While Bella's mates were trying to gather the remaining werewolves for the completion of the ritual, the vampires were striving to gather four hundred werewolves to release their dead brothers. Things had slowed for the vampires because the soldiers and witches had been alerted, and it had become a full-blown war. At every border, soldiers were stationed.
Halle and the other witches were deployed to find the source of the portals, and after much research, they realized energy drawn from the human world powered the portals. They worked together to set up a barrier, breaching the vampires' access to the human world.
"Stupid witches and wolves!" Enzo roared in his den as Sue gave him an update on what was happening.
Anger surged through him, and he wanted to storm into the prison to wipe out the entire wolf population, but he knew that would only be foolish of him.
"We could send for the witches, and they will create portals naturally," Sue suggested, and Enzo scoffed, slamming his hand on the throne.
"Those witches are useless. Unless it's a Baudelaire witch, there's no need for me to use them."
When he said this, Sue remembered Bella had Hazel as a friend, so she decided to mention it, hoping to get on his good side.
"Maybe we are not totally at a loss, great one," she said, and Enzo looked at her with a raised brow.
"What are you playing at?" he asked immediately, his voice still laced with anger.
"Your sidekick," she said, holding his gaze. "Her best friend is a Baudelaire. I do not know how powerful she has become, but she played an important role in protecting the princess. She is one reason we weren't able to capture and kill Bella easily."
With his face still wrinkled, Enzo stroked his beard, boring his gaze into Sue.
"If it is your wish, then I can get her to convince her friend to work for you. And if she refuses, we'll threaten her with death."
Deep down, Enzo was proud of Sue, but he never showed it because he wanted to assert his dominance. He had raised Sue, and he knew she was as strong as him, so he believed that constantly putting her down would remind her of her place in his kingdom.
"Let my precious sidekick know I need her," he softened his voice, trying to gauge Sue's reaction. She gave a bow at once and walked away while Enzo leaned back into his throne.
All he wanted was immortality, he told himself. If the universe had granted it to him on a silver platter like Radolf Clawmark, he wouldn't have to kill people to get it. He tried to convince himself he wasn't a terrible person; it was just the condition of things that had made him this way.
Shortly, Bella walked into the room with her chest thumping hard. These days, she didn't know what to expect from Enzo. He hadn't allowed her to leave the previous day. Now they had over two hundred wolves, which was half the number they needed. Her friends had forty on their side. Their progress was better, but she still feared Enzo might do something drastic out of nowhere.
"Sue said you wanted to see me," she said in a low tone, and Enzo gave a nod as he sat up.
"Why do you speak so formally?" he questioned, and Bella glared at him. A part of her couldn't believe his intentions were to kill her in the end because he kept acting as though he cared about her.
"I am sorry about that, and I will try to loosen up. It is probably the tension from the war because now that the wolves have discovered our motives, it will be more difficult to deal with them," she said to him, driving more fear into his chest.
This was exactly what she wanted, and she was getting him right there.
"That is why we need to be ahead of them, and Sue has brought great news on how you can help." Bella swallowed hard when she heard this, and all she could think about was what Sue could have possibly said.
"And how may I be of help? I would gladly do that." A smile spread across Enzo's lips at once, and he locked his eyes on Bella's, trying to see if she would flinch.
"Provide me with the Baudelaire witch before today ends, and she must follow my orders, or I will kill her." Her heart skipped a beat when he said this, but she tried to maintain her composure. "I am sure you have an idea where she is. Also, if you need the help of the soldiers, I will willingly give them to you. As you can see, they have cut our energy supply from the human world, and without portals, we cannot get around. And if we cannot get around, it will be impossible to win this war. So, what do you say?"
Bella hesitated for a moment.
"I am in, but I do not need vampires to help me. I think I can sort myself out. Hazel has been my friend, and I know just what to say to her that might work," she replied.
"That is why you are my sidekick. You make life easier for me," he said to her, and she feigned laughter.
"When do I leave, and how do I get to the destination?" she asked, and he snapped his fingers.
Sue came rushing through the door at once.
"Tell your pathetic witches to open a portal for my sidekick immediately. She has a mission to carry out, and I want it done now," he said, and she nodded, walking away.
Bella followed Sue at once without a word. She remembered her conversation with Sue, so she knew Sue was hurt, and speaking about Enzo wouldn't be the best thing at the moment. She kept her mouth shut until they got to the witches' lair.
"We need a portal right now to the..." Sue looked at Bella with a raised brow.
"Frost Pack," Bella lied, because she didn't want Sue to discover the hidden cave in the Outlands where Hazel and the rest were hiding.
"To the Frost Pack," Sue said, and the witch, who was lying on what looked like a stone bed, got to her feet. "So, you do need me? I thought your vampire king said I was slow, and..."
"He still thinks you are. She is going to find a better and stronger witch. The Baudelaire witch is coming, so you better keep up with your game, or you'll have to find another den to join because you cannot be slow here!" Sue was practically yelling and Bella was shocked by the amount of anger buried in her.
"I am not your problem, Sue. You should face your uncle like a man. Have some balls." She sounded very much like Lyra, which brought a smile to Bella's face, but Sue didn't see it that way.
"And what exactly are you laughing at?" she sneered, and Bella shook her head at once.
Sue ignored her, rolling her eyes, and then the witch snapped the portal open at once. Bella walked into it, and just like Hazel's old portals, she found herself falling freely into space for a long time before she landed with a crunch on a pile of brown leaves.
At that moment, she heard a roar, which caused her to stand quickly. She began to run away from the sound of the roar as her hands fumbled for her phone. She placed a call to Hazel at once.
"Help! I think I ran into a bunch of rogues or warriors. I don't know-they're chasing me!"
"Warriors? If you're in the Thorne Pack, then you are the rogue! Where are you?" Hazel's voice came out frantic. "The mountains in the Frost Pack!"
At that moment, Hazel shut her eyes, trying to locate Bella. As soon as she found her, she created a portal, but a wolf was already on Bella's trail. Bella tripped over a twig, kissing the ground. Then she turned over, staring at the wolf that glared at her. Before she could say a word, she felt a hand pull her, and she found herself in the cave.
"You could have come sooner!" she yelled, her brows shooting up.
"Chill, I wasn't going to let them fight with you. I mean, you could have beaten them."
"But I wasn't in the mood because I am still shaken by what I am supposed to do here," she said, then spilled the words.
"Enzo wants you to work for him as a witch."