#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 4

Silver Moon - Marigold

I blushed deeply as we walked out of the woods, suspecting that everyone knew what had just happened. Instead, they were all focused on something else. I looked over at Finn who seemed just as clueless as me. We maneuvered through the crowd and saw that Avery, the upset member of Luna Josie’s guard, had, indeed, found his mate. Just like every other match that had been made tonight, the crowd stopped what they were doing to congratulate the new couple and laugh at their outlandish displays of affection.

This time, however, some members of Crescent Moon seemed overly shocked at the new pairing. Alpha August and Luna Josie were overseeing the affair, watching patiently to see if their intervention was needed as Avery and his new mate watched each other carefully.

“My name is Hank, I’m a member of the Satin Moon pack in Georgia.” The man introduced himself with cautious eyes. He was handsome, to say the least, with a soft baby face and adorable blonde curls. He had dark brown eyes and perfectly tanned skin.

“I’m not gay.” Was Avery’s response. Hank chuckled,

“The Moon Goddess says otherwise.” Hank didn’t seem bothered by Avery’s outburst.

“I….” Avery had no words.

“Look, let’s just take this one step at a time. I don’t even know your name.” Hank said.

“Avery.” Luna Josie spoke softly, calling out to her guard member. His head snapped towards her and his entire face softened.

I wondered what it must be like to have a guard who showed you such affection. I loved my pack members, but Stone and my brothers were the only men Finn let close to me.

Luna Josie hesitantly stepped forward, offering Avery her hand. He clung to it like he needed her strength. She smiled softly at him and he smiled back, saying nothing as he looked lovingly at his Luna.

“Just be happy, Avery.” She said, patting his cheek with her hand before stepping back into the arms of her mate. Avery sighed loudly and returned to Hank.

“Okay, let’s talk.” He agreed, nodding his head towards the packhouse. The two disappeared inside for a private moment.

The second they were gone, the party started back up. The drama already forgotten about as the drinks flowed and the music shook the grounds.

“Such an eventful night.” A man I didn’t recognize laughed, nodding his head towards Finn and I.

“You’re Alpha August’s brother, right?” Finn said.

“The more handsome one, yes.” The man chuckled, “I’m Mason, his oldest brother. I’m the Alpha of the neighboring pack. This is my mate, Laine.” Alpha Mason shook Finn’s hand and kissed mine. Laine waved shyly and I noticed that she was very pregnant.

“Congratulations.” I said, nodding towards her belly.

“Oh, thanks. Number five.” She shrugged with a small giggle. I felt my eyes bulge from my head,

“Woah. I just had our third and I’m thinking about tapping out.” I laughed. Alpha Mason threw his head back and laughed,

“That’s what Laine says every time.” He slapped Finn on the back, “We always seem to convince them otherwise, am I right?” He winked at Finn who shared in his laughter.

“Keep it up, wolf boy.” Laine narrowed her eyes on her mate and he immediately snapped his mouth shut.

“You’re in the doghouse now, my friend.” Finn laughed and I jabbed my elbow into his ribs, giving him a threatening look.

“We’re whipped, man, we don’t decide shit.” Finn said to Alpha Mason, shaking his head.

“True.” Alpha Mason huffed in defeat, trying to get back on his mate’s good side.

“Alpha Finn, Luna Marigold! There’s someone I want you two to meet.” Alpha August walked up to us with a clad looking man and a radiant, but timid, lady,

“This is my long lost Beta, Ethan, who has returned with his delectable mate, Sybil.” Alpha August grinned like a proud father.

“Oh, I’m so happy that you found her!” I smiled, clapping my hands together. Beta Ethan laughed,

“Thanks, Luna Marigold. I am, too.”

“Congrats man, tonight seems to be a night of miracles.” Finn shook Beta Ethan’s hand and offered Sybil a smile.

“Well, I had to work hard for this miracle.” Beta Ethan chuckled, holding his mate close to his side, “But, she was worth the hunt.”

Luna Josie was smiling from ear to ear and couldn’t keep her eyes off the Beta. It was clear how happy she was for her Beta and the love she felt for his mate. I felt my rage bubble up inside as I thought of the Council trying to keep these two apart, just as they wanted Finn to leave me. My mate squeezed my hand like he could sense my emotions and I immediately started to relax at his touch.

“It was nice to meet you two and I appreciate all the support you’ve offered my Alpha. I know the talks you all have had with other packs about the Council and I look forward to joining the conversations. But, for now, I need to take my mate inside to rest. We’ve had a long journey.” Beta Ethan smiled softly, leading Sybil away from the crowd.

“The Council won’t rest now. They’ll be coming for Ethan and Sybil.” Alpha August’s voice was low and serious.

“We’ll be ready.” Finn nodded stiffly.

“Come on boys, the night is still young.” Luna Josie’s smile didn’t quite reach her eyes as she tugged at Alpha August’s hand, pulling him away from the dark noted conversation.

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