking lately that I don’t deserve a mate after not being able to protect Sabrina.” I admitted.

“Oh, well, I don’t believe that, sir. What happened wasn’t your fault. If I may say so, you carry a lot on your shoulders and could use some companionship.” Tanner was clearly uncomfortable, but he smiled anyway.

“Thanks for your honesty, Tanner.” I nodded firmly, excusing him from the training grounds.

“See? Everyone thinks you’re an idiot, even the patrol.” Jess snickered.

“Not now.” I grumbled.

“When will you get your head out of your ass and start to see things clearly? You’re the only one with this asinine line of thinking.” Jess pressed.

“Thanks for the support.” I deadpanned.

“I am supporting you by pushing you towards our mate. She’s our strength.” Jess said.

“This brings new meaning to arguing with myself.” I said sarcastically.

“Makes you feel mad, doesn’t it?” Jess teased.

“I hate you.” I said.

“You love me.” Jess replied.

I growled and returned to taking my rage out on the punching bag before going for a run until daybreak.

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