#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 17


“Who the hell are you two? What do you think you’re doing? Junie!” Vivian was shrieking and banging on the door.

I jogged towards the door and ripped it open just in time to see Simon attempting to restrain a wild Viv.

“It’s okay, she’s my friend, let her go.” I waved off Simon and grabbed Viv by the arm, pulling her inside.

“What is going on, Junie? The truth this time.” Viv was furious as she planted herself in front of me.

Suddenly, there was a loud growl from the other side of the room. I looked up in time to see Jett stampeding across my apartment towards Viv. I yanked her behind me and glared at the out of control wolf.

“What are you doing?” I snarled at him and he stumbled to a halt.

Mine!” He shouted while looking directly at Vivan.

“Oh, hell no.” I shook my head furiously, “She is not your mate.”

“Uh, Junie, I would get out of his way.” Cole looked concerned.

“She’s human, I’m not letting that psycho anywhere near her.” I said, jabbing my finger in Jett’s chest.

“Human?” Jett said, sniffing the air. I heard Vivan whimper behind me, clearly scared and confused.

“How about that, Jett?” Cole moved to stand next to me, “You’re mate is a human, too.”

“Would someone like to explain to me what’s going on?” Viv squeaked.

“Viv….” I turned around to comfort her but Jett spoke over top of me.

“Nothing. I have to go.” He said, retreating back to the door.

“Jett, wait!” Cole called after him, “Just, talk with her.”

“No, I’m going back to the realm.” Jett didn’t even spare Viv a second glance as he left the apartment.

I sighed and walked Viv over to the couch.

“What’s going on? Why did everyone keep talking about humans?” Vivan mumbled, sitting knee to knee with me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders,

“Listen, Viv, there’s a lot that I have to tell you and you’re not going to want to believe me.” I said.

“Junie, are you sure?” Cole cocked an eyebrow at me.

“What else am I supposed to do, Cole?” I asked him and he shrugged.

“I’m going to go after Jett. Simon and Jake will be here if you need anything.” Cole said before leaving the apartment.

“Why do you have guards?” Viv asked.

“Because of my father and brother, they’ve been coming after me.” I said.

“Those pricks!” Viv shouted, momentarily distracted.

“Actually, there are some things about my family you should know about, too.” I sighed and Viv frowned again.

“Okay, tell me everything.” She nodded, shifting on the couch to face me. She was determined to hear the truth.

“My grandfather used to live in a….community called Cypress. He left when the…community changed leadership. He didn’t approve. He passed those same opinions down to my father who passed them down to Reid. That’s why they’re so hateful. They’ve been working with other….members of the community who left, which is seen as a crime by Cypress’ leader, Avery.” I figured I’d start with the basics and work my way up to werewolves and mates.

“Okay?” Viv looked confused.

“I’ve never agreed with my father and Reid’s views, so I tried not to ask too many questions. All I know is that they are conspiring with these members, who we call rogues, to hurt Cypress and Avery. That’s why I left, so I wouldn’t get dragged down by their games.” I said.

“Okay, so, Corbin and Reid are basically criminals and you all used to be a part of some society, like a cult?” Viv asked. I laughed at her,

“Yeah, you could call it that, I guess.”

“Why didn’t you go back if you didn’t side with your brother and father?” Viv asked.

“Because I don’t particularly care for Cypress either. I live in the in between, we’re called packless, those who left Cypress but aren’t feral like the rogues.” I explained.

“Packless?” Viv was confused again.

“Cypress is called a pack.” I clarified.

“Like dogs?” Viv cocked an eyebrow and I covered up another laugh,

“Yeah, like dogs.”

“So, are Cole and all these other guys a part of Cypress?” Vivan shifted on the couch.

“No, they’re a part of another pack, the ultimate pack. They rule over the rest of the packs and act as government officials and law enforcement. Cole and that other man, Jett, work for the leader.” I replied delicately.

“This is all sounding very cult-like, Junie.” Vivan sighed, squinting her eyes as she tried to understand.

“Right, I know.” I mumbled, knowing that it was only about to get a whole lot more complicated.

“And what’s with all the human talk? Do the cult members not think they’re human?” Viv asked.

“They aren’t human.” I replied plainly and Viv started laughing.

“Like they’re so crazy they don’t seem human?” Viv was trying to rationalize what I was saying.

“No, like, they’re not human. They’re…..something else.” This was harder than I thought, “Okay, I need to show you something.” I stood up and started moving the furniture out of the way.

I shoved the coffee table and oversized chair against the wall, scooting the small cafe table further into the kitchen and leaving a large open space in front of the couch.

“What are you doing, Junie?” Viv looked worried.

“Just, stay on the couch, okay?” I told her.

I opened up the two entryway doors to let Simon and Jake know I was about to shift and to not let Vivian leave. Then, I started to undress.

“What the hell!” Viv covered her eyes.

“Oh, like you haven’t seen me naked before.” I laughed at Vivian before standing in the center of the living room, “I promise you, Viv, you’re safe, okay?” I said before I closed my eyes and let Violet take over.

The sound of bones cracking filled the room and I quickly shifted into Violet’s small, light brown wolf. Violet wasn’t much bigger than a normal sized wolf, with warm, sandy colored fur covered in darker brown patches. Violet’s eyes were the same hazel color as mine, until she got mad, then they were pitch black.

Violet crouched down on the floor and spread out on her belly, plopping her head down on top of her paws and looking up at Viv. Her eyes were huge, her hand covering her mouth and her legs curled up against her chest. For what seemed like forever, she didn’t move or say a word. Violet whined, wanting the attention of her best friend.

“Junie?” Viv finally spoke, her eyes latched with mine. Violet lifted her head up slightly and gave a small nod.

“Can I….come closer?” She asked and Violet nodded again.

Viv scoots off the couch and sits on her knees in front of Violet, who remains unmoving. She slowly reached out her hand and rested it on Violet’s head. Violet started purring as Viv scratched between her ears.

“I can’t believe that I’m petting my best friend.” Viv laughed.

“Everything okay in here?” A male voice said.

Vivan jumped and Violet looked around protectively. She relaxed when she realized it was just Jake.

“You do this, too?” Viv asked and Jake laughed,

“Yeah, we all do.”

“Well I don’t!” Viv’s voice cracked and Violet made a sound like she was laughing.

“Sorry, I meant Simon, Gamma Cole, Beta Jett, and myself.” Jake clarified, “And I’m Jake, by the way.”

“Vivian.” She waved weakly at him.

“I’ll be outside if you all need anything.” Jake said before leaving.

Violet scoots back and nods her head towards the couch. Viv listened and sat back down while Violet let me take over control, again. After shifting back, I picked up my clothes and got dressed.

“You okay?” I asked Viv, hesitantly walking towards her.

“Strangely…..yes.” Viv nodded.

“So, I’m a werewolf. The ‘cults’ are actually packs of werewolves.” I explained. Viv slowly nods her head as I sit down next to her.

“Your family left the pack?” Viv started putting the pieces together.

“Yes, wolves who aren’t a part of a pack are called packless or rogues. If they are peaceful and nonviolent, like me, they’re packless. If they’re feral and angry, like my dad and Reid, they’re considered rogues.” I said.

“And Cole?”

“He’s a member of the Royal Legacy pack. Our ultimate power is the royal family who lives inside the werewolf realm.” I said.

“Werewolf realm?” I was starting to lose her again.

“The supernatural world is split into realms, one for the werewolves, the fae, and the sirens. The vampires live in a shadow kingdom inside the human realm.” I explained and Viv blinked at me with a blank expression, “Yeah, all the bedtime stories are real.” I laughed at her.

“Super.” She answered sarcastically.

“Anyway, Cole is what’s known as a Gamma, or third in command. Jett is the Beta, or second in command. Both rule beside the Alpha, the leader of the pack. Avery is the Alpha of the Cypress pack.” I said.

“So, who’s their Alpha?” She asked about Cole and Jett.

“You remember that night at the bar when I was in my office and I told you I met a guy?” I asked and she nodded, “That guy was the Alpha King, his name’s Caspian.”

“That’s when Cole started hanging around you.” Viv observed.

“Yes, exactly. Originally he stayed here because of Caspian, but now he’s here to protect me from my family as are Simon and Jake.” I explained to her how my dad and Reid found out I talked to the realm about their involvement with the rogues and that’s why I was in danger.

“Okay, okay, so, I think I’m caught up. But, I still don’t understand what this Alpha King guy has to do with anything and why that Jett dude freaked out on me.” Viv said. I sighed, now for the fun part.

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