#12 The Triplets of Emerald Forest

Chapter 30


Thankfully, my friends were always down for clubbing in the city so they were willing to meet up with us the next night. The group that I quickly learned always traveled together would be coming along as well: Kori and Waylon, Annie and Cambridge, Matti and Ambrose, Callie and Deale, Nova and Alaska, Godric, Griffin, Gabriel, and me. Tori had decided on a club none of us had been to yet, Decades D.C. It was about a two hour drive from the packhouse and, lucky for me, directly across the street from my old work establishment.

“We look hot.” Annie smirked, teasing her bright purple hair as we all stood in front of the floor length mirror in my closet.

I had nothing to wear, per usual, so the girls lent me my outfit for the evening, which meant that it was entirely too tight and definitely inappropriate. However, given the reaction I got from the brothers yesterday, I was kinda looking forward to what they would do once they saw me in this.

I was wearing a dark violet bodycon dress that stopped about five inches above my knee and clung desperately to my curvy hips and chunky thighs. I refused a strapless dress since my boobs always fell out of them, so this dress sported a deep v-neck line and skinny, bejeweled straps that left my back completely exposed. I matched the dress with black stiletto high heels. Nova curled my hair down my back and did my make up similarly to how it was done the day before.

“Are you girls soon ready?” Waylon grumbled impatiently as he pounded on our door.

“Get a handle on your mate, Kor.” Annie rolled her eyes. Kori let out an irritable sigh before clicking away in her heels.

“This is going to be so much fun!” Nova exclaimed, jumping up and down.

“It’s going to be something, that’s for sure.” I mumbled.

“What’s wrong, Harlie?” Matti asked, fussing with my hair as she stared at my reflection in the mirror.

“I’m worried about the brothers getting along with my friends, and about them going overboard.”

“Oh, they’re definitely going to go overboard. Just embrace that now and be prepared to deal with it.” Matti shrugged.

“How do I deal with it?” I wondered, turning around to face her.

“You got it, girl, flaunt it.” Matti smirked, pumping up my breasts. I swatted at her hand, a deep rose blush covering my face. Nova and Annie started laughing at my reaction,

“She’s right. You can get out of anything with a little flirting.” Annie said,

“And we’ll be there to distract the boys if need be.” Nova gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze before we all headed out of the closet.

Waylon was the only one waiting for us on the top floor. The others had gone down stairs to “prepare”. I dread to think what that meant. Waylon’s eyes popped out of his head when he saw our group but he quickly composed himself, probably thinking back to the scolding he got from Kori the day before.

“Ready?” Waylon asked, clearing his throat.

“Let’s go, Romeo, before you get in trouble again.” I laughed at him, leading the way to the elevator.

We all piled in and rode the elevator in silence. The doors opened and all of our mates were waiting for us in the front entryway. There was a chorus of growls and then all the girls were gone from my side. I gasped and looked around.

Nova and Alaska were already making out, Deale had Callie pressed aggressively against the wall, Ambrose was necking Matti, Cambridge’s hands were wandering all over Annie, and I was being stared down by three hungry looking Alphas.

“You look ravishing.” Godric growled, snaking his arm around my waist and tugging me into his chest. He placed a hot kiss on my forehead.

“You do things to me like this, angel.” Griffin’s voice was equally as husky as he took his turn with me, placing a smacking kiss on my cheek.

“I know that you didn’t teach yourself to dress like this, but I might love this look enough to let you get away with it anytime you want.” Gabriel’s eyes were dark as he took me in his arms, pinching my chin in between his fingers and forcing me to look at his gaze.

I blushed and bit my lip, my brain too foggy to come up with a good response. I was saved by the girls who had all recovered from being attacked by their mates. One of them, I’m not sure who, ripped me bravely from Gabriel’s arms and shuffled me down the front steps. None of the males were willing to leave their mates dressed like they were so we had to split up into the two SUVs. I was informed that a third SUV would have several guard wolves who would be accompanying us as a precaution. I knew better than to argue.

“Tell us about your friends, Harlie.” Ambrose said from where he sat in the third row of the car, his arm wrapped around Matti’s shoulders.

“Well, I know them all from school. The ring leader is Toni and she’s my best friend. Her current flavor of the week is Zack. Then there’s Ty, Liam, and I think Brandon will be there, too. They’re all from the same fraternity. Livvy and Kenzie are in the same year as Toni and I, we’ve had several classes together. I’m not sure who else is going to be there.” I explained, noticing how the brothers’ grew stiff and silent when I mentioned the guys.

“Are they cool?” Waylon asked.

“Why would she hang out with them if they were lame?” Matti snorted.

“Well, I don’t know.” Waylon grumbled.

“They’re good. The guys are a little dickish, you know, your typical frat boys, but they’re alright.” I shrugged.

“These guys don’t know the first thing about frat boys, Harlie.” Matti laughed, “They’re too rich and pampered.” Ambrose frowned at Matti, nudging her shoulders.

“Oh don’t get pissy with her, she’s right!” Kori defended Matti, earning an equally as offended look from Waylon.

“Well, Ty and Liam are good guys. Brandon is a real asshole, he’s only invited because they’re fraternity brothers. I don’t really know Zack, but Toni doesn’t tend to date the most savory of characters. Livvy and Kenzie can be real flirts but it’s mostly harmless.” I tried to explain the dynamic of my friends but it was no easy task.

“There’s no such thing as harmless flirting with werewolves.” Matti warned me.

“You all are just going to have to keep your cool.” I warned them.

“Humans are weird.” Ambrose grumbled to himself.

About a half an hour later, we pulled up in front of Decades D.C. There was a line out the door but I guess money talks because the brothers got us in right away. We were escorted to the second floor and into a large VIP booth. I sent Toni a text to let her know where to meet us and went to tuck my phone into the top of my dress.

“Let me.” Gabriel said, snatching the phone from my hand before I could stuff it down my dress. He shifted to the side and slid my phone into his pocket, “It’ll be safer in here.” He smiled, patting his pocket.

“Thanks.” I shrugged.

I was sandwiched between Gabriel and Godric with Griffin on the other side of Gabe. The rest of the gang filled in around us. There was a smaller booth directly across the aisle from ours that the brothers’ also reserved for my friends. The waitress came and took our drink orders quickly. Before she could return, I heard Toni squealed and the sound of her heels scampering across the walkway. I grinned and shimmied so I was standing up between the booth and the table, reaching across to give her a hug.

“It’s so good to see you, Harlie!” Toni squealed before pulling away and looking around the table, “Who are all these beautiful people?”

I introduced my new werewolf friends to my old human friends, because that’s not weird at all, and they all seemed to get along right off the bat. After everyone had a few drinks in them, it was time to hit the dance floor. The DJ was blasting 80s and 90s classics, which was a fun twist on the usual playlists in the city clubs.

I learned that Ambrose, Waylon and Alaska were huge dancers while Cam, Deale, and the Alphas were complete party poopers about it. I ignored them and joined the girls in our very own moshpit. Toni, Livvy, and Kenzie joined in and we were all laughing together like old friends.

“Those three keep staring you down, Harlie.” Toni whispered loudly in my ear. I didn’t have to look to see who she was talking about,

“They want to be my boyfriends.” I whispered back, knowing perfectly well that they could hear me easily with their werewolf hearing.

“All three of them?” Toni gasped.

“It’s a new world, Toni.” I laughed and she blinked at me.

“Who are you and what have you done with my innocent little Harlie?” She mocked me.

If only she knew that I used to work at the gentlemen’s club across the street.

“You got away from me, baby.” Zack wrapped his arms around Toni’s hips and pressed her back to his front. She squealed and turned their bodies away from the group so they could dance without us staring at them.

I went to move closer to the rest of the girls when a set of unfamiliar hands landed on my hips. From the lack of sparks, I knew they didn’t belong to my mates. I whipped around and came face to face with Brandon.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I snapped at him.

“Just taking my revenge on how you acted towards me the other day. You hurt my feelings. Don’t you think you owe me an apology?” His eyes were locked on to my boobs the entire time he spoke.

I heard a low, warning growl coming from somewhere behind us, but I wasn’t about to wait to be rescued. I jammed my knee into Brandon’s groin for the second time in as many weeks. He groaned and stumbled backwards. Before he could react, Gabriel and Godric were on him, hauling him from the dance floor. Griffin had his arms around me.

“Are you okay?” He asked with wide, worried eyes. His hands were wandering up and down my body as if checking for injuries.

“It’s just Brandon. It’s not the first time I’ve handled him.” I rolled my eyes, shaking off his concern.

“Well, it will be the last.” Griffin growled.

As if on cue, Gabriel and Godric returned. They stood on either side of me and took my hands in each of theirs.

“Are you okay, precious?” Godric asked, pressing his lips close to my ear.

“I’m fine.” I bit, “And I didn’t need saving.”

“We saw, little mate, you had everything under control. But, you see, it’s our job to come in and take care of things so you don’t have to. It’s our job to make sure that that vial human never looks in your direction again.” Gabriel refused to let me look away from his gaze, “You understand?” He asked, wrapping an arm around my waist yanking me into his chest.

I nodded, gulping as I felt his well defined body press against mine in all the right places.

“What’s wrong, little mate?” He whispered in my ear, nibbling on my earlobe.

“N…nothing.” I stammered. I felt his chest vibrate with laughter.

“Dance with me?” He asked and I nodded.

His hands were on my hips and mine were gripping his biceps. We started to sway to the music when I felt a shower of sparks run up my back. I gasped as an equally toned body pressed against my back. I instantly knew it was Godric as he ran his hands down my arms, tilting me backwards so I was leaning my head against his shoulder. I swayed my hips to keep up with the pace Godric and Gabriel were setting.

After a minute or two, I looked to the side and saw Griffin was watching with an intense expression. I reached my hand out, having the urge to make sure he wasn’t left out. He grinned and accepted my hand. I tugged him towards us and he formed himself to my side. Somehow, the four of us found a rhythm and the feeling of all three of their bodies pressed against mine was almost too much for me to take.

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