#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 14


“You did what?” I shouted at Cole.

“It’s no big deal, Junie.” Cole waved his hand dismissively.

“You’re an idiot.” I huffed in annoyance.

It was late Wednesday night when Cole came around telling me his news. I stomped down the hall and tore open the closet door, angrily yanking sheets and blankets down from the top shelf.

“What are you doing?” Cole asked. I threw the blankets in his face.

“You can sleep on my couch.” I said and it wasn’t a request.

“Junie….” He started to argue but my glare shut him up, thankfully.

That was four days ago and Cole hasn’t left me alone since. I was starting to go stir crazy with my new roommate and was struggling to continue to come up with excuses to feed Vivian. I was running through my typical Sunday evening routine at the bar while Cole was flirting with the waitresses. He was such a staple around here now that I was about to start putting him to work.

“Cole! If you’re so interested in what the waitresses are doing, why don’t you help them?” I yelled, tossing him an apron and a rag so he could help wash down the tables.

“Whatever keeps me close to you, sweet thing.” He winked at Sophie who was lapping it up.

“I like this one.” Sophie giggled, not even bothering to blush, “You sure you don’t want dibs?” She whispered loudly towards me.

“He’s all yours, Soph.” I shook my head at her and went back to counting the register.

Thankfully, Karly was back to work and I didn’t have to worry about bartending. I’m pretty sure that if she was still sick, Jackson would find a way to have me fired and replaced by someone who could actually mix a drink.

“I don’t know what you did to him, but thank you. He’s never been this nice.” Karly laughed, nodding towards Jackson who was busy kissing her ass.

“I told you, I suck at bartending.” I told her for the fifth time since she came back to work on Wednesday, “Please, don’t ever be sick again when Ellios is out.” Ellios was our back up bartender. He was an older gentleman who was retired. He only came in when we were desperate.

“Where the hell are my bouncers?” I said as opening time approached, looking around the buzzing bar.

“Outside, I think.” Gabi shrugged, leaning against one of the high top tables.

“Probably on another smoke break.” Lainey added.

“They just had one ten minutes ago.” I rolled my eyes and stomped towards the front door.

“We’re about to open and you three are out here gossiping?” I snapped, pushing open the heavy door and glaring at Toonly, Clyde, and Buck who were hovered around one of the tall trash cans.

“Sorry, boss.” Clyde smirked, flicking his cigarette and sulking back inside, “I’ll take the back door.” He added over his shoulder.

“Buck, you’re on the front today.” Toonly said, stomping out his cigarette.

“Great, thanks.” Buck rolled his eyes and pulled out the velvet rope that kept the lines at bay.

I was just about to head back inside when a car came speeding up to the curb, screeching to a halt. The driver and passenger side doors were flung open and two, large men got out. I was stunned into silence, fear wrapping around me like a familiar blanket.

“Well, well, well. Long time, little sister.” Reid’s lips curled over his teeth.

“You really did it this time.” My father clicked his tongue in disappointment.

“You know these two, boss?” Buck stood protectively at my side. Before I could speak, my father shoved Buck out of the way.

“Mind your own business, human.” He growled.

“What?” Buck looked confused.

“Leave us to our family reunion.” Ried added.

“I don’t think so.” Buck shook his head, squaring up to Corbin and Reid.

Now, Buck was a human but he was an intimidating one. My family were generational rogues, which meant we were smaller and weaker by nature. Corbin and Reid both kept up with their training and exercise to stay in shape enough to be useful to the rogue pack, but they were under 6 foot tall and no more than 250 or 270 pounds. Even Buck managed to hover over them, his arms and legs more muscular than the rogue werewolves.

But, do you think that stopped my dumbass father and brother from trying to pick a fight? No, not at all.

“Buck, stop, it’s fine.” I grumbled, finally finding my voice. I didn’t need one of my guys getting hurt or asking questions about my strange family gatherings, “Just, go inside for a second.”

Buck looked at me before hesitantly heading inside the bar. I crossed my arms over my chest as I looked towards my father and brother.

“What do you two want?” I asked, sounding annoyed.

“We want to know why you’ve opened your big mouth against us?” Reid snarled.

“What are you talking about?”

“The realm is asking questions about our involvement with the rogues. Now, tell us, who else would rat us out but you?” Father asked.

“I couldn’t care less about what you two are doing, or wasn’t that made clear when I bolted on my 18th birthday? I haven’t thought about either of you in three years.” I snapped. Corbin grabbed a hold of my arm roughly, yanking me towards his face.

“Don’t cock an attitude with me, mutt. You’re the only one who knows we’re working with the rogues.” His foul breath blew across my face and I resisted the urge to gag.

“I haven’t said anything.” I lied.

“I should have taken care of you a long time ago. You’re nothing but a loose end.” Father’s eyes were pitch black, his face twitching with rage, “A stain on our family’s reputation.”

“What reputation?” I should know better than to open my mouth by now.

Corbin growled, shoving me as hard as he could so I fell backwards. Tripping over my feet, I landed hard on the sidewalk. Reid kicked me in the ribs when I tried to stand up, making me stumble again. I curled into a protective ball on the ground.

“Pathetic, useless, piece of garbage!” Reid shouted, grabbing me by my hair and yanked me off the ground.

Violet roared with anger inside my head, temporarily taking control as my fingers shifted into fierce claws. I lashed out, dragging my claws against Reid’s chest and ripping open his shirt. I spit in his face as he stumbled backwards in pain.

“How dare you!” My father yelled, slapping me across the face. I was about to react when he was tackled to the ground.

Cole threw Corbin against his car, wailing his fists into his face until Reid managed to pull the Gamma off his father.

“You two better get the hell out of here.” Cole warned, shoving Reid away from him.

“Watch your back, June.” Reid pointed a threatening finger towards my face.

“No, you watch yours.” Cole pushed Reid into the car and slammed the passenger door shut for him. The car lurched away from the bar.

“What was that about, Junie?” Cole rushed towards me, cupping my face in his hand as he inspected my red cheek.

“My lovely father and brother. Great, aren’t they?” I said mockingly.

“What did they want?” Cole asked again.

“To know why I told the realm about them working with the rogues. Care to explain that one to me?” I narrowed my judgment filled eyes on him. Cole looked guilty,

“I may have said something to Caspian.”

“No shit. He interrogated me at the bar the last time he was here. What was he thinking, going to them about it?” I shouted. Cole’s stupid face was grinning,

“He was thinking that he wanted to protect his mate.”

What?” I snapped curtly.

“He heard your story and couldn’t let them get away with hurting you. Jess probably wants him to rip them apart, but Caspian is trying to be diplomatic about it, instead. I heard he put together a team to infiltrate the rogues.” Cole explained. I pressed my lips together as I thought about what he said.

“He can leave me the hell out of it.” I scoffed, straightening my outfit before storming away from Cole.

I could practically hear Cole’s smug expression.

I spent the rest of the night on autopilot, struggling to get through the rush. Everyone was eyeballing me curiously, obviously sensing that something was off, but they knew better than to ask. When the night was finished, I closed out the register and sent everyone on their way. Viv, Cole, and I were the only ones left in the bar.

“Can’t you be somewhere else tonight?” Viv asked Cole, lazily drooping her arm around my shoulder, “I need a movie night with my best girl.”

“Movie night? We haven’t done that in ages.” I said in surprise.

“Exactly, we’re due for one.” Viv grinned. Cole looked between us and smiled,

“I’ll go see if I catch up with Sophia.”

“It’s Sophie!” I called after him and he laughed the whole way out the door.

“What’s gotten into you?” I asked as Viv and I walked up to my apartment.

“I’ve been out a lot, and we haven’t had some girl time in a while and you look like you could use it.” Viv shrugged.

I wasn’t at all surprised to see that Viv had stocked the kitchen with our favorite wine, clean glasses already sitting out on the counter. She threw herself down on the couch and started flipping through the apps on the Amazon firestick. I poured her a glass of white and a sweet red for me, carrying them over to the living room.

“What shall we binge tonight? A series, for sure. We’re settling in for the long haul.” Viv winked at me.

Pirates of the Caribbean?” I asked, pointing out one of the titles she clicked passed. Viv paused and thought about it for a second,

“Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp? Yes please.” Viv purred and pressed play.

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