#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 6

Silver Moon - Finn

I smirked at the look on Alpha August’s face, remembering when my reaction was the same way. After Marigold and I met with the Great Fae and heard the prophecy for the first time, we lost our minds. Well, I lost my mind, Marigold just rolled with it like it was the most normal thing in the world.

“The packs of the four corners. I’ve heard that before.” Alpha August said.

“It refers to the four Alphas we’ve made an alliance with. Alpha Noah of Blood Moon, Alpha Knox of Blue Moon, Finn of Silver Moon, and you, Alpha August, of Crescent Moon and their Lunas, of course.” Marigold said.

“But, I don’t understand, why us?” Luna Josie asked.

“I’m not sure, but my guess is that it has something to do with the royal heir that survived the Council’s massacre.” Marigold said.

“The Moon Goddess chose our four packs to bring back peace to our realm. She doesn’t want the Council in control anymore than we do.” I said, narrowing my eyes on the Alpha and Luna before me.

“A war against the Council? That seems so extreme.” Alpha August grumbled.

“I told you once already, August, we would go to war if we had to for love.” Luna Josie ran her fingers through August’s hair with a gentle smile, “I won’t let anyone’s mate bond be questioned.” She added with a determined expression. August sighed and I knew he was giving in to his mate just as easily as I give in to mine.

My phone rang loudly in my pocket then. I grumbled at the intrusion and pulled it out, pressing the speaker to my ear.

“Alpha Fox, it’s Gamma Dover…..” The voice on the other end said.

“Something’s wrong.” I replied immediately.

“That’s right, we’re under attack.” Gamma Dover of the Blue Moon pack said.

“Rogues?” That one word got the attention of everyone else in the office. It was like the air left the room and suddenly it was hard to breathe.

“Yes, it’s the rogues.” Dover said.

“The Council, have they visited you?” I voiced my first thought.

“No, we haven’t had any visits from the Council but the past Alpha…..” Dover started and I remembered the conflict Blue Moon had with Alpha Knox’s father and his siren Luna, Navy.

“What about the past Alpha? Has he been around?” I asked quickly.

“No, we haven’t seen him.” Dover was speaking so quickly, both our minds running a mile a minute.

“Would he work with the Council?” I asked suddenly. Dover seemed to think that over for a minute,

“Yes, he could be capable of organizing this with the Council,” He paused for a second, “We need your help right away.”

“I’m sending warriors from my pack now.” I answered before he finished speaking.

“Thank you.” Dover ended the call.

Before I could update the room, I had to mindlink my pack and get help to Blue Moon in California.

“Ferra, Blue Moon is under attack. Send all of our best to their aid immediately.” I mindlinked my sister and Beta.

“Does this have something to do with the Council?” Ferra asked.

“Yes. It’s rogues, the Council’s rogues. They’re attacking a pack now, moving against a Luna.” I let Ferra feel my anger through the link.

“We’re awaiting your orders, Alpha.” Ferra quickly acted on my orders.

“What’s going on, Finn?” Marigold tugged at my hand, listening in on the mindlink.

“The Council has ordered a rogue attack against Blue Moon and their siren Luna. They saw elders standing in the shadows as the rogues attacked their pack.” I explained, glancing over at August and Josie.

Before they could answer, the door to the office flung open and Sybil entered with wild eyes and wind blown hair.

“It’s starting.” She said in an ominous tone.

“Call Blood Moon. We need to get to California immediately.” Alpha August jumped up from his desk and hauled Josie along with him.

The packhouse was suddenly exploding with activity. Alpha August gathered all of his best warriors and Josie assembled her guard. Beta Ethan would join with his mate Sybil, since she seemed to have some insider information. Acting-Beta Hayden and acting-Gamma Jared would stay behind to look after the pack. In less than an hour we were already on our way to California in strength and numbers that even the Council wouldn’t expect.

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