#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 8

Blue Moon - Knox

The grounds of our pack in Eureka, California were alive with fighting already, the rogues had broken past our borders by the dozens. Alphas Henry and Harper of our sister pack, Velvet Moon, had already been informed, their pack responding as well. Between Velvet Moon and Blue Moon, we outnumbered the rogues but they were feral and more prepared. It was already turning into a bloodbath.

I burst into Alistair and he was ready for a fight. With my brother and Beta, Clay on my flank, we dove into battle. It wasn’t long before I sniffed out the culprit, confirming Dover’s earlier accusations. My father was standing in the shadows of the forest with Elder Jacobs and a few other older looking men dressed in fancy robes behind him. The Council and my father had orchestrated an attack against us all because we dared to stand against them. I dared to take my chosen mate. I dared to mix the wolf bloodline with that of a siren.

I snarled violently, racing towards them like a feral beast. I had lost control of Alistair, lost control of myself. I heard Clay and Dover calling out to me in the mindlink, but I pushed them aside. All I could see was red.

“Knox, stop.” Navy’s sweet voice called to me.

“Navy?” I skid to a stop, just short of reaching my father and the others.

“Not this way. You’ll never forgive yourself. Wait for the others and do it properly.” She begged me.

“Are you safe?” I asked urgently.

“Yes, I’m in the bunker with Cam.” She assured me.

“I love you. You’re right, of course.” I chuckled softly at her and felt her smile through the link.

I glared at my father through Alistair’s eyes and he returned it with a dark expression of his own. I hated this man with everything inside me, he was no longer my blood; he was dead to me. Alistair snarled at him before detouring to help out our pack members.

It wasn’t long before Silver Moon’s warriors arrived and the rogues were completely shut down. We kept as many of them alive as we could so that we would have witnesses to the Council’s betrayal.

With Silver Moon’s help, I managed to capture my father, who the elders completely abandoned in the woods. We weren’t able to hold any of the elders, they all disappeared the second Silver Moon showed up like the cowards they are. But, with so many rogue witnesses and my father in captivity, we were sure we could get enough from them to implicate the Council.

Four Alphas and four Lunas were crammed into my office in the early hours of the morning. My pack grounds were crawling with warriors, Betas, and Gammas from the visiting packs. Everyone was on edge.

“Luna Navy, are you alright?” The red headed Luna from Crescent Moon gently touched my mate’s arm.

“I’m okay, Luna Josie, thank you.” Navy smiled.

“And your baby?” Blood Moon’s human Luna lightly touched my mate’s belly.

“Everyone is okay.” Navy nodded.

“How about we drop the formalities? We’re all in this for the long haul, anyway.” Alpha Noah from Blood Moon laughed from the corner of the office.

“I agree….Noah.” I nodded and the rest of the room murmured in agreement.

“Anyway, what are we going to do about the rogues in the basement?” Finn, who prefers to go by Fox, from the Silver Moon pack, asked.

“I’m sure we’re all eager to get our hands on them, but this is Knox’s pack so we follow his lead.” August from Crescent Moon said.

The aura in the room with so many Alphas and powerful Lunas was stiff and filled with tension, but everyone had the same end goal and their own piece of the puzzle. Working together was our only option.

“What about the former Alpha?” Noah asked carefully.

“He’s nothing more than a rogue. No one here has any loyalties to him.” I said between my clenched teeth. Navy’s hand slipped into mine and she gave it a comforting squeeze.

“Why don’t you let the other Alphas handle interrogating him?” Cameron, Navy’s siren mate, suggested.

“We would be happy to.” August smirked and the other Alphas nodded.

“Alright, fine.” I agreed in a huff, not wanting to appear weak just because my father is involved.

“Really, Knox, it’s our pleasure.” Noah said with a glint in his mischievous eyes.

“Meanwhile, we can organize the others.” Josie said, standing up from her chair and squeezing August’s shoulder, “Right, ladies?” She looked around at the other Lunas.

I could feel the command pouring off of Josie. I knew that she came from an old Alpha bloodline, trained from a young age to be a strong Luna despite not having a wolf. She’s been a Luna for over four years, having the most experience among the four Lunas here; Evie from Blood Moon coming in at a close second.

I looked down at my own Luna. Navy had only officially been Luna for a few months and I worried that this was all too much for her. How often I underestimated my siren princess.

“Sounds good, dear.” August smiled at his mate and pulled her down for a lasting kiss.

“I’m sure we can handle that.” Evie smiled, kissing Noah before standing from her chair and moving away from him.

“Be safe, baby.” Noah’s eyes darkened as he looked possessively at his mate.

“There are dozens of warriors out there loyal to us, Noah, we’ll be fine. Not to mention we all brought our own guards with us.” Evie rolled her eyes at her mate and looked over at Marigold, the Luna from Silver Moon, “You coming?” She asked.

Marigold looked over at Fox hesitantly and he smiled, nodding assuringly. She’s only been a Luna for two years, but a fae princess for far longer. She was strong but shy and quiet. Fox gently kissed his mate’s cheek before she took Evie’s hand and followed her towards the door.

“Navy?” Josie looked towards my mate.

“It’s your choice, little Luna.” I pressed my lips to her ear and spoke softly.

“I’ll go with you.” Cameron added, his eyes hard and untrusting. I shook my head at him subtly.

“No, no. I’ll go, it’s fine.” Navy’s voice shook but her expression was determined. She offered Cam and me a shaky smile, kissing us each quickly before following the other Lunas.

“Your Luna will be safe with ours, I promise you that.” Noah assured me.

“Our ladies are strong, more than capable of handling themselves.” August said with pride in his eyes.

“I know, it’s just Navy has only been a Luna for a short time.” I sighed.

“Not to mention she’s pregnant. Goddess knows how crazy I am when Josie is pregnant.” August chuckled.

“I nearly locked Evie inside the packhouse for the entire pregnancy. All three of them.” Noah scoffed.

“If Mari wasn’t a fae, I would have for both of hers.” Fox agreed.

I was suddenly even more worried.

“Make sure Dover is with her.” I said, looking back at Cameron.

“Already done.” Cameron nodded, looking as sick as I felt.

“I can’t imagine sharing my Luna.” Fox snorted, looking between Cam and I.

“I was just thinking the same thing.” August nodded.

“We thought the same, too, but it’s different once the mate bond hits you.” Cameron chuckled at the Alphas’ shocked expressions.

“Come on, let’s head to the cells.” I said, standing from behind my desk and leading the charge to interrogate the rogues.

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