#12 The Triplets of Emerald Forest

Chapter 29


I made my escape to the elevator and greeted Waylon as soon as I stepped off. I needed some human moments away from my triplet werewolf mates. Don’t get me wrong, they were growing on me and this morning was amazing, but it was a lot.

“How did this morning go, Harlie?” Waylon asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes,

“I don’t kiss and tell.” I said in a mocking tone.

Oooh, so there was kissing?” Waylon teased.

I shoved against his chest, making him trip and fall over the carpet in the living room. I laughed at him before disappearing into my bedroom.

Wait, when did I start calling it my bedroom?

I sprawled out on the bed and stared at the ceiling, contemplating the last few days. I didn’t have much alone time before the girls were breaking down my door and demanding details.

“Tell me that my brothers have been acting like gentlemen?” Nova said in a threatening tone. I laughed at her,

“Yes, actually, perfect gentlemen.” I confirmed.

“Good, because if they aren’t, you tell me and I’ll castrate them.” She said, her eyes flashing black for a moment.

She might not be able to shift, but Nova and her werewolf counterpart were still just as deadly with their heightened instincts and dedication to training. It was obvious that she had something serious going on behind those dark orbs.

“How has it been having alone time with each of the Alphas?” Matti asked with a sly smirk.

“It’s been really good and definitely what I needed.” I said,

Suddenly, Kori was squealing and the door to my bedroom banged open. Waylon was standing there with a threatening expression.

“What’s wrong?” He rushed into the room and grabbed his mate, moving her closer to me so he could guard us both, and looked around the room with narrowed eyes.

“Nothing, idiot, get off of me.” Kori huffed, pushing her mate away in annoyance.

“You screamed!” Waylon said in an exaggerated tone.

“Not out of danger. Get out.” She pushed him towards the door and slammed it in his face, “Overprotective werewolves.” She scoffed and the rest of us laughed.

“But, why did you scream?” Annie looked flabbergasted.

“What is this?” Kori danced over towards me and picked up the necklace that Gabriel had given me.

“Oh, the boys got it for me.” I grinned proudly.

I really did love the gesture and meaning behind the necklace Gabriel gave me and I was impressed that it was his idea.

“That is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. What’s the sapphire for?” Kori asked, examining the delicate charm.

“My birthstone. Gabriel said that it’s supposed to represent their marks since I’m obviously not ready for that yet.” I explained.

“Did he tell you about the marking?” Matti asked and I nodded,

“He did, today.”

“And you didn’t run away? That’s awesome progress, Harlie! I was sure the whole mating process was going to freak you out.” Matti let out a sigh of relief.

“Hold up, the what process?” I backed out of Kori’s grip and eyed them all with what was probably a horrified expression.

“Way to go.” Annia jabbed her elbow into Matti’s ribs.

“What? She said she knew about the marking!”

“No one said anything about mating. What the hell does that even mean?”

“Well mating is…..mating.” Kori blushed a little.

“Sex, Harlie, it’s sex.” Annie rolled her eyes at Kori’s bashfulness, “That’s when marking happens, during sex, specifically when you climax.”

Nova covered her ears and started singing very loudly.

“I do not want to hear a sentence that includes my brothers and climaxing.” She cried out.

“We’re all mated to werewolves, for crying out loud, get it together.” Annie scoffed.

Meanwhile, I was still gaping openly at the girls with a horrifyingly deep blush on my face. I swear, my cheeks were on fire. The girls stopped bickering and looked at me like they were trying to determine if I was still breathing. Honestly, I might’ve died.

“Just relax, Harlie, the Alphas won’t rush you.” Matti said, placing her hands firmly on my shoulders.

“Mhm.” I squeaked and they all laughed at me.

The mood in the room relaxed after that and we fell into casual chit chat. The girls started asking about my life before the kidnapping and I told them about college and my friends.

“You must miss them.” Kori sighed and I nodded.

“I miss Toni the most. She’s been my best friend since I moved here two years ago.”

“I have an idea! We haven’t had a girls night out and the Alphas need to seriously let off some steam after that rogue attack. Why don’t you invite your friends to one of the nice nightclubs in the city and we can all go out!” Annie screeched.

“Just not the one that you used to work out. The Alphas will probably lose their minds at that.” Matti chuckled and I shot her an embarrassed glare. She just shrugged like it was no big deal.

“You really think they’d agree to something like that?” I said with tempered hope.

“Oh, you have all the right tools to make it happen, babe.” Annie smirked at me.

“Wha….” Before I could finish asking what she meant, she was pulling me from the bed and dragging me into the bathroom.

The girls changed me into a dangerously provocative outfit. And that’s coming from a girl who wore bikinis to work.

Annie had given me one of her tops that was way too small but that added to the appeal, or so she says. It was a dark purple v-neck crop top that had my double Cs spilling out of it. I was wearing a tight pair of jean shorts that belonged to Nova. They shaped my heart shaped ass perfectly, but were pinching my thick thighs uncomfortably. Kori did my make up so I was wearing a smoky eyeshadow and liner combo, and my lips were painted bright red. They did up my hair so it was in a high pony, leaving my neck exposed because that would, apparently, entice their wolves.

“There. Now, just go downstairs and strut your stuff.” Annie said, giving me a little shove.

“You want me to go out in public like this?” I squeaked. I felt more covered up in my bikinis.

Still, they shooed me out of my room. Waylon fell out of his seat when he saw me and immediately looked away, clearing his throat.

“Luna?” He croaked out. Kori planted herself in front of him with a stern glare and her hands on her hips.

“What’s wrong, Waylon?” She bit.

“I…uh….nothing, my darling.” He stammered and Kori just shook her head at her mate.

“Harlie is going to see her mates.” Annie declared, heading right past Waylon and towards the elevator.

“I have to escort you, Luna.” Waylon said quickly.

“We’ll be with her and, besides, there’s no safer place than in the packhouse with the three Alphas.” Nova shrugged, pressing the down arrow on the elevator panel.

“You’re staying here with me.” Kori demanded and, judging by the look on her face, they weren’t about to have a very pleasant conversation.

Matti, Nova, and Annie accompanied me in the elevator and I was forcing them to stay with me until we found the brothers. I hid behind them in case anyone else was wandering the halls, and thank God I did. Just as we exited the elevator, a bunch of guys were moving away from the Alphas office wing in a noisy group. They froze when they saw us and started to bow their heads,

“Beta Female, Nova.” They greeted the girls and then their eyes fell on me.

I wiggled uncomfortably under their lustfully dark gazes. Matti cleared her throat and stood in front of me with her hands on her hips,

“This is your Luna, gentlemen.” She said with an attitude.

“What?” One of the guys asked with huge eyes.

“Yeah, right, Matti. The Alphas haven’t said anything.” A girl with bright red shoulder length hair broke free from the group and glared at Matti. Her eyes locked on mine and they were filled with hate and disgust.

“You better cool it, Gina.” Matti warned the red head.

“Why is that oh great Beta Female?” She scoffed.

“Because that is your Luna and you’ll catch hell from your Alphas if they see you mocking her.” Nova said, eyeing Gina with an irritated glare.

“You’re so full of shit, Nova. That pathetic little thing could never be mated to our triplet Alphas. She’s a human.” Gina scrunched up her nose.

“And, yet,” A deep voice rumbled through the halls, “She has been mated to your triplet Alphas.”

Matti and Nova grinned smugly as Gabriel made his way through the crowd with Godric and Griffin hot on his heels. They both looked like they could breathe fire at the moment, their eyes pitch black with rage. The men were quick to flee, leaving Gina to fend for herself.

“A…Alphas.” She stammered, sending a particular look towards Godric that set my teeth on edge.

“Come to us, precious.” Godric said, ignoring Gina’s stares and holding his hand out towards me.

I moved between Matti and Nova, and heard the brothers growl as their eyes slid over my appearance. I had almost forgotten how I was dressed and what I had originally come down here to do. Godric wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me roughly to his side. I gasped, surprised by the sudden friction. He bent down and growled in my ear,

“What are you doing, precious?”

I didn’t answer.

“Harlow is your Luna and you will show her the respect she deserves. Is that clear, Gina?” Gabriel said through a clenched jaw.

“Yes, Alpha.” Gina mumbled, looking at her feet.

“You’re dismissed.” Griffin said with a wave of his hand, “And you, our office, now.” He jabbed a finger in my direction and then started walking off down the hall.

Godric gave me little choice but to follow. We reached Gabriel’s office and I was pleased to see that Annie, Nova, and Matti had followed us in.

“What in the name of the Goddess are you wearing?” Gabriel asked with a pained expression, clenching and unclenching his fists at his side.

“Oh, nothing.” I looked down at myself and shrugged innocently.

Godric growled and held me closer to him, if that was even possible.

“You cannot walk around the packhouse looking like that.” Griffin said, looking a mix between angry and lustful.

“And why not?” I asked with my hands crossed over my chest.

That was the wrong move because the action forced my breasts up even higher, exposing even more of them to the brothers.

“Nova, Matti, Annie, get out.” Gabriel snarled towards the girl.

“Now, now. I don’t want to be in a room with my three brothers and all this arousal smelling disgustingness anymore than you want me here, but we were coming down to bring up an idea to you three.” Nova said, stepping further into the room.

“Later.” Godric growled.

“No, now.” I argued, wrestling out of his grip and moving to stand beside Nova.

“We want to go out to the city, to a nightclub, with Harlie’s friends from school. She needs to see her friends and you three need to relax after all this rogue business. Not to mention the four of you need to bond outside of this packhouse and all the drama. And, last but not least, I need to party and drink with my new sister.”

Nova described the plan and listed off all of the reasons why it was a good idea. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she whipped out a PowerPoint presentation to go along with her speech.

Godric, Griffin, and Gabriel exchanged glances before they turned their glares back on their sister.

“You dressed her like this to force us to say yes.” Gabriel said and it wasn’t a question.

“You used our innocent mate against us?” Griffin looked offended.

“I’m okay with it.” Godric shrugged and I bit back a laugh. Griffin and Gabriel rolled their eyes at their third brother.

“I would never.” Nova fanned innocence and fluttered her fake eyelashes.

“Please, I want to see my friends and I want to spend time with all of you away from here.” I begged them, putting on my best puppy dog eyes.

They melted like putty in my hands.

“Well when you look at us like that and are dressed like this, we literally cannot say no to you, precious.” Godric said in a husky tone.

“When do you want to go?” Gabriel conceded.

Annie squealed and jumped up and down in victory.

“Let me call Toni and see when it’s a good time for her.” I offered and Gabriel grunted in response.

“Come on, back to girl time.” Annie said, grabbing my hand and pulling me from the office.

What?” Godric cried out just as Nova slammed the door on his face.

“We gotta get you out of here before they eat you whole.” Matti laughed as we ran for the elevator, giggling the whole way there.

“Someone please get me out of this.” I groaned as I tugged on the painfully tight shorts.

The girls continued to laugh as the elevator doors slid shut.

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