#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 9

Blue Moon - Navy

I timidly followed the rest of the Lunas through my own packhouse. I knew I shouldn’t’ve been so nervous and shy, we were in my territory and we all had the same purpose. But, I couldn’t help myself. Being around these other powerful Lunas made me self-conscious.

By the time we reached the backyard, Dover had appeared protectively at my side. Of course, he wasn’t the only guard wolf to hurry to his Lunas side. Luna Josie’s guardian was their pack Beta, Ethan while Gamma Sawyer was with Evie and Gamma Stone was hovering beside Marigold. The yard was bursting at the seams with warriors and every single one of them were immediately on full alert when we stood in front of them.

“That obnoxious group there belongs to me,” Josie laughed, pointing to a herd of six wolves standing off to the side, “Let me introduce you all to Dru, Theo, Ty, Scout, Avery, and Ford. My famous Luna guard.” She teased them.

“Well, the serious bunch of dudes next to them are our pack’s elite wolves, patrol group Delta,” Evie nodded towards a group of 10 very stoic looking brutes, “Dexter, Tatum, Lucas, Ferris, Shawn, Porter, Cole, Mason, Walker, and Zack, say hi.” She named them, forcing them to interact with the others. They grunted and waved weakly, clearly less humorous than Josie’s guards.

“I have Ferra.” Marigold laughed and one of the only female warriors in the group waved, “She’s our Beta and a one-woman fighting machine. But, she did bring along some fighters, Craig, Gabriel, and Zoey.” She added. I guess when you’re a powerful fae princess you don’t need many guards.

“What about you, Navy?” Josie smiled at me encouragingly.

“Oh, well, this is my Gamma Dover. Then there’s Beta Clay and Mason.” I answered, motioning towards Clay and Mason, Knox’s brother and brother-in-law, who stood quietly off to the side. They had a bunch of warriors behind them, but I didn’t know all of their names.

“I guess with two mates you don’t need a big guard, huh?” Josie snickered as did Mari, Evie blushed deeply.

“How does that work, anyway?” Evie whispered like she was sharing a price of gossip.

Evie had a strong commanding presence about her, but she was also very soft and gentle like I imagined a human to be. She was overly outspoken but wasn’t afraid to speak up when she needed to.

“Obviously quite well.” Josie motioned towards my belly and snorted.

The Luna with the Alpha blood in her veins was a completely different story. She was definitely the more braisen of us all and absolutely never afraid to speak her mind. She took charge like it was her birthright and we all followed willingly.

“Shall we?” I grumbled, motioning back towards the crowd who were watching us. Evie and Josie started laughing loudly as Marigold addressed the crowd.

“Well, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, we can get to work.” Marigold said, more curt and to the point than the rest of the girls. The fae Luna was more serious than the others, she never said more or less than what she had to.

“The Alphas are intergotting the rogues as we speak.” Josie announced to the group.

“I hope they rip their throats out!” One of Josie’s men shouted. She glared at him and he immediately clamped his mouth shut.

“What are we supposed to be doing?” One of Evie’s men asked.

“Waiting for your next orders, Tatum.” Evie snapped at him and he coward away from his Luna.

“For now, just hang out,” Josie added with a softer tone of voice, “Once the Alphas have more information we’ll be able to coordinate a better plan against the elders.”

“What about Alpha Alto?” One of Blue Moon’s warriors asked. Evie, Marigold, and Josie’s eyes turned towards me, expecting an answer. I felt myself blushing but I did my best to come up with an appropriate response,

“Alto Greystone no longer holds the title of former Alpha. He has been exiled from our pack and labeled a traitor. He is being interrogated for what he knows and used as a witness against the Council.” I explained.

“Exiled by who? Our Alpha?” One of the warriors asked and I shrunk back, noticing how none of the other Lunas were questioned by their men.

“Your Luna gave you an explanation. That’s all you need and all you should require.” Josie snapped at the warrior, glaring at the whole group.

“But….” He went on.

“Silence!” Evie’s Luna tone shook the entire yard. Every single wolf barred their neck to her, even the Betas and Gammas. The Lunas were the only ones left unaffected.

“Woah. That was intense.” Marigold smirked.

“So, that’s your gift, huh? A freakish Luna voice.” Josie looked impressed.

“Gift?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“Sure. The packs of the four corners all have powerful Alphas and gifted Lunas.” Josie shrugged, seeming to know way more than me.

“I didn’t…..” My voice trailed off. I didn’t want to sound as dimwitted as I felt.

“Josie is from an Alpha bloodline. She’s as strong as any she-wolf but without an actual wolf. I’m completely human and have a freakish Luna voice,” Evie quoted Josie who laughed, “Marigold is a fae princess and you’re a siren princess with whatever powers that entails.” Evie explained.

“I guess I just never thought about it.” I shrugged.

“What are you idiots looking at? Get back to work!” Josie shouted at the warriors who were all still staring at us. They scurried away, bumping into each other as they hurried to follow her command.

“Plus, Josie is scary.” Evie laughed loudly.

“I heard that you and Knox found out a bunch of history regarding the Council and your pack.” Josie said, ignoring Evie.

“Oh, yeah. We learned that my grandmother used to be the Luna of the previous pack who resided here. She was a siren, too. The Council threatened the pack’s Alpha against taking a siren Luna. Even after my grandmother left the pack to protect them, the Council ordered their massacre. Alpha Quinton survived with the two kids he had with my grandmother. Henry and Harper are now the Alphas of Velvet Moon.” I explained.

“What’s the deal with Velvet Moon, anyway? Are they like a part of Blue Moon?” Marigold asked.

“It was Quinton and my grandmother, Cordelia’s pack. So, when we finally found Quinton and his kids, Knox offered them part of his territory to restart Velvet Moon. Our packs work together.” I said.

“That’s really amazing that you two gave up some of your pack territory to right the wrongs of the Council. No wonder you’re both so invested in all of this.” Josie said in a hushed tone, her face filled with emotion.

“We all have a horrible reason for supporting this war.” Marigold stated.

“I’m just a silly human.” Evie spit the words she often heard others say against her.

“I’m just a worthless girl without a wolf.” Josie snarled.

“I’m just a Fae princess whose realm hates her, whose father didn’t want a pathetic daughter.” Marigold bit between her teeth.

“I’m just a disgusting siren who has no place on the surface.” I felt a newfound angry bubble up in my chest and spill out of my throat.

The girls stepped up beside me and the four of us stood side by side in a line, a barrier of Lunas standing between their pack, their Alphas, and the Council who threatened to take it all away.

“You’re a strong Luna, too, Navy. You just have to believe it.” Josie brushed her shoulder against mine, speaking to my insecurities.

“I do believe it. Standing beside all of you, I believe it.” I spoke honestly.

“Besides, caring an Alpha’s child is no easy task. A girl’s gotta be strong to accomplish that.” Marigold said.

“For real. How are you feeling?” Josie huffed, looking at me with pity, “I mean, I just had my third and I’m still hobbling around.” She added in a teasing tone.

“I feel like a bloated elephant.” I admitted.

“Girl, try having twins.” Marigold laughed,

“Same!” Evie agreed.

“Goddess. I had mine ten months apart and that was enough for me.” Josie sighed, rubbing her imaginary pregnant belly.

“Yeah, I’m just having one and that is good enough.” I smirked.

“Do you know what you’re having?” Evie asked in an excited voice.

“A boy.” I smiled proudly, my eyes sparkling with the idea of finally holding my baby.

Ooh. Name?” Marigold practically demanded.

“Well, we’ve decided on a name but we haven’t told anyone yet….” I barely got the sentence out and the Lunas started jumping all over me.

“Fine! Fine! His name is Briggs.” I laughed, shoving them away.

An hour later, I was shocked to find Josie and Marigold, Mari, joining the other warriors on the training grounds. Mari was a good fighter even without her magic and Josie was just a plain badass. Evie sat back with me, observing the crowd.

“Noah never liked the idea of me training, even though I asked. He said I would never need to be able to defend myself.” Evie laughed bitterly.

“Well, he’s right.” Evie’s Gamma, Sawyer, huffed from behind her, “You have a hoard of fighters at your disposal.”

“Well, Greyson doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with it!” Evie pouted, throwing her mate’s Beta under the bus.

“Greyson’s also mated to a vampire. His common sense is notoriously unreliable.” Sawyer grumbled. A low whistle blew past my ear and then Sawyer was on the ground with Greyson on top of him.

“You dare to speak out against my mate?” Greyson roared, sounding animalistic.

“Greyson, enough.” Evie sighed, looking tired of their antics, “Sawyer, apologize.” She demanded. The boys jumped up at the command of their Luna and bowed their heads.

“I was just joking, Greyson.” Sawyer said, “I’m sorry.” He grumbled.

“Gena is my mate and a vampire. Get the fuck over it.” Greyson growled.

“I know, I know.” Sawyer raised his hands in surrender.

“Maybe I should make some remarks regarding Lucy….” Greyson smirked and Sawyer’s hands started to shake.

“Alright, that’s enough.” Evie snapped, shoving the two men apart.

“Who’s Lucy?” I asked as Greyson sulked away.

“My mate, and Noah and Greyson’s youngest sister.” Sawyer said.

“And Greyson is mated to a vampire?”

“The vampire princess, Gena. Her brothers kidnapped me a while back and that’s when she found out Greyson was her mate. She’s since joined our side.” Evie explained like it was the most normal thing in the world.

“Uh-huh, I see.” I mumbled.

“How do you think I felt? I was a human drug into all this.” Evie snorted at my expression.

“I can only imagine.” I shook my head.

“Anyway, Greyson’s been casually training me the last few years. So, I know enough to not be totally defenseless.” Evie said, bringing the topic back around to what we were discussing before the brawl broke out.

“Well, I can’t do that, but I can do this…..” I waved my hand and the storm clouds rolled in.

Thunder cracked and lightning lit up the sky, rain started pounding the ground aggressively. I imagined Greyson’s fists on Sawyer’s face as the raindrops hit the ground twice as hard. Everyone on the field stopped what they were doing and looked around, shocked by the sudden storm. I noticed that Mari was the only one not drenched, using her own abilities to keep herself dry.

“Mari!” Gamma Stone shouted over the rain storm, accusing his Luna for causing the storm. She quickly shook her head,

“This one isn’t me.” She smirked over at me.

“Awesome.” Evie breathed, spinning around in the rain, “You and Mari can both manipulate storms.” She said.

“I can manipulate water.” I clarified, “Mari manipulates nature. It’s different.”

“If you say so.” Evie giggled.

I waved my hand and the storm stopped. With a flick of my wrist, all the water that had soaked into the ground and was dripping off the leaves, came to life. The water swirled around the training grounds, captivating the warriors. I threw my hand up and the water went up with it, a cascading rainbow reflecting off the shimmering water. In an instant, the water froze and came back down as fluffy white snow. The crowd erupted into playful laughter, warriors from California and Louisiana overwhelmed with the prospect of fresh snow.

“How fun.” Evie smiled at the snow, “I grew up in Hawaii. We never had snow.” She slowly walked towards the training field and started to dance in the snow.

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