#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 10

Blood Moon - Noah

“Why did you involve the Council?” I snarled, slamming Knox’s father, Alto, against the wall.

“They’re the only ones who hate sirens as much as me.” Alto sneered.

“How did you get them to attack?” Fox asked from over my shoulder.

“Didn’t take much. I just told them that I didn’t want that bitch as my pack’s Luna, ruining my pack.” Alto said, earning him another punch in the face. I dropped Alto to the ground and turned my back on him, completely disgusted.

“They hate mixing the species so much that they don’t need any convincing.” Alto added, spitting blood on the ground.

“So, that’s it? You just tell them about a Luna who isn’t a werewolf and they send their rogues to massacure her?” Fox spat.

“Not just the Luna. If the Alpha accepts a mate who isn’t a werewolf and makes her his Luna, and if the pack accepts her as their Luna, everything needs to be cleansed. The entire pack needs to be whipped out. Just like they did to Velvet Moon.” Alto said.

Alto didn’t need tortured to reveal the truth, he was all to eager to brag about how much the Council hated his son’s mate. So, the fact that I grabbed him by the throat and hauled his ass against the wall was totally overkill, but I couldn’t stop Remi from doing it. Remi growled in his face, my fingertips sharpening into claws as they buried themselves in Alto’s neck.

“They’ve done this before.” Fox’s voice was annoyingly calm. I retracted my claws so he could speak.

“Hundreds of times. They know how to cover their tracks and they always have support from someone inside the pack.” Alto said.

“That’s why they haven’t moved against any of us. Because no one from the pack has moved against them.” I said.

“Other packs aren’t my business.” Alto shrugged casually. I scoffed and shoved him away, turning my back on him again and walking past Fox. I needed to put some distance between us before I murdered Alto.

“How do they get the rogues to follow them?” Fox asked.

“They’re rogues, what else do they have to lose?” Alto snorted.

My skin was crawling the longer I stayed near this villian. I yanked open the cell door and stormed out, slamming the creaky door behind me. I heard Knox and August integrating the rogues and went to join them. Knox had a rogue slammed against the wall, his face was bruised and bloody.

“Who do you work for!” Knox yelled in his face and I got the feeling this wasn’t the first time he asked him this.

The rogue’s head lolled to the side, like he was seconds away from passing out. Bloody drool seeped from his busted lips.

“The Council.” He blubbered.

“Why?” Knox shook the rogue aggressively.

“So we didn’t die.” The rogue answered before passing out. Knox sighed and released him, his body crumbled to the ground.

“Next one.” Knox wiped his hands on his pants and winked at August.

“I get this one.” August argued, fighting Knox for the door. I laughed at the pair of them and followed them into the next cell.

“What do you think, Knox? Will this one talk before he passes out like the others?” August laughed, stalking towards the rogue in the corner of the cell.

“Y…yes!” The rogue shouted, already terrified.

“Oh sure, you get the smart one.” Knox rolled his eyes dramatically.

“I….I’m new. I was with a pack a few months ago. I just became a rogue. I don’t want this.” The rogue was rambling, fresh tears falling down his face. The three of us exchanged glances.

“Which pack?” I asked.

“Dark Moon in Oregon.” He stuttered.

“I’ve heard of them. They were just taken over by their neighboring pack, New Moon.” Knox said thoughtfully.

“I didn’t want a pathetic omega as our Luna, a bunch of us didn’t, so we became rogues” The rogue started. I didn’t know anything about New Moon or their Luna, but this guy had another thing coming if he wanted sympathy from us regarding the mate of an Alpha,

“The Council found us right away and went on and on about how disgusting it is for Alphas to mate lower down. Then, they started in on the tragedy of species mixing. I didn’t agree with most of what they said, just the part about not wanting a weak Luna. So, I joined them instead of being a starving, homeless rogue. I didn’t realize that being starving would’ve been better than serving the Council until it was too late.” The rogue responded eagerly.

“What did the Council make you do?” August demanded.

“They made us raid packs who they didn’t agree with. Some of them had Lunas who weren’t wolves or an abundance of wolves mating with non-wolves. Others just had Alphas who didn’t bend to their will. Pups, they called them. Too young to understand the importance of the Council’s laws.” I had to admit, this rogue sounded just as bitter as the rest of us.

“How do they keep everyone quiet? What stopped you from ditching them?” August asked.

“They know everything about you. Where you came from, your family. They threaten everyone. I have parents, siblings, a baby sister. They told me that if I left, if I told anyone, they would all die. The elders can make anything happen.” The rogue frowned.

“What’s your name?” I asked and his brown eyes shot towards me, surprised.

“Trever.” He said.

“Where are they hiding, Trever?” I pressed, stepping forward to meet his gaze.

“An abandoned packhouse about twenty miles from here. They have more rogues there. But, they move fast and quiet, so there’s no telling if they’re still there.” Trever said.

“Then, we have to move fast. We need detailed directions on how to get there.” I ordered the rogue who nodded quickly.

“I’ll help, I swear, just don’t kill me.” He said.

“If we can prove what you said is true, we’ll exchange your life for your help.” Knox agreed, handing the rogue a piece of paper and a pen. He immediately started to scribble down directions while I left to inform the others.

I grabbed Fox from Alto’s cell and we went to find our Lunas. To our surprise, Navy had turned the backyard into a winter wonderland and our big, bad warriors were playing in the snow. Fox and I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. Suddenly, the beautiful arms of my mate were wrapped around my neck and she was clinging to my back.

“Sweet Evie.” I purred, nuzzling against her cheek.

“Noah.” She kissed my ear, the way she said my name sent chills down my spine.

“Where’s my Luna?” Fox looked at us, clearly jealous.

“Right here, Alpha.” Mari smiled, wrapping her arms around Fox and kissing him hungrily, “Don’t mind them, Luna Navy is just easing the tension a bit.”

“We have news.” I announced.

“Come on, the others should hear this.” Evie said, jumping down from my back. She drug us over to where Navy and Josie were laughing.

“Where’s August?” Josie was instantly worried.

“He’s fine, he’s getting more information from the rogues. We found one who was willing to talk.” I filled the Lunas in on everything Trever told us.

“Then what are we waiting for?” Josie asked, looking like she was ready for a fight.

“We need you four to stay here.” August suddenly appeared behind his mate, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

“Why?” Josie leveled him with a glare.

“Yeah, why?” Evie snapped at me.

“Thanks, dude.” I grumbled at August who just shrugged.

“We can’t travel as one giant group all the time. It makes us too big of a target. We have to split up.” August said and, honestly, it made sense.

“The king and queen never travel together.” I added and Evie rolled her eyes at me.

“Neither do the president and vice president.” Knox added, joining the group. He wrapped his arms around Navy from behind, encircling her belly with his hands and rubbing it soothingly. I instantly missed my own mate being pregnant.

“We’ll take half the warriors and leave half here with you four. If we find anything, we’ll report back immediately. If the elders are there, we’ll haul their asses back here for interrogation.” Fox offered up a plan.

“And then what?” Mari asked her mate before directing her question to the rest of us, “After we get the elders who were involved in this attack, then what? How do we take out the entire Council?”

“She’s got a point.” Evie agreed, nodding.

“We’ll need the support of more packs.” I said.

“Lunas are good for more than just looking pretty. We can be very convincing.” Josie smirked, a plan forming in her eyes.

“No, Josephine.” August sighed, seeming to read her mind. Josie rolled her eyes like being told no was nothing short of a practical joke.

“We can go recruit other packs.” Josie offered up her suggestion anyway.

“That’s a terrible idea.” I said.

“I think it’s brilliant.” Evie argued.

“It definitely sounds like a job for a Luna.” Mari agreed, earning a glare from Fox.

“No way.” Knox shook his head quickly.

“You’d rather we all just sit here surrounded by warriors and do nothing?” Navy challenged him.

“Yes.” Cameron popped up out of nowhere then, clutching Navy close to his chest. Navy scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Tough shit.” Josie grumbled.

“What she said.” Evie nodded sternly.

“Come on, ladies, we can’t just let you go off without us.” I tried to sound reasonable but earned a sharp elbow jab in the ribs from my mate.

“We’ll bring our Gammas and some warriors, we won’t go unprotected.” Evie said like it was obvious.

“Navy, you’re pregnant, you can’t just go wandering off….” Knox started in on his mate and I decided to interrupt,

“Can we table this discussion for after we raid the elders hideout?” I sighed, sensing that this conversation was moving into dangerous territory.

“Fine.” Evie agreed and the rest of the Lunas nodded as well, but not without a few more glares towards their mates.

“We’ll talk about it later.” Mari said it like a promise.

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