#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 5

Crescent Moon - August

I rolled over and wrapped my arms around Josie, nuzzling my face into her neck. I kissed her bare skin and tucked the blanket around her naked body. Carefully slipping out of bed, I tiptoed to the bathroom and took a shower. I was eager for my meeting with Alpha Finn and Luna Marigold, and to hear what information the fae’s had on the Council. I quickly rinsed off and got dressed, sneaking out of the room without waking up my mate.

I went downstairs to make sure breakfast was sent up to my Luna and our guests, only to run into Ethan sitting at the table.

“Hey, man, what’s going on?” I grinned, plopping down next to him. I was beyond thrilled to have my Beta back in the packhouse with his newly found mate.

“Just couldn’t sleep.” Ethan shrugged but I could see the worry clear on his face.

“Is Sybil okay?” I asked and Ethan nodded.

“She’s fine, just on edge about being here. She’s sleeping now so I figured I’d sneak away for a minute alone.” Ethan sighed.

“Ethan, I’m glad that you’re back but you know you could have stayed away longer to adjust with Sybil.” I said.

“It was Sybil who wanted to come back. I have a confession to make,” Ethan sighed again, looking guilty, “I found Sybil months ago but she was so terrified of everything and on the verge of rejecting me, that I just wanted to hide away with her.”

“I don’t blame you one bit, Ethan. Remember when I first met Josie? I wouldn’t let her near the packhouse until she was ready. You could’ve taken all the time that you needed.” I said.

“Things were starting to go well, you know? She was finally warming up to me and the mate bond when, all the sudden, she said we needed to come home. She said a threat was coming.” Ethan grumbled.

“A threat? Like the Council?” I was immediately on edge.

“I don’t know, she wouldn’t tell me.” Ethan shrugged.

“I don’t want to push you and Sybil…..” I started but Ethan interrupted me,

“I’ll ask her again.” He said.

“I’m meeting with Alpha Finn and Luna Marigold later today to discuss something that they learned in the fae realm.” I said and Ethan nodded, standing up from the table.

“I’ll meet you there.” He said before walking away.

I felt sad for my Beta. All I wanted was for him to find happiness with his mate like I found with mine. I hated that they were thrown into the middle of all of this and that I had to push them for information, instead of just letting them relish in their own love. I grumbled to myself and stood up, leaving to find the kitchen staff to prepare breakfast.

Hours passed and the packhouse was slowly beginning to wake up. It was a buzz with the newly found mate bonds and the addition of so many pack members. I sensed Josie entering the room before I saw her. Her sweet scent fills the room as she glides over towards me. I felt my entire face light up as I reached out my arm and wrapped it around her waist.

“Good morning, love.” I purred, kissing her deeply. She grinned against my lips,

“You snuck away this morning.” She giggled.

“I didn’t want to wake you.” I planted kisses all over her face and she squirmed under me.

“I hate waking up without you.” She pouted.

“I know, my love. I wanted to make sure breakfast was prepared for all our guests and I had to sort out some things with Ethan before our meeting.” I said, nipping at her pouty bottom lip.

“You spoke with Ethan?” Her expression changed quickly, “Is he okay?”

“He’s in a rough spot. He admitted to meeting Sybil months ago and hiding out with her while she adjusted to the idea of the mate bond. She was the one who wanted to come home. She sensed a threat against our pack.” I explained.

“Oh, poor Sybil. This must be so much for her.” Josie frowned. I held her face delicately in my hand, rubbing my thumb across her cheek bone.

“Don’t worry so much, my Luna, we’ll take care of her and so will Ethan.” I assured and she smiled again.

“There she is!” Josie wiggled out of my grasp and hurried over towards Sybil. She was clinging to Ethan’s arm as they hesitantly entered the dining hall. Before I could hold my mate back, she was ascending upon Sybil. I laughed and followed behind her.

“Good morning you two.” Josie smiled at Sybil and Ethan. Ethan grinned back,

“It’s good to be home again, Luna.” Josie rolled her eyes at his formality and threw her arms around my Beta. I resisted the urge to growl under my breath at another man hugging my mate. Even after all these years, the possessiveness and jealousy still raged within me and Arlo.

“I’ve missed you, Ethan.” Josie giggled, pulling back.

“You remember Luna Josie and Alpha August?” Ethan said to Sybil who nodded shyly.

“It’s just Josie, please.” Josie shot Ethan a glare before smiling at Sybil, “We’re happy that you’re here.” She added, reaching out her hand to squeeze Sybil’s.

Sybil gasped and clutched Josie’s hand tightly, pulling her close. I resisted the urge to grab Josie and shove her behind me; Arlo was on high alert. Sybil’s eyes started to glow and the air in the room got thick, a strange silence falling among the pack members. In a matter of seconds, it was all over and Sybil released Josie.

“What was that?” I growled, grabbing Josie and pulling her close to my chest. Ethan glared at me and my sharp tone, standing protectively in front of Sybil.

“I apologize, Alpha, I didn’t mean to upset you. Your mate’s touch brought on a vision.” Sybil spoke quietly.

“It’s okay. August, I’m fine.” Josie nudged me with her shoulder before smiling at Sybil, “What did you see?”

“How about we go to my office and talk?” I suggested, noting Sybil’s discomfort with the large crowd gathering around us.

“Good idea.” Josie nodded and so did Ethan with a grateful expression.

We ran into Alpha Finn and Luna Marigold along the way and we all settled into my office. Alpha Finn sat on one of the oversized chairs with Luna Marigold on his lap just as Josie sat on my lap behind my desk. Sybil was sitting on the couch with Ethan hovering protectively behind her, a hand on each one of her shoulders.

“I saw a storm with loud thunder and blinding lightning, it was raining so badly that I could hardly see what was around me. I heard howling and growling from hundreds of wolves. Then, the fog cleared and I could see a field alive with some sort of battle. I saw this battle before along with your faces, that’s why I told Ethan we had to come home.” Sybil explained, picking at her fingers and avoiding eye contact with us.

“Did you see anyone else?” Josie asked.

“I saw everyone in this room and a few others were around you who seemed important. You all stood together in a line with the wolves fighting in front of you. On the other side of the field was another line, the enemy.” Sybil said.

“The enemy?” I inquired.

“They felt like the enemy, anyway. There was a dark energy around them. They were all older men. I couldn’t see much else.” Sybil said.

“The Council?” Alpha Finn spoke up for the first time and we all nodded in agreement.

“Can I go now?” Sybil blinked up at us and she suddenly looked like a scared child. Ethan’s face crumbled as he looked upon his scared little mate. He grabbed her arm and led her towards the door.

“Thank you for all your help, Sybil.” Josie smiled as the two of them left.

“She saw a vision of us moving against the Council.” Alpha Finn stated.

“It sure sounds that way.” I agreed. Luna Marigold looked over at Alpha Finn and they shared a secret expression. Alpha Finn nodded.

“I should tell you what the elder Fae told us. It’s about a prophecy.” Luna Marigold’s voice fluttered like butterfly wings but was strong like an Eagle’s wings. Something about her commanded your attention, yet she was the tiniest thing; delicate and non-threatening.

“Tell us.” Josie said, eagerly leaning forward.

“First, you must know of the royal history,” Marigold began, “There was once a King Alpha and Queen Luna who resided over the werewolf kingdom. A century ago, the members of what is now known as the Werewolf Council, overthrew them. They executed the entire royal bloodline. Or so they thought. The Moon Goddess, in her wisdom, saved an unannounced heir to the crown and hid her among the children of the royal guard, until the time was right for the royal bloodline to rise again,

“The Council wanted absolute control over the werewolves, instead of the freedoms and self governing body that the royal family protected for centuries.” Marigold explained.

I felt my eyes widen as I looked down at Josie. She was equally as shocked. Alpha Finn just shrugged nonchalantly, like he had long since gotten over the shock of it all.

“An Alpha King and Luna Queen?” Was all I could manage to say.

“Then, there’s the prophecy.” Marigold added darkly. Then her voice changed and a strange aurora consumed us before she spoke again,

The time of the royal wolf will come when the daughters of the world combine with the strongest Alphas. Marked as one, the daughters of the species and the Alphas of the wolves, will bring unity to a broken realm and relinquish the fears that have long since plagued it. When the moon rises red on the descendants of the royal guard, the descendants of royal blood will be revealed. Together, the packs of the four corners will combine and bring unity and peace to the royal kingdoms.”

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